office of drug control

Office of Drug Control - Regulating cannabis July 2017 Thomas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Office of Drug Control - Regulating cannabis July 2017 Thomas Stoddart Office of Drug Control Co mm on w ealt h De p art m ent of H ealt h Regulating cannabis - What does ODC do? Regulating cultivation and

  1. Office of Drug Control - Regulating cannabis July 2017 Thomas Stoddart Office of Drug Control Co mm on w ealt h De p art m ent of H ealt h

  2. ̵ ̵ ̵ ̵ ̵ ̵ Regulating cannabis - What does ODC do? • Regulating cultivation and manufacture of medicinal cannabis Fit and proper persons requirements Security and inspections • Controlling the import and export of narcotics Sponsored import of “bulk” medicinal cannabis products Patient by patient imports Personal importation and travelers exemption Export of manufactured medicinal cannabis products 28 August, 2017 1

  3. Regulating cannabis - the medicinal cannabis scheme • Prior to 2016, cannabis was an illegal narcotic, and it remains so outside of the medicinal cannabis scheme. • In early 2016, Government amended the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 , establishing the medicinal cannabis scheme: ̵ allowing cannabis to be treated as a medicine ̵ giving effect to the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 , and ̵ providing pathways for the supply of medicinal cannabis - cultivation, manufacture and trade. 28 August, 2017 2

  4. Regulating cannabis - licence types • The Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 allows the ODC to issue four types of licences: ̵ Medicinal cannabis licence - allows for either or both the cultivation and production of medicinal cannabis for supply to the holder of a manufacture licence under this Act. ̵ Cannabis research licence - allows for either or both the cultivation and production of medicinal cannabis for research purposes ̵ Manufacture licence - provides for the creation of drugs from the raw cannabis material supplied under the above licences. ̵ Import licence - allowing the import of narcotics under certain conditions. 28 August, 2017 3 •

  5. Regulating cannabis - how to become licenced? • Easy - just apply at <> • There are a couple of issues though... ̵ you, and your business associates, must meet the fit and proper person test ̵ cultivation and manufacture security arrangements must be in line with the value of medicinal cannabis and the risk of criminal diversion, and ̵ supply pathways to patients must be clearly established. 28 August, 2017 4

  6. Regulating cannabis - why licence? • The medicinal cannabis scheme is designed to ensure that Australia can satisfy its international obligations under the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 . • Australia must ensure that the risk of diversion of narcotic drugs (such as cannabis) is minimised and that the use of cannabis is strictly reserved for medical and scientific purposes only. • Under the Single Convention, cultivation for medicinal purposes can only occur under licence issued by the Australia Government. Permits allow the Government to restrict how much is cultivated (and manufactured), thus meeting a key obligation of preventing accumulation of narcotic material. 28 August, 2017 5

  7. Regulating cannabis - how many licences are required? • ODC does not limit the grant of licences, if your application is complete and satisfies the key issues, you will get a licence. • But… ̵ to obtain a permit to cultivate (non-research), you need a contract with a licensed manufacturer, and ̵ to obtain a permit to manufacture the drug, you need to demonstrate supply to patients. 28 August, 2017 6

  8. Regulating cannabis - how many licences are there? • 17 licences have been granted as at 10 July 2017. These include: ̵ 8 Medicinal cannabis licences (cultivation and production) ̵ 5 Cannabis research licences (cultivation and production) ̵ 4 Manufacture licences • Applications for licences are still being received and processed. • Applications for permits under licences are now also being received. 28 August, 2017 7

  9. Regulating cannabis - inspections and compliance • The Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 includes provision for inspections and compliance activity for all licence holders. • ODC conducts two types of inspections: ̵ Licence and permit assessment inspections  Inspections necessary to complete the assessment of licences or permits and ensure security undertakings are in place - arranged with the applicant.  You are charged a fee for the pleasure. ̵ Compliance inspections  Conducted under section 14 of the Act, and without prior warning at any time. These do not require your consent.  These ones are free. 28 August, 2017 8

  10. Regulating cannabis - bulk import of medicinal cannabis • The Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990 allow the import of medicinal cannabis under bulk sponsored import arrangements. ̵ In early 2017 arrangements were put in place within this legislative framework to reduce the time it takes to get medicinal cannabis to patients - following prescription under the Special Access Scheme Category B or Authorised Prescriber pathways. ̵ Imports are subsequently allowed under the Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 and are subject to a number of strict conditions. ̵ State or Territory wholesaling and distribution licences are also required. 28 August, 2017 9

  11. Regulating cannabis - import of medicinal cannabis • It is also possible to import medicinal cannabis on an individual basis. ̵ Medical practitioners can arrange for patient by patient importation to fill prescriptions issued using the Special Access Category A pathway.  Importing for this purpose requires a licence under the Customs (Prohibited Import) Regulations 1956. • Patients can alternatively utilise the traveler's exemption. ̵ This exemption allows travelers or their careers to carry their medicines with them on a ship or aeroplane entering into Australia with a valid prescription and in limited amounts. 28 August, 2017 10

  12. Regulating cannabis - exporting medicinal cannabis • ODC is now seeking industry comment on options to allow the export of medicinal cannabis products while simultaneously ensuring sufficient product is available for domestic use. ̵ With 17 licences granted, and more under assessment, export allows for a broader market. ̵ It is important not to constrain the growth of an emerging domestic industry through restricting market opportunities. ̵ But – there must be domestically cultivated and manufactured medicinal cannabis products available to Australian patients. 28 August, 2017 11

  13. Regulating cannabis - exporting medicinal cannabis (2) • Maintaining adequate domestic supply is an important consideration in any scheme which allows export. ̵ The ODC request for comment includes seeking industry suggestions on how to maintain that supply. • The exports of finished medicinal products will require a regulatory change to expand the mechanisms whereby medicinal cannabis can be supplied. • Increasing the available supply pathway options under 11k(2)(b) of the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 for those interested. 28 August, 2017 12

  14. Regulating cannabis - nowhere near the end • The first 9 months of the medicinal cannabis scheme have been interesting and rewarding in working with industry entrants and applicants in establishing cultivation and manufacture models. • There will be some minor regulatory changes coming forward in coming months to reflect what we have learnt from the initial stages of the medicinal cannabis scheme. • Given the time required to see changes to medical prescribing practice based on the outcomes of clinical trials and development of evidence, we have a way to go yet! 28 August, 2017 13

  15. Regulating cannabis - the end Questions? General contact: Comments on export: 28 August, 2017 14

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