4 th Workshop of COST Action IC0902 “Cognitive Radio and Networking for Cooperative Coexistence of Heterogeneous Wireless Networks” October 9–11, 2013 Rome, Italy 1 Contribution to Working Group 2 – “Definition of cooperation-based cognitive algorithms, that take advantage of information exchange at a local level” “On the development of a Cognitive Radio Network Simulator based on OMNeT++/MiXiM” Giuseppe Caso Prof. Luca De Nardis DIET Department Sapienza University of Rome Rome, Italy Email: {caso, lucadn}@newyork.ing.uniroma1.it Rome, October 9-11, 2013
Outline 2 1. OMNeT++: Objective Modular Network Testbed in C++; 2. MiXiM: the MiXed SiMulator; 3. From a “ simple device” to a Spectrum Sensing Cognitive Radio (SSCR); 4. Simulation Framework & Results; 5. Conclusions & Future Works. Outline Rome, October 9-11, 2013
OMNeT++ 1/2 3 Objective Modular Network Testbed in C++ ( http://www.omnetpp.org/); Open source tool for discrete event simulations; The simulator can be used for: ¡ Traffic modeling of telecommunication networks; ¡ Protocol modeling; ¡ Modeling queuing networks; ¡ Modeling multiprocessors and other distributed hardware; ¡ Modeling of scenarios when several entities behave independently and the output of every entity must be analyzed. OMNeT++ allows for detailed simulation of the reciprocal effect of independent communications. OMNeT++ Rome, October 9-11, 2013
OMNeT++ 2/2 4 OMNeT++ represents a “framework approach”: ¡ Instead of containing explicit and hardwired support for computer networks or other areas, it provides an infrastructure for writing such simulations; ¡ Specific application areas are catered by various simulation models and frameworks, most of them open source; ¡ These models are developed completely independently of OMNeT++, and follow their own release cycles. Partial list of OMNeT++-based network simulators and simulation frameworks: Mobility Framework: for mobile and wireless simulations; ¡ INET Framework: for wired and wireless TCP/IP based simulations; ¡ Castalia: for wireless sensor networks; ¡ MiXiM: for mobile and wireless simulations. ¡ OMNeT++ Rome, October 9-11, 2013
MiXiM Project 5 MiXiM is a merger of several OMNeT++ frameworks written to support mobile and wireless simulations; The predecessors of MiXiM are: ¡ ChSim by Universität Paderborn; ¡ Mac Simulator by Technische Universiteit Delft; ¡ Mobility Framework by Technische Universität Berlin, Telecommunication Networks Group; ¡ Positif Framework by Technische Universiteit Delft. It provides detailed models of the wireless channel and connectivity, mobility and obstacles models, and many communication protocols, especially at the MAC level; It provides a user-friendly graphical representation of wireless and mobile networks, supporting debugging and defining even complex scenarios. MiXiM: Introduction Rome, October 9-11, 2013
MiXiM: General Structure 6 “ World ” utility module provides global parameters of the environment • (size, 2D or 3D). “ Objects ” are used to model the environment; • They influence radio signals and the mobility of other objects. • “ ObjectManager ” decides which objects are interfering. • “ConnectionManager” module dynamically manages connections • between objects: signal quality based on interference and on mobility. “ Nodes ” modules simulate entities desiring to communicate; • Different kinds of nodes can be specified with different characteristics . • MiXiM: Introduction Rome, October 9-11, 2013
Node Modules 1/2 7 Adjacent layers are connected by two pairs of OMNeT++ “ gates ”: ¡ 1 st pair: to exchange up and down data messages, including control messages between nodes; ¡ 2 nd pair: to exchange control messages between the layers. The PHY layer is the place to take Figure (a). Example of a node care of the reception and • Submods according to the IP collision handling; model: • Application Layer ( appl ); Physical and MAC layer design is • Network Layer ( netw ); usually tightly coupled and very • MAC Layer ( mac ); specific for different • Physical Layer ( phy ). communication techniques. • Physical + MAC layer = Network Interface Card (NIC) module (Figure (b)) . MiXiM: Node Module Rome, October 9-11, 2013
Node Modules 2/2 8 “ Mobility ” module: responsible for the movements of an entity. Different mobility models can be implemented in MiXiM; “ Battery ” module: used for energy related issues; “ Arp ” module handles the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP); “ Utility ” module: derived from the Mobility Framework “ Blackboard ” module. Two main tasks: ¡ It provides a general interface for collecting statistical data of a simulation that has minimal impact on the performance; ¡ It maintains parameters that need to be accessed by more than one module within a node (e.g., the position of a node, calculated and updated by the mobility module, but also needed by the physical layer). MiXiM: Node Module Rome, October 9-11, 2013
From a MiXiM-based to a Cognitive Radio Scenario 9 Primary User vs. Secondary and Cognitive Users case of study: 1. Introduction of a particular Host simulating the Primary User; 2. Introduction of the Secondary Network. MiXiM-based Cognitive Radio Network Rome, October 9-11, 2013
From a MiXiM device to a Cognitive Radio 10 Introduction of peculiar cognitive functionalities in the OSI stack of a generic device: 1. (Cooperative) Spectrum Sensing; 2. Clustering; 3. Multi-Channel possibility; 4. … MiXiM-based Cognitive Radio Node Rome, October 9-11, 2013
CRN Simulator: Implementation and Use 11 The simulator was already used in network organization algorithms design and performance evaluation, since it is possible to define different scenarios by adjusting key parameters as PUs behavior , cognitive network features (number of SUs, Energy Detector-based Spectrum Sensing modes, mobility models), operating frequencies (also DVB-T), medium access modalities , propagation channel models , network types and topologies , and so on. Comparative analysis and the so-far obtained results regarding, in particular, Spectrum sensing performance (both local and centralized cooperative with different hard ¡ decision fusion rules); The impact of mobility and spatio-temporal correlation; ¡ The introduction of cluster-based solutions for the network organization and nodes ¡ selection; The achievable data throughput of the cognitive network in particular contention ¡ scenarios. Simulation Settings, Results and Discussions Rome, October 9-11, 2013
Simulation Settings: an example 12 DVB-T Transmitter (PU): Located in the top left corner of a square area of 10 × 10 km 2 ; v Tx Power = 200 kW, within a DVB-T 8 MHz channel in the UHF band. v A set of SUs forming a CRN: Located at the lower right area of the playground, within a 700 × 700 m 2 area, centered v on the position of the FC; The SUs are equipped with a data interface used to sense the PU channel and eventually v transmit data packets, and a control interface working on a common dedicated channel; Tx Power = 110 mW. v When mobility is assumed: the SUs are allowed to move within the working area using a Gauss-Markov mobility v model with an average speed v = [5 10 15 20] m/s. Simulation Run Settings: 1h of simulated time, during which each collaborating SU takes a local decision exploiting v a sensing phase of T = 50µs and then transmits its decision to the FC during the subsequent exchange phase of 1s . Finally, a global decision is taken by the FC each 5s. Simulation Settings, Results and Discussions Rome, October 9-11, 2013
Simulation (OMNeT++/MiXiM) Results: Validity of the proposed approximation for Majority Rule 13 Achievable Q d (CFAR mode) as a function of the requested target Q fa and for different values of γ , in a CSS with Majority rule scenario [2] . 1. A good match between the analytical and the simulation results is obtained, confirming the reliability of the ongoing OMNeT++ based CRN simulator and, in particular, the validity of the proposed approximations. 2. A perfect knowledge about the number of collaborating SUs (N = 25) and the average SNR ( γ = [0 : 5 : 30]dB) is assumed. 3. As expected, for low γ values, the CRN should not set too stringent targets as this actually leads to worse global cooperative performance. For high γ values the performance greatly increase. Simulation Settings, Results and Discussions Rome, October 9-11, 2013
Simulation (OMNeT++/MiXiM) Results: Nodes selection framework 14 Achievable Q d for CSS with Majority fusion rule , as a function of the CFAR target Q fa and the number of SUs, for schemes without and with nodes selection [1] . Simulation Settings, Results and Discussions Rome, October 9-11, 2013
Simulation (OMNeT++/MiXiM) Results: Study of CRNs Data Throughput 15 Achievable Data Throughput for different CRNs with non-cluster/cluster-based • CSS with Majority fusion rule [3]. SUs Data Throughput – Static Case 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Non-Clustered MOBIC Model SENSIC Model Model Offered Traffic [pkt/s] 3.54 6.53 8.17 Throughput [pkt/s] 3.3 5.53 7.6 Simulation Settings, Results and Discussions Rome, October 9-11, 2013
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