Niagara Falls City School District After-School Programming
NFCSD List of After-School Programs Elementary Preparatory High School 21st CCLC 21st CCLC Extended Day Empire Farm to School Early College Title I/SIG-A Family Community AgrX Engagement AgrX Farm to School Farm to School Family Community Family Community Engagement Engagement
Elementary After-School Programs 21st Century Grant - Abate, Hyde Park, Kalfas, Niagara St - Grades 5 and 6 Empire State Grant - 79th, Cataract, Mann, Maple - Grades 3 - 6
Elementary After-School Programs - The district has supplemented these grants with other funding in order to offer programming for ALL grade-levels at ALL district schools. (SIG-A and Title I) - Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays - October 30th - December 21st: 1 Hour - January 8th - May 31st: 2 Hours
Elementary After-School Programs 21st Century and Empire State - Academic Focus: Primarily Math and ELA - Enrichment Focus: Unique clubs that enhance student learning - Mental/Social: Kelly Coleman, Mindy Scime, and University at Buffalo - Clubs and Support vary by site
Elementary After-School Programs 21st Century and Empire State Schools - Two-hour program beginning January 8th - Program will run until 5:00pm w/ bussing available to bus students at that time - Optional 4:15pm dismissal for students being picked-up and walkers - Boys/Girls Club staff will provide enrichment and recreational activities from 4:15 - 5:00 - All grade-levels
Preparatory After-School Farm to School Programs USDA Planning Grant 21st Century Grant Family and Community Engagement Grant Academic: Math and ELA focus, provided Information Sharing and aligned support and instruction with daily Mentoring Programs content Enrichment: Unique student driven clubs Mental/Social Support: Tomasina Cook and Cori Herbert PRIDE: Alternative Discipline
Niagara Falls High School Extended Day : A. Academic Support B. School Engagement C. Mental/Social Support Early College First generation college students, financial support Farm to School USDA Planning Grant Family and Community Engagement Grant Information Sharing and Mentoring Programs
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