nutrition mortality survey in lowland mountainous

Nutrition & Mortality Survey in Lowland & Mountainous - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Nutrition & Mortality Survey in Lowland & Mountainous Ecological Zones, & IDPs Settlements of Hajja Governorate 5 21 May 2012 Overall objective To establish accurately the nutrition situation in two ecological zones of

  1. Nutrition & Mortality Survey in Lowland & Mountainous Ecological Zones, & IDPs Settlements of Hajja Governorate 5 – 21 May 2012

  2. Overall objective To establish accurately the nutrition situation in two ecological zones of Hajja Governorate and IDPs settlements, determine some of the factors influencing malnutrition and identify the accessibility to health services

  3. Specific objectives • To estimate the level of acute malnutrition (wasting), stunting and underweight among children aged 6-59 months in the Lowland and Mountainous Ecological Zones of Hajja Governorate as well as in IDPs settlements within the governorate • To identify factors influencing nutrition status of the children in the survey areas including disease prevalence and access to essential services. • To estimate the prevalence of some common diseases (measles, diarrhoea, fever and ARI) in the survey areas. • To estimate the measles and polio vaccination and Vitamin A supplementation coverage among children in the survey areas. • To estimate the crude and under-five mortality rates in the survey areas.

  4. Sample size and design Parameters Lowland Mountains IDPs Estimated Acute Malnutrition 31.4 17 31.4 Prevalence (%) Desired Precision (%) 5 5 5 Design Effect 2 2 2 Average Household Size 6.9 7 7 Under 5 year old (%) 22 21 20 3 Non response household (%) 3 3 Sample Size (N) 544 368 590 Households surveyed 607 439 623 Children surveyed 787 583 850

  5. Quality concern • Small number of teams with focus training. • Standardization of measurers. • Field test before conduct the data collection. • Intensive supervision at field. • Daily check for the quality. • Data entry verification

  6. Plausibility check – Lowland

  7. Plausibility check – Mountains

  8. Plausibility check – IDPs

  9. Findings Household characteristics

  10. Household size Lowland Mountains IDPs N % N % N % Total Households 607 100 439 100 623 100 Household size 7.8 8.4 7.45 (Mean): Mean No of 1.4 1.5 Underfives Boys (%): 397 (49.6%) 288 (49.5%) 388 (46.5%) Girls (%): 390 (50.4%) 294 (50.5%) 446 (53.5%)

  11. Household head gender

  12. Household caretaker education

  13. Household main income source

  14. Household main drinking water source

  15. Household drinking water containers cleanness

  16. Latrine type

  17. Where health service sought

  18. Findings Children aged 6 – 59 months

  19. Acute Malnutrition (Wasting)

  20. Acute Malnutrition (Wasting) Lowlands Mountains IDPs

  21. Acute Malnutrition- Case load

  22. Underweight

  23. Underweight Lowlands Mountains IDPs

  24. Chronic malnutrition (Stunting)

  25. Chronic malnutrition (Stunting) Lowlands Mountains IDPs

  26. Compare with other surveys

  27. Feeding practices

  28. Vaccination and vitamin A supplementation

  29. Morbidity

  30. Sleep under mosquito net

  31. Findings Mortality

  32. Crude and underfive death rates Lowland Mountains IDPs Underfive 0.63 0.60 0.33 crude 0.22 0.25 0.13 Per 10000 per day

  33. Pyramids Lowlands Mountains IDPs

  34. Thanks


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