off by default

Off by Default! Hitesh Ballani, Yatin Chawathe, Sylvia Ratnasamy, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Off by Default! Hitesh Ballani, Yatin Chawathe, Sylvia Ratnasamy, Timothy Roscoe, Scott Shenker HotNets-IV, 2005 Internet, then and now Internet, circa 1975 Trust in the ends Universal reachability Routability implies reachability

  1. Off by Default! Hitesh Ballani, Yatin Chawathe, Sylvia Ratnasamy, Timothy Roscoe, Scott Shenker HotNets-IV, 2005

  2. Internet, then and now Internet, circa 1975 ◮ Trust in the ends ⇒ Universal reachability ◮ Routability implies reachability ◮ “On” by default Internet, circa 2005 ◮ Less trust in the ends ◮ every host is vulnerable to any other host(s) ◮ Firewalls/NATs ◮ end-hosts are “Off”, the network is not ◮ ad-hoc and not universal

  3. Off by default!

  4. Turn it “Off” Reachability is “Off” by default ◮ Hosts turn “On” by explicitly telling the network

  5. Turn it “Off” Reachability is “Off” by default ◮ Hosts turn “On” by explicitly telling the network Issues ◮ What are the advantages? ◮ What are the assumptions? ◮ What are the incentives? ◮ . . .

  6. Is it even worth a thought? Design a Default-Off network Evaluate its feasibility

  7. Default-Off design Stub Network Def-Off Internet End-hosts are unreachable by defaultg g

  8. Default-Off design want to be reachable Stub Network Def-Off Internet End-hosts signal their intent to turn “On” g g

  9. Default-Off design Reachability protocol Stub Network Def-Off Internet g Reachability protocol propagates this intent into the network as Reachability Advertisements g

  10. Default-Off design Reachability protocol Stub Network Def-Off Internet Na¨ ıve Approach (not feasible) Routers maintain exact reachability state for all hosts Instantaneous propagation of advertisements

  11. Default-Off design Reachability protocol Stub Network Def-Off Internet Challenges Router State Reachability dynamics

  12. Reachability Protocol Reachability overlaid on Routing ◮ Inherit routing trust relationships ◮ Reachability events � Route recalculation

  13. Reachability Protocol Reachability overlaid on Routing ◮ Inherit routing trust relationships ◮ Reachability events � Route recalculation Routing protocol Stub Network Def-Off Internet

  14. Reachability Protocol Reachability overlaid on Routing ◮ Inherit routing trust relationships ◮ Reachability events � Route recalculation Routing protocol Reachability protocol Stub Network Def-Off Internet

  15. Reachability Protocol Reachability overlaid on Routing ◮ Inherit routing trust relationships ◮ Reachability events � Route recalculation Routing protocol Reachability protocol Stub Network Def-Off Internet Periodic reachability exchanges between domains ◮ Load due to dynamics Vs Turn-“On” time

  16. Reachability Advertisements Flexibility : allow for evolution

  17. Reachability Advertisements Flexibility : allow for evolution Who? What? When? How much?

  18. Reachability Advertisements Flexibility : allow for evolution Who? What? When? How much? Reachability Advertisement [ prefix, length,RC ... ,scope ]

  19. Reachability Advertisements Flexibility : allow for evolution Who? What? When? How much? Reachability Advertisement [ prefix, length,RC ... ,scope ] The host whose reachability this advertisement describes

  20. Reachability Advertisements Flexibility : allow for evolution Who? What? When? How much? Reachability Advertisement [ prefix, length,RC ... ,scope ] list of constraints, for eg. 1. on to all [ Dst IP, Dst Port, Proto ] 2. on to one [ Dst IP, Dst Port, Proto, Src IP ]

  21. Reachability Advertisements Flexibility : allow for evolution Who? What? When? How much? Reachability Advertisement [ prefix, length,RC ... ,scope ] Avoids needless propagation of state For eg. Limit advertisement in terms of AS Hops, Set of AS’es, ....

  22. Router State : “Off” hosts “Off” hosts do not incur state

  23. Router State : “Off” hosts “Off” hosts do not incur state ◮ Clients are “Off” [Handley FDNA’04] ◮ “Off” hosts accessed using path-based addresses (address gives path back to the “Off” host)

  24. Router State : “Off” hosts “Off” hosts do not incur state ◮ Clients are “Off” [Handley FDNA’04] ◮ “Off” hosts accessed using path-based addresses (address gives path back to the “Off” host) A|B Q S P Server/Peer B R Client A g(“Off” host A wants to communicate with “On” host B (A | B)(

  25. Router State : “Off” hosts “Off” hosts do not incur state ◮ Clients are “Off” [Handley FDNA’04] ◮ “Off” hosts accessed using path-based addresses (address gives path back to the “Off” host) A|B PA|B Q S P Server/Peer B R Client A g(Host B is “On” so domain P forwards it; but also adds itself into the source (PA)g(

  26. Router State : “Off” hosts “Off” hosts do not incur state ◮ Clients are “Off” [Handley FDNA’04] ◮ “Off” hosts accessed using path-based addresses (address gives path back to the “Off” host) QPA|B A|B PA|B Q S P Server/Peer B R Client A g(At the egress of domain Q, Q is added to the source (QPA)g(

  27. Router State : “Off” hosts “Off” hosts do not incur state ◮ Clients are “Off” [Handley FDNA’04] ◮ “Off” hosts accessed using path-based addresses (address gives path back to the “Off” host) QPA|B RQPA|B A|B PA|B Q S P Server/Peer B R Client A g(Host B can use the path (RQPA) to get to “Off” host Ag(

  28. Router State : “Off” hosts “Off” hosts do not incur state ◮ Clients are “Off” [Handley FDNA’04] ◮ “Off” hosts accessed using path-based addresses (address gives path back to the “Off” host) QPA|B RQPA|B A|B PA|B Q S P Server/Peer B R Client A B|RQPA B|QPA B|RQPA B|PA g(Destination field is stripped off, source field accumulates the pathg(

  29. Router State : “Off” hosts “Off” hosts do not incur state ◮ Clients are “Off” [Handley FDNA’04] ◮ “Off” hosts accessed using path-based addresses (address gives path back to the “Off” host) QPA|B RQPA|B A|B PA|B Q S P Server/Peer B R Client A B|RQPA B|QPA B|RQPA B|PA g(Issues and advantages associated with path-based addresses(

  30. Router State : “On” hosts Routers don’t keep exact reachability state

  31. Router State : “On” hosts Routers don’t keep exact reachability state ◮ Aggregation according to router memory RA1 RA2 [ prefix, length,RC ... ,scope ] [ prefix, length,RC ... ,scope ] classic prefix Union aggregation Aggregated Advertisement [ prefix, length,RC ... ,scope ]

  32. Router State : “On” hosts Routers don’t keep exact reachability state ◮ Aggregation according to router memory ◮ Introduces false-positives ◮ Default-Off offers best-effort protection to “Off” hosts Increasing Protection Increasing Aggregation

  33. How effective is Default-Off at limiting unwanted traffic?

  34. Feasibility : Router State Simulated Default-Off operation ◮ AS-level internet topology [Subramanian ’05] ◮ 200,000 routable prefixes [Route-Views ’05] Parameters of interest ◮ H - hosts per prefix that are “On” ◮ T - amount of router memory available

  35. Feasibility : Router State Simulated Default-Off operation ◮ AS-level internet topology [Subramanian ’05] ◮ 200,000 routable prefixes [Route-Views ’05] Parameters of interest ◮ H - hosts per prefix that are “On” ◮ T - amount of router memory available ISP C ISP B Stub A hosts x "on" ISP D

  36. Feasibility : Router State Simulated Default-Off operation ◮ AS-level internet topology [Subramanian ’05] ◮ 200,000 routable prefixes [Route-Views ’05] Parameters of interest ◮ H - hosts per prefix that are “On” ◮ T - amount of router memory available Reachability Advertisements (thickness is amount of state) ISP C ISP B Stub A hosts x "on" ISP D

  37. Feasibility : Router State Simulated Default-Off operation ◮ AS-level internet topology [Subramanian ’05] ◮ 200,000 routable prefixes [Route-Views ’05] Parameters of interest ◮ H - hosts per prefix that are “On” ◮ T - amount of router memory available Packet for "off" host ISP C ISP B Stub A hosts x "on" ISP D

  38. Feasibility : Router State Simulated Default-Off operation ◮ AS-level internet topology [Subramanian ’05] ◮ 200,000 routable prefixes [Route-Views ’05] Parameters of interest ◮ H - hosts per prefix that are “On” ◮ T - amount of router memory available Packet for Blocked 2 AS hops "off" host X from DST ISP C ISP B Stub A hosts x "on" ISP D

  39. Feasibility : Router State Simulated Default-Off operation ◮ AS-level internet topology [Subramanian ’05] ◮ 200,000 routable prefixes [Route-Views ’05] Parameters of interest ◮ H - hosts per prefix that are “On” ◮ T - amount of router memory available Packet for "off" host Blocked 1 AS hop ISP C from DST X ISP B Stub A hosts x "on" ISP D

  40. Feasibility : Router State Simulated Default-Off operation ◮ AS-level internet topology [Subramanian ’05] ◮ 200,000 routable prefixes [Route-Views ’05] Parameters of interest ◮ H - hosts per prefix that are “On” ◮ T - amount of router memory available Packet for "off" host Blocked 0 AS hop ISP C from DST X ISP B Stub A hosts x "on" ISP D


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