beyond the obvious

beyond the obvious Resource Climate action sufficiency Clean - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lets venture beyond the obvious Resource Climate action sufficiency Clean energy for the future Prosperity from resource wisdom Opportunities Growth with in the world sustainable of huge innovations Industrial renewal Good life

  1. Let’s venture beyond the obvious

  2. Resource Climate action sufficiency Clean energy for the future Prosperity from resource wisdom Opportunities Growth with in the world sustainable of huge innovations Industrial renewal Good life challenges Innovations Improved quality empowering of life and work industry Safety and security Resiliency in turbulent world 2 VTT – beyond the obvious 29/01/2020

  3. VTT’s business areas • Sensing and integration KNOWLEDGE SMART • Lifecycle solutions • Connectivity INTENSIVE INDUSTRY • Nuclear safety • Data-driven solutions PRODUCTS AND • Smart energy and transport AND ENERGY • National Metrology SERVICES SYSTEMS solutions Institute VTT MIKES • Digital engineering • Micronova • Business innovation foresight manufacturing services • Industrial biotechnology and food solutions SOLUTIONS FOR • Biomass processing NATURAL and products RESOURCES AND • Sustainable energy ENVIRONMENT and chemical technologies 3 VTT – beyond the obvious 29/01/2020

  4. VTT’s R&D infrastructure – an essential part of the national research infrastructure VTT’s research environments are world -class. They enable product development from basic research to piloting and even small-scale production. 4 VTT – beyond the obvious 29/01/2020

  5. Energy use by communication technology VTT’s capabilities, services and activities: • Heat recovery from data centers • Data centers as flexible resources • Data transfer optimization • Solar energy and energy storage in base stations e.g. in VTT’s 5G pilot • 5G and beyond Source: Andrae, Anders S.G.; Edler, Tomas. 2015. "On Global Electricity Usage of Communication Technology: Trends to 2030." Challenges 6, no. 1: 117-157. Creative Commons open access article. 5 VTT – beyond the obvious 29.1.2020

  6. Small Modular Reactors in City Energy Source: VTT’s study about introducing an SMR in the energy system of a mid-sized Finnish town in Finland. VTT’s capabilities, services and activities:  SMR programme support  Analysis of SMR’s as a part of the city energy system  Coordination of ecosystem for business opportunities  Euratom project ELSMOR to confirm European capabilities of ensuring safety 6 VTT – beyond the obvious 29/01/2020

  7. VTT’s participation in Finnish and European research alliances VTT’s national development VTT’s key European VTT in the Academy of VTT in PPP initiatives Finland’s Centres of platforms research alliances (H2020 programme) Excellence • CoE in Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) • Bioruukki – Research and pilot • EARTO – an umbrella organisation that Contractual PPPs • Photonics (2012 - 2017) environment for the bioeconomy promotes and defends the interests of • CoE in Low Temperature Quantum • SMACC – Smart Machines and European research and technology • 5G • Big Data Phenomena and Devices (2012 - 2017) Manufacturing Competence Centre organisations • CoE in Molecular Engineering of • PrintoCent – Innovation centre for printed • EERA – European Energy Research • Cyber Security • Robotics Biosynthetic Hybrid Materials electronics Alliance • 5G test network • EIT Digital – European Institute of (2014 - 2019) • FoF (Factory of the Future) • CoE in Quantum Technology • Micronova – Cleanroom for silicon-based • SPIRE (Sustainable Process Industry Innovation & Technology • EIT Raw Materials – European Institute (2018 - 2025) micro systems and Resource Efficiency) • MIKES – National metrological institute • EeB (Energy Efficient Building) of Innovation & Technology • VTT Centre for Nuclear Safety • EIT4Food – European Institute of Innovation & Technology Joint Technology Initiatives / Joint • NUGENIA – Research cooperation Undertakings between the European nuclear industry • Electronic Components and Systems and research institutes ECSEL • Biobased Industries BBI • Fuel Cells and Hydrogen FCH 7 VTT – beyond the obvious 29/01/2020


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