
OnBelay helping climbers ascend to new heights popular for outdoor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

OnBelay helping climbers ascend to new heights popular for outdoor and indoor climbing falling risks with absent or inexperienced belayer belayer climbing we will replace the belayer we will replace the belayer cost & buyer

  1. OnBelay helping climbers ascend to new heights

  2. popular for outdoor and indoor climbing falling risks with absent or inexperienced belayer belayer climbing

  3. we will replace the belayer

  4. we will replace the belayer

  5. cost & buyer Manual Partner Auto Top Rope Belay Devices Belay Devices individual climbers indoor gyms replaced 2-3 yrs rarely replaced $100 $2000

  6. cost & buyer Manual Partner OnBelay Belay Devices $100 individual climbers climbing gyms Auto Top Rope Belay Devices $200-300 $2000

  7. need attribute spec Catch when falling Breaks climber’s fall F > 8000 N Lower safely Lowers climber safely v: 0.5-1 m/s Ascend with minimal drag Minimal rope friction F: 0-5 N Rest when tired Brake applied on command Yes Descend when desired Lowering activated by climber Yes

  8. need attribute spec Catch when falling Breaks climber’s fall F > 8000 N Lower safely Lowers climber safely v: 0.5-1 m/s Ascend with minimal drag Minimal rope friction F: 0-5 N Rest when tired Brake applied on command Yes Descend when desired Lowering activated by climber Yes

  9. OnBelay 1 spring-loaded 1 braking rotary-damped 2 lowering 2

  10. initial high friction lowering mechanism tested with 50 lbs rotary damper mechanism successful with human weight testing

  11. challenges tighter tolerances for 1 switching modes 1 minimize rope drag in 2 normal use 2

  12. next steps develop looks-like model accomodate various weights lowering activation methods
