office of police conduct review

Office Of Police Conduct Review Body Camera Overview May 8, 2019 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Office Of Police Conduct Review Body Camera Overview May 8, 2019 1 How OPCR views body worn camera (BWC) 1. Body camera analyst 2. Intake investigators 3. Case investigators 4. Joint supervisors 2 Time involved in

  1. CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Office Of Police Conduct Review Body Camera Overview May 8, 2019 1

  2. How OPCR views body worn camera (BWC) 1. Body camera analyst 2. Intake investigators 3. Case investigators 4. Joint supervisors 2

  3. Time involved in viewing BWC • Varies from case to case • Factors that impact time involved: • Number of officers on a call for service • Length of call for service • Video labeling • Complainant’s recollection 3

  4. Time involved in viewing BWC • Body camera analyst averages (1 on staff) : • Locating the correct case: 0-30 minutes • Downloading the video: 1-6 hours • Watching the videos: 1-8 hours • Categorizing and summarizing the videos: 30 minutes – 1 hour • Intake investigator averages (2 on staff): • Watching video to attach violations for joint supervisor review: 1-8 hours 4

  5. How issues are spotted • Issues unrelated to complaints are often spotted by our body camera analyst and intake investigators • Allegations included in complaint processing for joint supervisor review • Due to the 75% increase in cases and almost 600 complaints in 2018, large amounts of body camera are being viewed 5

  6. How issues are spotted • Trends can be referred to OPCR auditing function • PCOC audits also lead to staff watching BWC and spotting issues that lead to larger audits • MPD supervisor audits • Precincts monitoring BWC • Complaints referred to OPCR • Electronic notification system successfully implemented 6

  7. Illustrative Examples • 1. Body camera activation issues discovered through locating complaints • 2. Complaint about a singular issue when BWC reveals multiple issues on a police call for service • 3. MPD involvement with pre-hospital sedation- observed through BWC viewing as part of normal job duties 7

  8. Questions? 8


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