nuestro mundo community school

Nuestro Mundo Community School Charter Renewal Monday, December 3, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Nuestro Mundo Community School Charter Renewal Monday, December 3, 2018 Introductions Emily Zoeller Pam McGillivray Josh Forehand NMCS Instructional Coach Nuestro Mundo, Inc. board president NMCS Principal Outline 1. Values and Vision

  1. Nuestro Mundo Community School Charter Renewal Monday, December 3, 2018

  2. Introductions Emily Zoeller Pam McGillivray Josh Forehand NMCS Instructional Coach Nuestro Mundo, Inc. board president NMCS Principal

  3. Outline 1. Values and Vision 2. Academic Achievement 3. Family Engagement 4. Looking Forward

  4. Values at Nuestro Mundo Community School All students are capable of learning and acquiring multiple languages. ● Strong relationships founded in trust among teachers, students, and ● families precedes learning. Bilingualism and biliteracy hold social, economic, and cognitive benefits. ● We celebrate humanity in all its diverse forms. All are welcome, all bring ● value to our community.

  5. Academic Excellence (MMSD 2017-18 Annual Report on the MMSD Strategic Framework)

  6. 24% 23%

  7. Realizing Equity (Wisconsin Department of Instruction, 2018)

  8. Bilingual Systems of Support A 2016 local research study found that Nuestro 87.5% Mundo, when compared to other DLI programs in the district, has unique characteristics that set its response to intervention system apart from the other strand Dual-Immersion programs in the district. It was the only school found to have full Special education students implementation of response to intervention, meeting their expected reading growth according to the Wisconsin DPI response to intervention framework. Chaja-Clardy, S.R. (2016) The Extent to Which Response to Intervention Exists in Reading in K-2 Spanish Dual Language Immersion Classrooms in a Wisconsin School District

  9. Student & Family Engagement Community School

  10. Bridging families and fostering diversity

  11. 95.8% Highest average daily attendance rates in the school district for the last six consecutive years.

  12. I feel I belong at this school

  13. I enjoy coming to work

  14. Parents are involved in school decisions

  15. Looking Forward Innovation through a 90:10 dual ● language immersion model Innovation in our planning for ● biliteracy Innovation in our flexible system ● of supports Innovation in parent partnerships ●

  16. A learning lab for bilingual education “Nuestro Mundo staff shared “We reached out to Nuestro Mundo to their team structures, daily learn more about their instructional schedules, language allocation design.” by subject, and scopes. They -Kendra Cerniglia, Leopold Elementary invited us to observe in their classrooms, and met with us, “Schenk Elementary has learned from Nuestro answering our questions and Mundo. They opened their doors so that KDLI sharing their experiences.” at Schenk could observe instructional practice -Beth Miller, Lincoln Elementary in place and learn text exemplars from their bookroom” - Tracy Smith, Schenk Elementary

  17. A learning lab for great teaching “Nuestro Mundo has impacted “Shorewood Elementary has learned from Nuestro Mundo's learning of schools taking on work in their Professional Learning around language attentive Bridges Math implementation. The strategies. We have used their work to inform our professional collaborative culture of Nuestro learning and School Improvement Goals.” --Sarah McCaffrey, Mundo staff serves as a model for Instructional Coach, Shorewood Elementary other schools.” --Teri Hedges, Math Teacher “Last year a new educator from Lapham Leader Elementary participated in classroom observations around exemplar guided reading strategies and supports" -Annabelle Torres, new educator mentor

  18. A learning lab for parent involvement


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