north forest high school

North Forest High School Data Conferences IWBAT Agenda Do Now - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

North Forest High School Data Conferences IWBAT Agenda Do Now IWBAT Do Now Process: Data Conferences Process Practice: Data Conference Closing Practice Exit Ticket Closing IWBAT IWBAT-Data Conferences Do Now

  1. North Forest High School Data Conferences

  2. IWBAT Agenda Do Now • IWBAT • Do Now • Process: Data Conferences Process • Practice: Data Conference • Closing Practice • Exit Ticket Closing

  3. IWBAT IWBAT-Data Conferences Do Now confirm scholar misconceptions and Process generate action plans that Practice will drive improved results . Closing

  4. IWBAT IWBAT-Today analyze assessment data prior Do Now to data conference with Process appraiser, and know what to expect during and after data Practice conference with appraiser Closing

  5. IWBAT Do Now Handout! Directions : Please analyze the exit ticket and be prepared to respond to the Do Now following questions: • Is this exit ticket aligned to the standard? Does it prepare scholars for the Process demands of the standard? Explain! • What questions could we ask to get this teacher to recognize what we notice about alignment/rigor? Practice • How can we ensure we are not producing exit tickets that fall below the demands of our standards? Closing

  6. IWBAT Effective Data Meetings • Teachers and appraisers analyzed data prior Do Now to the meeting Process • Re-teaching approaches were captured, written into plans and a timeline for re- Practice teaching was established Closing

  7. IWBAT Essential Tools/Resources Do Now The following resources/tools should be present during your data meetings: • Teacher Toolkit (binder) with planning resources • Scope and Sequence Process • Planning Calendar (Teacher created) Standards with descriptors and mapped items  • Completed Analysis & Action Plan • 3-5 Sample Test Booklets: Items, Passages, Answer Key, Scholar Work Practice • Ed Plan Data Reports: Standard Analysis, Scholar Analysis, Wrong Item Analysis, etc. Closing

  8. IWBAT Global Analysis of Results Phase I: Global Impressions: What are general Do Now conclusions we can draw from the data: • How well did the class do as a whole? • What are the strengths and weaknesses in the standards: Where do we Process need to work the most? • How did the class do on old vs. new standards? Are they forgetting or improving on old material? Practice • How were the results in the different question types (multiple choice vs. open-ended, reading vs. writing)? • How did scholars who require additional support perform? Where are some bright spots? Closing

  9. IWBAT Deep Analysis of Results Phase II: Let’s Dig In! What is the data really telling us about Do Now our scholars: • “Squint:” bombed questions— did students all choose same wrong answer? Why Process or why not? What can we learn from distractors? • Compare similar standards: Do results in one influence the other? • Break down each standard: Did they do similarly on every question or were some questions harder? What do they know how to do? Practice • Sort data by students’ scores: Are there questions that separate proficient / non - proficient students? • Look horizontally by student: Are there any anomalies occurring with certain students? Closing

  10. IWBAT Action Planning Phase III: So, what do we do? What action must we take to Do Now improve results: • Identify misconceptions for standards we are re-teaching Process • Generate aims/objectives to address misconceptions • Develop assessment (exit ticket; quiz etc.) for those objectives • Determine teaching approach/activities to prepare scholars for mastery of objectives • Schedule re-teaching plan (whole group & small group) into 6-week scope and sequence (in some Practice cases you’ll be spiraling with new standards) • Set timeline and expectations for execution? *Critical Question: When will scholars demonstrate mastery on the standards that are being retaught? Closing

  11. IWBAT Practice • Objective Do Now Teachers will practice preparing for a data conference. • Context Process You are preparing for a data conference. You’ll spend 10 minutes analyzing the data independently. • Analysis Expectations Practice Phase 1: Surface Analysis Phase 2: Revealing Misunderstandings through Deep Analysis (*Choose 1-2 Standards to focus on with your partner.) Phase 3: Action Planning (*Choose 1 standard to focus on here.) Closing

  12. IWBAT Practice Phase 1: Surface Analysis Handout! EdPlan Reports Handout! Practice Do Now Standards/Items Standards/Items(Struggle < 50) (Great >80% Good>70% Well ≥ 50%) • Where does it seem like scholars Process • When you look at your scholars’ struggled on this snapshot? results, what can we celebrate? • What did you do to drive these Practice results? • What standards need to be taught What standards need to be taught in Closing whole group? small group?

  13. IWBAT Practice Phase 2: Deep Analysis Handout! Snapshot 1 Do Now Error Analysis: Within Standard Error Analysis: Specific Items • On questions that measured the same • Did Scholars all choose the same wrong standard, were scholars better on some answer? Why? questions than others? Process • What misunderstandings are revealed: • If so, what are the differences in difficulty what do you think scholars were doing between those questions? Why did wrong here? students do better on one question than on • What are all the steps scholars needed to another? Practice do to answer this question correctly? • Do the results on one standard influence • Where does it seem like mastery broke the other? down for this question? • What do you notice when you analyze assessment results across genres? Closing

  14. IWBAT Practice Phase 3: Action Planning Do Now * Choose one standard • What misconceptions were revealed through your analysis? • Are your aims/objectives aligned to the misconceptions? Process • How will you assess? • When will you be reteaching? • Based on our analysis and discussion, what approach will you use to Practice reteach the standard? • What updates will you make to your planning calendar/action plan based on our discussion? Closing

  15. Key Points from this Session IWBAT • Looking at student results together is not about focusing on what Do Now went wrong; it’s about immediately moving to what we can do better. • Analysis of results does not occur at the data conference. Teachers Process and appraisers must analyze results prior to the data conference. This ensures that your time can be focused on generating re-teaching strategies and action planning. Practice • When done effectively, the Rigor Readiness Protocol allows teachers to proactively respond to the demands of the standards & assessment items. It is through this protocol that we can surface many of the questions/concerns we’re now experiencing and address them at the Closing beginning of the teaching cycle.

  16. Teacher Reflection: IWBAT Directions : In your table groups, please discuss the following Do Now questions: • How has this session prepared you to participate in effective Process data conferences with your appraiser? Practice • What next steps will you take to ensure that your data conferences produce action plans that drive results? Closing

  17. IWBAT Exit Tickets • Please write your name on exit ticket Do Now Process Practice Closing


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