object oriented programming sunil pai y objects objects

Object Oriented Programming Sunil Pai, Y! Objects Objects and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Object Oriented Programming Sunil Pai, Y! Objects Objects and Javascript Numbers Strings Booleans Objects and Javascript Regexps Functions Arrays Objects 3.141 Numbers 1.4e20 0xff3322 Strings Booleans Objects and Javascript

  1. Object Oriented Programming Sunil Pai, Y!

  2. Objects

  3. Objects and Javascript

  4. Numbers Strings Booleans Objects and Javascript Regexps Functions Arrays Objects

  5. 3.141 Numbers 1.4e20 0xff3322 Strings Booleans Objects and Javascript Regexps Functions Arrays Objects

  6. Numbers “the lazy dog” Strings “123” “1” + 1 Booleans Objects and Javascript Regexps Functions Arrays Objects

  7. Numbers Strings true Booleans false Objects and Javascript Regexps Functions Arrays Objects

  8. Numbers Strings Booleans Objects and Javascript Regexps /[A-Za-z0-9]/gm Functions Arrays Objects

  9. Numbers Strings Booleans Objects and Javascript Regexps function(p1, p2){ // do something Functions // with p1, p2 return p1 + p2 } Arrays Objects

  10. Numbers Strings Booleans Objects and Javascript Regexps Functions Arrays [ 1, ‘abc’, 2.4 ] Objects

  11. Numbers Strings Booleans Objects and Javascript Regexps Functions Arrays { x: 200, Objects y: 164, theta: 20 }

  12. null Objects and Javascript undefined

  13. Javascript has superpowers

  14. functions are objects Javascript has closures superpowers .prototype

  15. functions are objects Javascript has closures superpowers .prototype

  16. functions are objects Javascript has closures superpowers .prototype

  17. functions are objects Javascript has closures superpowers .prototype

  18. OOP: First Principles Constructors Abstraction Inheritance Encapsulation Polymorphism

  19. OOP: First Principles function Shirt(owner){ this.owner = owner } Shirt.prototype.iron=function(){ this.ironed = true Constructors } var myShirt = new Shirt(‘pi’) Abstraction // myShirt.owner === ‘pi’ myShirt.iron() // myShirt.ironed === true Inheritance Encapsulation Polymorphism

  20. OOP: First Principles Constructors Shirt (new) .iron() Abstraction .wash() .ironed // true/false .age // number Inheritance Encapsulation Polymorphism

  21. OOP: First Principles Constructors Abstraction var Kurta = extends(Shirt) Inheritance Kurta.prototype.wash = function(){ Shirt.prototype } Encapsulation Polymorphism

  22. OOP: var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty var extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { First Principles if (__hasProp.call(parent, key)) { child[key] = parent[key] } } function Ctor() { this.constructor = child } Ctor.prototype = parent.prototype child.prototype = new Ctor() Constructors child.superclass = parent.prototype return child } Abstraction var Kurta = extends(Shirt) Inheritance Kurta.prototype.wash = function(){ Shirt.prototype } Encapsulation Polymorphism

  23. OOP: First Principles Constructors Abstraction var ctr = (function(){ var i = 0 Inheritance return function(){ return i++ } })() Encapsulation ctr() // 0 ctr() // 1 Polymorphism ctr() // 2 // and so on

  24. OOP: First Principles Constructors Abstraction Inheritance // make do with runtime object Encapsulation // manipulation, “arguments” myShirt.iron = function(x, y){ Polymorphism x === arguments[0] // true y === arguments[1] // true var z = arguments[3] // doop de doo }

  25. ( Demo )

  26. sidenote: MVC

  27. sidenote: modules

  28. sidenote: frameworks

  29. sidenote: other common patterns

  30. Questions?

  31. Party on, dudes. @threepointone


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