one water convergence research

One Water Convergence Research Dr. Deana Pennington Associate - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

One Water Convergence Research Dr. Deana Pennington Associate Professor of Geological Sciences University of Texas at El Paso Two Nations One Water Summmit April 24, 2019 Agenda Introduce the National Science Foundations notion of

  1. One Water Convergence Research Dr. Deana Pennington Associate Professor of Geological Sciences University of Texas at El Paso Two Nations One Water Summmit April 24, 2019

  2. Agenda ´ Introduce the National Science Foundation’s notion of convergent research ´ Facilitate a group process to brainstorm potential One Water convergent projects 4/26/19

  3. What is Convergent Research? Part I Researcher Thematic Research goal umbrella Research frameworks Multidisciplinary Disciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary (2) Transdisciplinary (1) 4/26/19 Tress, Tress & Fry 2002

  4. National Research Council (2014) ´ Multi/Inter/Transdisciplinary - describes the makeup of the team ´ Convergent research is most related to transdisciplinary 4/26/19

  5. NSF ´ Research driven by a specific and compelling problem ´ Deep integration across disciplines => intermingling of knowledge, theories, methods, data, communities, languages => new frameworks, paradigms or even disciplines ´ Convergence describes the process and outcome – the team converges on a comprehensive solution to a problem Example: Map the human genome in ten years Genomics + data mining => bioinformatics 4/26/19

  6. • EMBeRS method: lightly structured process for converging across disciplines & perspectives • Based on learning, organizational, social, and cognitive science theories NSF grants: #OCI-1135525 (2006-07) #OCI-0753336 (2008-10) #OCI-0636317 (2010-13 SESYNC award (2013-15) with NCSE NSF #DGE-1545404 (2015-2019) 4/26/19

  7. Strategy Formal presentations Ad hoc dialogue How NOT to do this No structure Firm structure No progress Little understanding Problems: jargon, lack of basic concepts in other disciplines Solutions: • Participation and turn-taking • Slow down, and watch others – make eye contact • Explain your ideas as if you are talking to an intelligent and interested parent • DON’T use jargon, or if you must, explain it • Active listening: Listen carefully and ask questions if you don’t understand something. • Repeat what you think you understood 4/26/19 • DON’T worry about what you will say when it is your turn!

  8. Overview of the process I will walk you through it! ´ Groups of 4-6 (no fewer) ´ Groups choose a general problem area from the ones provided ´ Individually organize your own thinking about the problem ´ Participatory sharing of ideas ´ Use the large worksheet to co-create a visual diagram combining ideas ´ Report out & reflection on the process ´ Diagrams available at the poster session 4/26/19

  9. 5 minutes: Choose a problem area ´ Read the 3 questions provided to you ´ Discuss them at your table ´ Choose one for everyone at your table to focus on 4:00-4:05

  10. 10 minutes: Individual ideas ´ Work alone ´ Use provided pen and half sheet of paper ´ Think of an aspect of the problem you know something about ´ Jot down 5-10 keywords about your perspective ´ Draw a diagram of any kind that uses your keywords to convey how you would approach the problem if you were working on it by yourself 4:05-4:15

  11. 15 minutes Share your ideas at your table ´ One at a time go around the table ´ 2-3 minutes each, depending on how many are at your table ´ Keep time – don’t use up other’s minutes 4:15-4:30

  12. 20 minutes: Co-create a visual ´ Use the large piece of paper and markers ´ Start with the first few words of your focal problem ´ Catalyze societal capacity ´ Transform water infrastructure ´ Empower rural and developing communities ´ Re-envision agriculture ´ Re-image river systems ´ Choose from your collective keywords and ideas to build out from there, grouping similar ideas and drawing relationships across ideas 4:30-4:50

  13. Reflection on the process ´ What things made this activity challenging? ´ What things helped overcome those challenges? 4:50-5:00

  14. Time for posters and the reception! Thanks! ´ Please leave your large diagram on the table – we will collect these ´ Please gather your pens and markers, and drop them in the plastic bag that will be circulating ´ Please remove your half sheet of paper and focus questions


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