Northeastern High School WE ARE BOBCATS! WE ARE BOBCATS! O P E N H O U S E O P E N H O U S E S E P T E M B E R 4 , 2 0 14 W E L C O M E !
Welcome Overview of the evening General Information- Mr. Gay, Ms. Bream, Ms. Bell Following student schedule g Guidance counselors, librarian, social worker can be found in library. Also, please visit our new College and Career Center!
Key People at NHS Administration Student Supports pp Mr. Gay- 12 th Gr. Principal Ms. Bisignani- 9 th Gr. Counselor Ms. Berkheimer- Secretary Dr. Bierker- Guidance Counselor Ms. M. Bream- 10 th &11 th Gr. th & th G (A G ) (A-G ) M M B Principal Ms. Gamber- Guidance Counselor (H-O) Ms. Clemens- Secretary y Ms. Bell- 9 th Gr. Principal Ms. Hach- Guidance Counselor (P-Z) Ms. Cieszynski- Secretary Ms Salisbury- Guidance Ms. Salisbury Guidance M Mr. Stephens- Athletic Director St h Athl ti Di t Secretary Ms. B. Bream- Ms. Reed- Social Worker Receptionist/ Attendance Ms. Moyer- Nurse
Important Information Cafeteria- add to account Counselors (Dr. Bierker & ( through MySchoolBucks on Ms. Hach), librarian, social district website worker- Meeting in library Giant Rewards- Please sign Giant Rewards Please sign Counselors Ms. Bisignani & Counselors Ms Bisignani & up online! Ms. Gamber in rm. 803 Target Red Card- Funds to Visit library/ College & help school. Career Center if study hall is on schedule Other important info in lobby lobby. Pd 1 & 2- If two different Pd. 1 & 2 If two different classes, select one to attend tonight
Tonight’s Schedule 7:00-7:05- Hall exchange 7:05-7:20- Pd. 1-2 7:20-7:25- Hall exchange 7:25-7:30- Academic Prep A d i P 7:30-7:35- Hall exchange 7:35 7:50 Pd 3 7:35-7:50- Pd. 3 7:50-7:55- Hall exchange 7:55-8:10- Pd 4 7:55 8:10 Pd. 4 8:10-8:15- Hall exchange 8:15-8:30- Pd. 5 5 3 5
Sapphire Parent Portal Perhaps the most important communication tool! p p Academic Performance in real time Daily Attendance y Scheduling If you are not currently using, please see Ms. Bream y y g, p in office tonight to sign up! Please keep info up to date.
Assessments for High School Keystone Exams Course specific exams in English/ Reading, Biology, and Algebra I. This year, we will be testing students in aforementioned y , g classes and students who have taken the course but not yet passed the exam. Students prepare through course content and online p p g Classroom Diagnostic Tool. Testing will take place in December and May. PSAT PSAT All juniors will be taking PSAT on Oct. 16 during school day. No cost for parents for juniors. Underclassmen are also encouraged to participate $14 fee can be paid this evening encouraged to participate. $14 fee, can be paid this evening.
9 th Grade Academy AKA – Freshman Academy or The Annex Most core classes are in the Academy Most electives and lunch are in the High School Unique supports for this challenging transition Serves as a school within a school Develop new initiatives Significant successes
Daily Schedule Period 1/ 2 7:35 – 9:00 85 Pd 1 Pd 1 7:35 7:35 – 8:15 (40) 8:15 (40) Pd 2 8:20 – 9:00 (40) Academic Prep A d i P 9:05 – 9:50 45 BBC 9:05 – 9:15 (10) Flex 9:20 – 9:50 (30) Period 3 9:55 – 11:15 80 Period 4 11:20 – 1:10 110 Includes 30 Minutes for Lunch Period 5 1:15 – 2:35 80
Academic Prep What is Academic Prep? p Announcements Homeroom/ Advisory Flex Time Fl Ti Teacher & student resource and intervention Student and teacher accountability Student and teacher accountability Transformative initiative
Communication with NHS SapphireK-12- Online grade book. Students have log-in fi first day of school(Parents may register for unique access d f h l(P i f i or use the student log-in) Please provide/ update email & demographic info by p / p g p y contacting office Teacher email- Phone 266 3644 Phone- 266.3644 NESD/ NHS Website- Teacher web/ Moodle pages, calendars, newsletters, etc. School Messenger for phone & email blasts District Facebook page and Twitter feed @NESD @mathewgaynesd @NESD @mathewgaynesd
Safety Nets- Systems for Student Support Check and Connect C ec a d Co ec Brown Bag Lunch o ag u c Every 3 week progress Child Study Team reports Attendance Monitoring g Read 180/ System 44 Homeroom/ Advisory 9 th Grade Academy Remediation NEAT Intensive Course Scheduling Academic Prep Advanced Placement Project PASS P j t PASS School Resource Officer Pressley Ridge
Keys for support Open lines of communication between home and p school Course selection process Academic calendar- monitor! Support for school-based consequences Mutually high academic and behavioral M t ll hi h d i d b h i l expectations Opportunities for student involvement Opportunities for student involvement Use of agenda Constant reminder of the goal g
The following staff are not here this evening Ms. Walton (LTS for Ms. Mohr) ( ) Mr. Brown Ms. Byrne y Mr. Blake Ms. Fertenbaugh g Mr. Cook Mr. Sipe p
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