nuclear decommissioning

Nuclear decommissioning Pierre Kockerols European Commission - - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Nuclear decommissioning Pierre Kockerols European Commission - Joint Research Centre What is nuclear decommissioning? Credits EC-JRC BR3 Pressurised Water Reactor, Mol, Belgium Credits SCK CEN Situation nuclear power reactors in the

  1. Nuclear decommissioning Pierre Kockerols European Commission - Joint Research Centre

  2. What is nuclear decommissioning? Credits EC-JRC

  3. “BR3” Pressurised Water Reactor, Mol, Belgium Credits SCK •CEN

  4. Situation nuclear power reactors in the EU Finland Operational Sweden Shutdown - Dismantling U.K. Lithuania Fully Dismantled Long Term Safe Enclosure The NL Germany Czech R. Belgium Slovakia France Romania Hungary Slovenia Bulgaria Italy TOTAL Spain Power reactors in EU: 220 Operating reactors: 135

  5. Why should we undertake decommissioning? 1. Respect of ethical principles 2. Societal confidence 3. Economic benefit 4. Compliance with international agreements

  6. What are the main challenges for Europe? Directive 2011/70/Euratom – Main elements National policy General principles National framework (legislative, regulatory and organisational) Allocates responsibilities and provides for coordination between relevant competent bodies National programme Covers all types of SF and RW and all stages of their management from generation to disposal

  7. The job… Credits EC-JRC, KIT, INSTN, SCK •CEN


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