newton fund workshop victor guang shi research fellow

Newton Fund Workshop Victor Guang Shi, Research Fellow AMRC, The - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Newton Fund Workshop Victor Guang Shi, Research Fellow AMRC, The University of Sheffield The TSB HVM Centre 2 The AMRC with Boeing Research hub at heart of Advanced Manufacturing Park. 500+ researchers,

  1. Newton Fund Workshop Victor Guang Shi, Research Fellow AMRC, The University of Sheffield

  2. The TSB HVM Centre 2

  3. The AMRC with Boeing • Research hub at heart of Advanced Manufacturing Park. • 500+ researchers, technicians and support staff. • Around 100+ member companies – from global giants to local SMEs. • Part of Rolls-Royce & Boeing global research networks. 3

  4. AMRC Campus AMRC Training Centre AMRC Factory of the Composites Future Centre DPTC Extension KTC Nuclear AMRC Cti IMG 4

  5. Agri-Food Ecosystem with SCEnAT Application SCEnAT green Decision Support Tool for agri-food ecosystem, using wheat supply chain as an example. Understand wheat supply chain impacts and hot-spots • Identify significant improvement potentials • Evaluate the impacts of intervention strategies • 5

  6. Main Data Requirements into SCEnAT Primary Process Data Company Data Secondary Process Data UK and Multi-Regional Input-Output Data 6

  7. Wheat Farming Process Carbon Map

  8. Process Life Cycle Emissions Indirect , 16,53 Production Processes, 20,3 Transport Road, 0,2 Chemicals Organic, 11,6 Seed, 4,2 Pesticides, 1,2 Fertilizers, 46,3 8

  9. Production Process Carbon Hotspot 20.3% total growing wheat emissions U n i t kg CO2-Eq C a r b o n Inputs Production Process 20.3% Price LCIA Emission Quantities Emission % 1.48E-04 25 154.66 0.0229 6.50% combine harvesting 0.00051831 7.5 25.172 0.013 3.70% fertilising, by broadcaster application of plant protection products, by field sprayer 0.0010162 7.5 10.943 0.0111 3.20% 7.76E-05 40 118.44 0.0092 2.60% tillage, ploughing 0.00025807 25 24.692 0.0064 1.80% tillage, harrowing, by spring tine harrow 7.05E-05 25 62.701 0.0044 1.30% tillage, harrowing, by rotary harrow 1.48E-04 7.5 22.632 0.0034 1% sowing 0.0019884 0.5 0.30585 0.0006 0.20% transport, tractor and trailer 9

  10. Agrochemical Use Carbon Hotspot 63.3% total growing wheat emissions Inputs Fertilizer 46.3% Quantities Unit Price kg CO2-Eq LCIA Carbon Emission Emission % ammonium nitrate, as N, at regional storehouse 0.015097 0.478 8.6449 0.1305 37.10% triple superphosphate, as P2O5, at regional storehouse 0.010931 0.292 2.0754 0.0227 6.40% ammonium sulphate, as N, at regional storehouse 0.0022401 0.2 2.7864 0.0062 1.80% potassium chloride, as K2O, at regional storehouse 0.0065871 0.292 0.53133 0.0035 1% Inputs Pesticide 1.2% Quantities Unit Price kg CO2-Eq LCIA Carbon Emission Emission % pesticide unspecified, at regional storehouse 0.0002815 2.111 7.7162 0.0022 0.60% glyphosate, at regional storehouse 0.000053312 1.95 15.937 0.0008 0.20% [sulfonyl]urea-compounds, at regional storehouse 0.000026214 0.29 9.2024 0.0002 0.10% diphenylether-compounds, at regional storehouse 0.000018498 2.111 18.626 0.0003 0.10% nitrile-compounds, at regional storehouse 0.000061291 1.95 4.9399 0.0003 0.10% phenoxy-compounds, at regional storehouse 0.000055031 3.25 3.8981 0.0002 0.10% organophosphorus-compounds, at regional storehouse 3.406E-07 3.9 7.7289 0 0% pyretroid-compounds, at regional storehouse 1.6105E-06 2.111 21.773 0 0% cyclic N-compounds, at regional storehouse 0.000017632 2.111 4.9698 0.0001 0% Inputs Quantities Unit Price kg CO2-Eq LCIA Carbon Emission Emission % Inputs Seed 4.2% wheat seed IP, at regional storehouse 0.023324 0.18 0.63284 0.0148 4.2% Inputs Chemical organic 11.6 urea, as N, at regional storehouse 0.012109 0.29 3.3707 0.0408 11.6% 10

  11. Implication Wheat Supply Chain Mapping Supply Chain Solutions Bread, Restaurant/ Noodle etc Services Flour Agriculture Growing Wheat Final Services Customer Food Manufacturing Animal Feed Agriculture Animal Feed Production Machinery Farmers Agrochemicals Processors Retailers Agri-industry Agri-centres Distributers Restaurants Traders Food outlets Landowners 11

  12. Manufacturing Servi=za=on AMRC Integrated Manufacturing Group

  13. Collaboration — Business model innovation on Agri-food ecosystem, its implication to sustainability. — Agri-food supply chain structural configuration and relational management for resource efficiency and circular economy. — Motivational mechanics and gamification to promote adoption of resource efficiency and sustainability. 13

  14. Thank You 14


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