on the adequacy of grammatical description a case of

On the Adequacy of Grammatical Description: A Case of Shaanxi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

On the Adequacy of Grammatical Description: A Case of Shaanxi Normal University wang_ly@snnu.edu.cn 1 Content 1. The issue 2. Disputes on structural analysis 3. Cognitive Grammar account of

  1. On the Adequacy of Grammatical Description: A Case of ‘ 肉夹馍 ’ 王立永 张韧 Shaanxi Normal University wang_ly@snnu.edu.cn 1

  2. Content  1. The issue  2. Disputes on structural analysis  3. Cognitive Grammar account of linguistic knowledge  4. A CG account of ‘ 肉夹馍 ’  5. Conclusions 2

  3. Content  1. The issue  2. Disputes on structural analysis  3. Cognitive Grammar account of linguistic knowledge  4. A CG account of ‘ 肉夹馍 ’  5. Conclusions 3

  4. The grammatical nature of compounds  Lexical approach ◼ Syntactical rules and lexical rules are independent (Selkirk 1982; DiScilullo & Williams 1987)  Syntactic approach ◼ Syntax all the way down (Marantz 1984; Baker 1988) 4

  5. The case of Chinese deverbal compounds  Some examples ◼ (1) a. 汽车修理工( car repair worker ‘car mechanic’ ) b. 纸张粉碎机( paper shred machine ‘paper shredder’ ) c. 论文指导教师 (thesis supervise teacher ‘thesis superviser ’) 5

  6. Structural derivations 顾阳 & 沈阳 (2001) 6

  7. 程工 & 周光磊 (2015) 7

  8. Objections to structural derivations  Two objections ◼ 1. Structural knowledge is always required in the processing of compounds ◼ 2. Speakers have different perceptions of compounds with identical structures  In a nutshell, structural derivations fail to capture the speakers’ linguistic knowledge, a violation of descriptive adequacy (Chomksy 1965) 8

  9. The present analysis  Based on the structural disputes centered around the compound ‘ 肉夹馍 ’, the present paper argues for a Cognitive Grammar account of the nature of linguistic knowledge ◼ Linguistic knowledge consists in networks of constructions stored in the brain ◼ The licensing of linguistic expressions are not mere computation of rules but involve the motivation of constructions in the network 9

  10. Content  1. The issue  2. Disputes on structural analysis  3. Cognitive Grammar account of linguistic knowledge  4. A CG account of ‘ 肉夹馍 ’  5. Conclusions 10

  11. ‘ 肉夹馍 ’ ( meat sandwich pancake )  “Oddness” of this word ◼ What one sees: pancakes sandwiches the meat ( 馍 夹肉 ) ◼ What the surface structure of the word tells: the meat sandwiches the pancake ( 肉夹馍 ) 11

  12. Folk explanations  Preposition omission analysis ◼ ‘ 肉夹 ( 于 ) 馍 ’ ( meat sandwich prep. pancake ‘meat is sandwiched in pancake’ )  Objections ◼ 1. Does not observe the naming habit ◼ 2. The hypothesized full name never appears 12

  13. Folk explanations  The avoidance of homonymy hypothesis ◼ ‘ 馍夹肉 ’ ( pancake sandwich meat ) sounds like ‘ 没夹 肉 ’ (no sandwich meat) in Shaanxi dialect  Objection ◼ Cannot be extended to compounds with identical structures, e.g. 油条卷饼 (‘oil stick roll pie’) 13

  14. The right structural analysis  ‘ 肉夹馍 ’ as ‘N+VN’ compound ( e.g. 李晋霞 2008; 杨锡彭 2012 ) ◼ (2) 菜( vegetable )夹馍 , 鸡蛋 (egg) 夹馍 , 辣子 (pepper) 夹馍 , 土豆 (potato) 夹馍 … 肉夹馍 N N V N 肉 夹 馍 14

  15. The right structural analysis  This makes ‘ 肉夹馍 ’ no different from the following compounds with the pattern ‘X 炒饭 (stir- fried rice)’ ◼ (3) 蛋 (egg) 炒饭 , 肉 (meat) 炒饭 , 香菇 (mushroom) 炒饭 , 火腿 (ham) 炒饭 蛋炒饭 N N V N 蛋 炒 饭 15

  16. Two neglected observations  First, no structural knowledge is required in order for speakers to understand and use the compound ‘ 肉夹馍 ’  Second, of the two types of compounds represented by ‘ 肉夹馍 ’ and ‘ 蛋炒饭 ’, only the former arouses structural confusion 16

  17.  Any descriptively adequate account of compounds accurately should reflect the above observations! 17

  18. Content  1. The issue  2. Disputes on structural analysis  3. Cognitive Grammar account of linguistic knowledge  4. 肉夹馍 in the network of constructions  5. Conclusions 18

  19. Constructions  Constructions as basic elements of linguistic knowledge ◼ “A construction is defined as either an expression (of any size), or else a schema abstracted from expressions to capture their commonality (at any level of specificity)…… They [expressions and schemas] constitute established units” (Langacker 2003: 43) 19

  20. Constructional networks  Linguistic knowledge is organized in the form of networks of constructions Langacker 2008 : 226 20

  21. Content  1. The issue  2. Disputes on structural analysis  3. Cognitive Grammar account of linguistic knowledge  4. A CG account of ‘ 肉夹馍 ’  5. Conclusions 21

  22. ‘ 肉夹馍 ’ as an established linguistic unit  1. ‘ 肉夹馍 ’ stored as an independent construction 22

  23. ‘ 肉夹馍 ’ as an established linguistic unit  2. Shows low degree of analyzability, like many constructions ◼ flinger > complainer > computer > propeller > drawer (Langacker 2009: 27) 23

  24. ‘ 肉夹馍 ’ in the network of constructions  1. Confusion of ‘ 肉夹馍 ’ with ‘馍夹肉’ The actual situation, coupled with the conceptual meaning of the verb ‘ 夹 ’, gives rise to the structural confusion. 24

  25. ‘ 肉夹馍 ’ in the network of constructions  2. Difference between’ 肉夹馍 ’ and ‘ 蛋炒饭 ’ ◼ Why does only the former arouse structural confusion? ◼ Hypothesis: related to the conceptual nature of relevant verbs 25

  26.  Meanings of the verb ‘ 夹 ’ (sandwich) ◼ (4) a. 父亲轻轻地叹了口气,然后又夹了块肉送到我的碗里,声音 有些喑哑地说:“吃吧,过年哩。”(国家语委语料库) b. 那女孩望着他,红红的指头夹着一个便士,向他高高举起。 Ag. 肉 馍 26

  27.  Meanings of the verb ‘炒’ (stir-fry ) ◼ (5) a. 王家斌的老伴不能亲自做饭,便躺在炕上指挥着女儿,为我 炒了盘鸡蛋,砸了蒜末,炸了辣椒油,下了挂面。 b. 一看,原来都在猪身上打滚 -- 豆牙炒肉丝,荸荠炒腰花,莴 苣 烧肚片,萝菔炖肉。 豆 芽 Ag. 肉 丝 27

  28. ‘ 肉夹馍 ’ in the network of constructions  3. ‘ 肉夹馍 ’ in the constructional network 28

  29. Merits of the present analysis  Compared with previous rule-based accounts, the present analysis not only ◼ Explains the structural composition of compound words  But also ◼ Captures the speakers’ knowledge of compound words 29

  30. Content  1. The issue  2. Disputes on structural analysis  3. Cognitive Grammar account of linguistic knowledge  4. A CG account of ‘ 肉夹馍 ’  5. Conclusions 30

  31. Conclusions  Rule-based accounts cannot fully describe the speakers’ knowledge of linguistic expressions  The licensing of linguistic expressions involve the motivation by a complex network of constructions (Taylor 2004) 31

  32. References  Omitted 32

  33. Thanks! 33


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