missions of the international research institute for

Missions of the International Research Institute for Nuclear - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

IEEE IROS2013 Technical Committee on Robotics and Automation for Nuclear Facilities Missions of the International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 2013 NOV 3 International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning Hajimu

  1. IEEE IROS2013 Technical Committee on Robotics and Automation for Nuclear Facilities Missions of the International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning 2013 NOV 3 International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning Hajimu Yamana

  2. Process of the foundation International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning (IRID in brief) Establishment ・ 2013.8.1 Approved by Minister of Economic, Trade and Industry, Mr.Motegi, upon Research & Development Consortium Act of Japan. ・ 2013.8.8 1 st General meeting was held to start the consortium. Organizational scheme was agreed, and actual activities kick-off. Basic Role ・ With perspective of enhancing technological basis for nuclear decommissioning for the future, fully commit to technology R&D that helps decommissioning project of Fukushima Daiichi NPS. 2

  3. Outline of IRID Contents of operation R&D for nuclear decommissioning Advancing international/domestic alliance for decommissioning Human resource development for nuclear R&D Founding members (17) Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Toshiba Corporation Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Hokkaido Electric Power Company Chugoku Electric Power Company Tohoku Electric Power Company Shikoku Electric Power Company Tokyo Electric Power Company Kyushu Electric Power Company Chubu Electric Power Company The Japan Atomic Power Company Hokuriku Electric Power Company J-POWER Kansai Electric Power Company Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited (JNFL) 3

  4. Integration of the engineering for decommissioning Council for the Decommissioning of TEPCO's Fukushima Electric Utilities Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Plant Manufacturers (Chaired by Minister Motegi of METI) Future decommissioning projects R&D program Mid & Long-term Road Map IRID Integrated Management of R&D execution bodies R&Ds for decommissioning TEPCO (member companies) - Optimize decommissioning strategy 3 manufacturers - Analysis of practical needs and seeds 11 Utility companies - Coordination of technology with nuclear power Engineering Sections - International & domestic advices at Head Office JNFL - Exploration of potential technology JAEA Fukushima Daiichi - Enhance human resource AIST Front - Alliance with universities etc. Advices from domestic/international organizations Joint study with partners

  5. Mid & Long-term roadmap About 40 years or more will be needed for the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi NPP, and it will be a big challenge in terms of technology and cost. Complete submergence scenario as the reference roadmap 5

  6. BWR Mark-I Reactor building Reactor Pressure Vessel(RPV) Operation Floor Spent Fuel Steam Pool Primary line Containment Vessel (PCV) RPV Nuclear Fuels Control Rod Driving Mechanism Suppression Chamber Source : World Nuclear Association (2012), Fukushima Accident 2011. Press Release. 6

  7. Melt-down at Unit-3 ↑ Active fuel area 燃 料 部 ↓ Approx. 72 hours after scram Recycled CS 系 CS 給水系 ↑ water Active fuel area 燃 料 部 ↓ Approx. 168 hours after scram Source: Open information by TEPCO Accident report by TEPCO 7

  8. Material and radioactivity in the core Molten corium observed in TMI Inventory of FP radioactivity in Unit-3 1.0E+10 1.0E+09 Radioactivity (GBq/Core) 1.0E+08 1.0E+07 1.0E+06 1.0E+05 1.0E+04 1.0E+03 1.E-02 1.E-01 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 Time after SCRAM (y) Cs137 Ba137m Sr90 Y90 Pm147 Kr85 Cs134 Eu154 Eu155 Sb125 Ru106 Rh106 Sm151 H3 Te125m Ce144 Pr144 Cd113m Tc99 Eu152 Pr144m 8

  9. Latest status, Unit-1, 2, 3, and 4 Unit-1 Unit-2 Unit-3 Unit-4 Building cover Stand 構台 Spent fuel Reactor building pool Containme nt vessel Reactor Water feed 注水 pressure vesse l Fuel debris Retained water Temperatures of representative points as of August 22 11:00 o C Unit-1 Unit-2 Unit-3 Unit-4 RPV bottom 33.0 44.0 42.7 - PCV inside 34.0 44.1 40.6 - SF pool 30.5 29.9 28.7 37.0 Original source: Council for the decommissioning of TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi NPS 9

  10. Observed ambient conditions in the PCV Unit-1 Unit-2 Unit-3 Measured point 60cm from bottom inside PCV 2.8m from bottom No measurement Depth Inside OP4000 mm OP3300 mm OP3400 mm S/R room ca. 33 ℃ ca. 45 ℃ ca. 45 ℃ RPV bottom Temperature ca. 35 ℃ ca. 45 ℃ ca. 42 ℃ inside PCV Water ca. 20-40 ℃ ca. 15-25 ℃ No measurement - -- in S/R room inside PCV ca. 11 Sv/h ca. 73 Sv/h No measurement Dose rate inside ~ 10,000/ mSv/h ~ 140 mSv/h ~ 360mSv/h S/R room inside Reactor Max. 5150 mSv/h Max. 203 mSv/h Max. 880mSv/h Building 10

  11. R&D projects of IRID (1) A. Developments to set up fuel debris retrieval 1. Identification of leakage points of PCV 2. Remote decontamination of 5 reactor building 3. Inspection of inside PCV 2 4 4. Integrity assessment of PCV and RPV Recycled CS 系 CS 給水系 3 water 5. Severe accident progress assessment 7 6. Repair of PCV 1 8 7. Debris re-criticality study 6 8. Debris characterization study Source: Open information by TEPCO Accident report by TEPCO 11

  12. R&D projects of IRID (2) Spent fuels stored in a pond B. R&D to retrieve spent fuels in SF pool 1. Long-term integrity of spent fuels recovered from SF pool 2. Treatment of damaged spent fuels Installed facility for the recovery C. R&D for treatment & disposal of of spent fuels from Unit-4 radioactive wastes 1. Treatment of secondary radioactive wastes of water treatment 2. Treatment and disposal of radioactive wastes 12 12

  13. Contaminated ground water issue (solicitation by IRID) Pump up contaminated Soil improvement, facing, Sea-side impermeable wall water from trench Pump up ground water Land-side impermeable wall U-1 U-2 U-3 U-4 Sub-drain Ground water by-passing 13

  14. Preliminary inspection of the pedestal at Unit-2 Dose Sv/h Temperature ① 41 o C 24 ② 30 45 o C ③ 45 o C 36 Pedestal entrance Pedestal A picture taken at the entrance of pedestal Original source: Council for the decommissioning of TEPCO’sFukushima Daiichi NPS 14

  15. Robot technology applied in Fukushima Daiichi NPS  Mission  Visual , dose rate and meteorological survey  Obstacle removal  Decontamination , shielding  Material sampling  Leakage point identification and repair  Fuel debris retrieval  Robots applied in Fukushima Daiichi NPS from 2011 Usage Robot name 1st use Main purpose count T-Hawk 2011 Apr. Visual survey from bird-eye view 3 Visual survey and dose measurement Packbot Apr. 17 Warrior Jun. Obstacle removal 2 Quince Jun. Upstairs survey 13 JAEA-3 Sep. Dose measurement (Gamma camera) 1 Survey Runner Apr. Torus Room survey 2 Torus Room survey Quadruped Walking Robot Dec. 6 1 2013 Apr. FRIGO-MA Small room survey Hi-access survey robot Jun. High and narrow space survey 2 ASTACO-SoRA Jul. ~ Aug. Heavy obstacle removal 1 Magnetic surface crawler Sep. Water level of S/C inside measurement 1 15

  16. Result summary provided by the application Visual survey from Warrior Obstacle removal T-Hawk bird-eye view 3u R/B (2011.4.15) 3u 1F Large-object Visual survey and dose carry-in entrance Packbot 100mSv/h rate measurement (2011.11.3) (50cm upper from the floor) Torus room survey Survey Runner 3u 1F Large-object carry-in entrance (2012.6.11-15) Gamma camera 2u Torus room Quince (2012.4.18) Upstairs survey Small room survey FRIGO-MA 2u 5F Operation 3u 2F to 3F floor (2012.2.27) 1u 1F Personal airlock room (2011.7.26) Visual surveyed (2013.4.9) Visual surveyed and dose rate was measured 16

  17. Result summary provided by the application Quadruped Heavy obstacle removal ASTACO-SoRA Torus room survey Walking Robot 3u 1F Large-object carry-in entrance Cleaned up so as Decontamination machine can be carried in (2013.7.25-8.23) Flat Vehicle Exchangeable tip tools vent pipe suppression chamber manhole bellows cover Hi-access survey robot High and narrow space survey 2u 1F Upper area No particular damage was found ( 2013.6.18) Quadruped Flat Vehicle 4.0m 10mSv/h Walking Robot catwalk Ceiling space 3.5m 9mSv/h 2.5m 7mSv/h 2u Bellows cover and Edge of the vent pipe sleeve No water leakage was found (2012.12.11-2013.3.15) Side wall 17

  18. Robot technology be planed and under development High and narrow space Decontamination robots are under developed and planed to be applied in 2014 survey Water blast and High pressure water type Dry-ice blast type absorption type Narrow space of Dry well outside Leakage point identification Indirect visual Inspects for leaks by detecting inspection for tracers using ultrasonic leaks Torus room under water survey All around Vent pipe and High space on S/C cat walk Suppression chamber (S/C) survey Inspects torus wall penetrations for damage using a camera 18

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