Only a Few Roads lead to Rome: The Regulation of Entry and Broadband Performance José Maria Castellano Universitat Pompeu Fabra Acorn-Redecom Conference Mexico City, 4-5th September 2009 07/06/2010 1
Overview Basic Concepts • Empirical Evidence • The Theoretical Framework • The Causal Model • The Methodology • The Data Analysis • Conclusions • 07/06/2010 2
Basic Concepts Broadband = Internet > = 256 kbit/s Broadband Penetration = % inhabitants with broadband subscription
Basic Concepts Broadband Performance = (% inhabitants in ti -% inhabitants in t0) /ti-t0 Market Entry Regulation = Legal Requirements
Empirical Evidence Entry regulation do not explain differences in broadband performance.
Empirical Evidence Reg. /Perf. High Medium Low High Denmark France Ireland Medium Estonia Lithuania Greece Low Finland Germany Italy
Under what conditions does entry regulation promote different broadband performances?
The Theoretical Framework Economic Factors GDP is 0.65 correlated with broadband penetration Political and Institutional Factors Market Entry regulation is key for invesment and innovation
The Theoretical Framework Technological Factors Path Dependence and Network Effects Social and Demographic Factors Urban areas (more density, education and higher income)
The Causal Model Dependent Variable Broadband Performance Independent Variable Entry Regulation Other variables Education (secondary school dropout rate) Income (GDP per capita) Density (% inhabitant per m2) Young Population (% population bn 18-24 y.o.)
The Methodology Reg./Eco- High Medium-Low demo-soc High H1 H4 Medium H2 H5 Low H3 H6
The Methodology Method QCA Intensity/Large number of cases Data Broadband (OECD/ITU) Regulation (PLAUT ECONOMICS) Social, Economic and demographic (EUROSTAT) Case selection 27 EU From 1996 to 2008
The Data Analysis High Broadband Performance Config. MedEnt Young High MedSec Reg Income School Popul 1 P P P 2 P P 3 P P A
The Data Analysis Medium Broadband Performance Conf. MEntReg Youn MedInc MedSec MedDen ome School sity Popul 1 P P P 2 P P 3 P P 4 P P 5 A P A 6 P A P
The Data Analysis Low Broadband Performance Conf. MEntReg Youn MedInc MedSec MedDen ome School sity Popul 1 P 2 P P 3 A P
Conclusions The most common factors: Country MEntR Youn High MedIn Low MedS MedD eg come Incom ecSch ensity Popul Incom e ool e High * * Medium * * Low * *
Conclusions Medium entry regulation interacts with: Country Youn High MedInc Low MedSec MedDe ome Income School nsity Popul Income High P A Medium P P P Low
Entry regulation is less important Young + high income = high bb performance Medium income + Medium secondary school dropout = medium bb performance Low income + medium density = low bb performance
Medium entry regulation = high and medium broadband performance countries. High broadband performance: Medium entry regulation + young population – medium secondary school dropout
Medium broadband performance countries: Medium Entry Regulation + Medium Income + Medium Secondary School dropout + Medium density Low broadband performance countries: No interaction
Regulation helps but it does not cure!
Thank you for your attention!
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