norway s national institution for human rights

Norway`s National Institution for Human Rights. Petter Wille 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Norway`s National Institution for Human Rights. Petter Wille 1 What is a NHRI? UN Paris Principles set out requirements as to: Broad mandate given by parliament to promote and protect human rights Structure (form) which gives authority,

  1. Norway`s National Institution for Human Rights. Petter Wille 1

  2. What is a NHRI? UN Paris Principles set out requirements as to: • Broad mandate given by parliament to promote and protect human rights • Structure (form) which gives authority, independence and legitimacy • Core functions (content) which ensures recommendations and proactive engagement with the authorities based on thorough human rights monitoring • Resources (capacity) specifying sufficient funding and own facilities and staff 2

  3. Accredit itatio ion status • A-Status (Fully compliant with the Paris Principles) 78 • B-Status (Partially compliant with the Paris Principles) 33 • C- No status (Non compliant with the Paris Principles) 10 3

  4. Th The Norw rwegian egian NHRI RI – in n the context ntext of of other her ind ndepe ependent ndent bodies ies dealing ling with hu human n right ghts • The Courts • The Parliamentary Ombudsman • The Equality and Anti-discrimination Ombud • The Ombudsman for Children • The Health and Social Services Ombudsman • The Norwegian Data Protection Authority 4

  5. Nor orway`s way`s Natio tional nal Hu Human man Ri Right hts s In Inst stitution itution • Established by an act which entered into force 1 July 2015. • The primary function of the Norwegian National Human Rights Institution is to promote and protect human rights in accordance with the Constitution, the Human Rights Act and other legislation, international treaties and other international law. 5

  6. Ho How NHR HRIs Is wor ork and d what at they ey do do - op operation eration in a national ional con ontext text 6

  7. The e fu funct ction ions s of of the e nati tional onal inst stitution itution • The national institution shall contribute to strengthening the implementation of human rights, in particular by: a. monitoring and reporting on the human rights situation in Norway, including making recommendations to ensure that Norway's human rights obligations are fulfilled, b. advising the Storting, the Government, the Sami parliament and other public bodies and private parties on the implementation of human rights, c. disseminating information about human rights, including providing guidance to individuals about national and international complaints mechanisms, d. promoting the teaching, education and research in human rights, e. facilitating cooperation with relevant public bodies and other parties engaged in human rights work, f. participating in international cooperation to promote and protect human rights. 7

  8. Internat ernation ional al coope operation ration • NHRIs have a special status in the UN system • They can play an active role in connection with Norway`s reporting to the UN treaty bodies, as well as to the UPR process in the Human Rights Council. • Participation in ENNHRI • Participation in GANHRI 8

  9. Indi divid idual ual cases es • The national institution shall not hear individual cases concerning violations of human rights. • Other institutions have complaint procedures, including the Parliamentary Ombudsman and the Equality and Anti- discrimination Tribunal. 9

  10. Rep epor ort t to Parl rliam amen ent • The national institution shall submit an annual report to the Storting on the institution's activities and on developments in the human rights situation in Norway. 10

  11. Issues es unde der r cons nside ideration ration • Isolation of persons detained in police custody facilities, on remand and in prisons • Invasive surveillance measures to combat serious crime • Indigenous peoples rights • Immigration, including unaccompanied minor asylumsekers • Freedom of expression-hate speech 11

  12. Thank you ! Some useful web pages: 12


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