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N.C. A&T Graduates Placement Board of Trustees Meeting February 13, 2015 North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Tracking NCA&T Graduates Placement

  1. N.C. A&T Graduates’ Placement Board of Trustees Meeting February 13, 2015 North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

  2. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Tracking NCA&T Graduates’ Placement Graduating Student Survey » Completed every semester by students awarded bachelor and graduate degrees » Instrument is supplied and required by UNC-GA » Voluntary » Question: “Please indicate the best description of your primary plans following graduation by marking the one most appropriate response below (14 response options) Graduate School Survey » Completed every semester by students awarded master and Ph.D degrees. » Instrument supplied by the Graduate School » Voluntary Question : “What is the status of your postgraduate plans (in the next year)?” (9 response options) » Question : “If you have employment (including post -doc/internship) lined up for the next year, what is » your salary range ?” (7 response options) Question: “If you have employment (including post -doc/internship) lined up for the next year, what » one type of principal employer will you be working with? (15 response options) 2

  3. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Tracking NCA&T Graduates’ Placement First Year Destination Survey – 3 questions from the committee were added to the Graduating Student Survey » Planned administration is every semester » Instrument supplied by IPAR » Voluntary » Questions : 1. If you will be continuing full-time with your current employer / or have accepted a full- time, please indicate the following: employer, job title, city, state, salary, signing bonus. 2. If you have been accepted to graduate or professional school / full-time next year please, provide the following: institution, city, state, intended major, intended degree, fellowship/stipend. 3. If you will be entering or continuing military service please, provide the following: military branch, city, state, salary, signing bonus. 3

  4. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University NCA&T Graduates’ Placement: From Graduating Student Survey Fall 2014* Undergraduate Students Graduate Students   » 21.26% are employed at time of » 41.07% are employed at time of graduation graduation » 27.57% intend to pursue » 8.93% intend to pursue graduate graduate school school » 41.86% seeking employment » 41.07% seeking employment Graduate Plans n=56 Undergraduate Plans n=320 Total % Total % Accepted Full Time job 38 12.62% Accepted Full Time job 14 25.00% Continue in Current paid job 26 8.64% Continue in Current paid job 9 16.07% Full time Graduate School 55 18.27% Full time Graduate School 4 7.14% Part time Graduate School 28 9.30% Part time Graduate School 1 1.79% Seeking Employment 126 41.86% Seeking Employment 23 41.07% Military 4 1.33% Military 0 0.00% Other 43 14.29% 4 Other 5 8.93% * Data from the 14 response options have been combined from 14 to 7.

  5. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University NCA&T Graduates’ Placement: From Graduate School Survey Fall 2014* Type of Employer n=92 Graduate Overall n= 150 Education 30 32% Totals % Government 11 12% Accepted full time job 30 20.00% Private Sector or Self Employed 38 41% Continue in current paid job 26 17.00% Other 13 14% 22 Graduate School 14.00%  Graduate Students 62 Seeking Employment 41.00% 10 Other 7.00% » 37% are employed at time of graduation If you have employment (including post- doc/internship) lined up for the next year, » 14% intend to pursue graduate what is your salary range? school Answer Response % $40,000 or less 24 34% » 41% seeking employment $40,001 - $50,000 13 18% $50,001 - $60,000 8 11% » 33% of those reporting work are $60,001 - $70,000 12 17% earning >$50,000/year $70,001 - $80,000 5 7% Over $80,000 8 11% » 41% of those reporting work are Other , please specify : 1 1% employed in the private sector Total 71 100% 5 * Data from the response options have been combined from 9 to 4 for ease of reporting.

  6. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University NCA&T Graduates’ Placement: From First Year Destinations: Fall 2014 First Year Destinations N=77 % response Declared Employment 60 78% Graduate School 12 16% Military 5 6%  Responding Students Salary Range n=24 $40,000 or less 7 29% » 78% are employed at time of $40,001 - $50,000 7 29% graduation $50,001 - $60,000 2 8% $60,001 - $70,000 6 25% » 16% intend to pursue graduate $70,001 - $80,000 1 4% school, 6% are going to the military Over $80,000 1 4% » 41% of those reporting are earning >$50,000/year » 31% of those reporting are going to Fortune 500 companies 6

  7. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Observations from Administration of Surveys Fall 2014 1. 48% of Undergraduates and 50% of Graduate Students are employed or planning upon attending graduate school subsequent to their degree award. 2. Of those students reporting salary, 41% of Undergraduates and 48% of Graduate Students report salaries of >$50,000/year 3. Gaining employment data in the semester of graduation is difficult due to timing in hiring cycles and due to concerns for privacy. 4. The response rate on the Graduating Student Survey could be improved with adjustments to its administration. 5. More work needs to be done on administration of the First Year Destination questions to increase response rate. 7

  8. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Next Steps  Change the placement of the First Year Destination questions in the larger Graduating Student Survey to enhance item response rate.  Explore the possibility of using one survey for the Undergraduate Students only and the other for Graduate Students only. Begin Graduating Student Survey earlier and provide more  time for response. Utilize letters of endorsement from University administration  to encourage student participation. Utilized rewards for completion of the survey to encourage  student participation. 8

  9. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University Thank you! 9


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