October 21, 2019 Wh Where ere Ea Eagles les So Soar! ar!
Committee Relationship Visioning Committee: Operational Planning Strategic Planning Committee Stakeholder Operational • Visioning Planning Function: Engage with the Short- • Function: Set Allen ISD’s Term Objectives of Allen ISD in Committee Committee Vision for the next 10 Years Operational Planning Stakeholder Visioning the following areas: by Creating the Foundation of Committee Committee Allen ISD’s Strategic Plan • Safe, Supportive Environment • Process: District Objective • Technology Programming Working Groups • Construction, Revitalization, Visioning Committee & and Maintenance of • Product: Establish Strategic Operational Planning Committee Facilities Targets, Strategies, and Key • House Bill 3 Impact on Indicators (Scorecard • Grounded in the Allen ISD Graduate Profile, Future District Funding Components) 3 District Goals, and 9 District Objectives • • Draw Inspiration from the Student and Business & Process: Facility Tours Industry Leader Panels • Product: Identification of • Identify Allen ISD Future Ready Skills Alignment, Challenges, Opportunities, and Community • Focused on Stakeholder Voice and Continuous Interest within District Operations Improvement
October 2nd Meeting Reflections
October 2 nd Survey Feedback • Sense of Community: Everyone is an Eagle • Student Opportunities • Educating the Whole Child for their Future • Student Panel Makeup • GPA for Class Rank
October 21, 2019 Stakeholder Meeting Goals Participants will: • Review the SOAR 2030 Strategic Planning Process • Engage with their Working Group Facilitator • Locate and Visit the SOAR 2030 SharePoint Site • Understand the Current State, the Research Base, Models of Innovation, and Challenges within their District Objective • Provide their Ideas and Input
Allen ISD Goals Culture of Excellence 01 We will maintain high expectations and work together to achieve outcomes on behalf of students. Our progress will be measured by outcomes rather than intentions. 02 Future Ready Skills Allen ISD will prepare students to be future ready for success in citizenship and college, career, or the military. 03 Empowered Learning Allen ISD students will engage in authentic and applied learning. We are committed to supporting each student, as a whole child, in achieving personal and academic growth.
What is ? Grounded in the Allen ISD Graduate Profile, SOAR 2030 is an initiative aimed to take Allen ISD to the next level. Using three primary areas of focus, we will look at how students learn, what we teach, what skills students will need beyond graduation and how we can involve the entire staff and community in that effort.
Timeline & Process Product: Identify and Prioritize Meeting 1 Future Ready Skills 16 September 01 Introduction to SOAR 2030 02 Role of SOAR 2030 Stakeholder Visioning Committee 03 Business, Industry, and Educational Leader Panel 04 Identify Essential Future Ready Skills Product: Meeting 2 Allen ISD Future Ready Skills 02 October 01 Finalize Future Ready Skills Recommendation 02 Student Panel 03 Engage with 3 Allen ISD District Goals
Timeline & Process Product: Meeting 3 Define Scope of Strategic Targets 21 October 01 Engage with 9 Allen ISD Objectives 02 Examine Our Current State, Research Base, Innovations, and Challenges 03 Define Scope of Strategic Targets Products: 01 Draft of Strategic Targets Meeting 4 02 Draft of Strategies 13 November 01 Create Strategic Targets 02 Define Plan of Action to Achieve Targets (Strategies)
Timeline & Process Products: 01 Strategic Target Recommendations Meeting 5 02 Strategy Recommendations 09 December 01 Polish Strategic Targets and Strategies 02 Provide Feedback to Other Working Groups Products: 01 Key Indicators Meeting 6 02 Scorecard Drafts 06 January 01 Determine How We Will Measure Our Progress 02 Ensure Goal, Objective, Strategic Target, and Strategy Alignment
Timeline, Process, & Product Final Product: Meeting 7 Scorecards 05 February 1 Review of SOAR 2030 Scorecards 2 Discuss What Comes Next 3 Celebrate Our Collaboration and Accomplishment
The answer is in the room. The answer is the room.
Working Group Breakout Rooms Working Group Room Number Collective Impact Room - B105 High Expectations Room - B112 Telling Our Story Room - B114 Life and Workforce Ready Room - B118 Challenging, Creative and Collaborative Room - B121 Learning Opportunities Leverage Technology Room - B125 Student Growth Room - B127 Personalized Learning Room - B134 Whole Child Room - B141
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