new zealand trade lucire enterprise fashion apparel

New Zealand Trade & Lucire: Enterprise fashionapparel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

lucire New Zealand Trade & Lucire: Enterprise fashionapparel promoting industry workshop fashion through Dunedin, New Zealand uncharted March 12, 2004 waters lucire 1. Have a dream or

  1. lucire New Zealand Trade & Lucire: Enterprise fashion–apparel promoting industry workshop fashion through Dunedin, New Zealand uncharted March 12, 2004 waters

  2. lucire 1. Have a dream or vision that Ten points to encompasses not just you, making this but our planet. country great 2. Never get swayed from that dream.

  3. lucire 3. Being in New Zealand is a Ten points to great advantage. You need making this never be scared of taking a country great risk. 4. New Zealand is about independence, innovation and intuition.

  4. lucire 5. Honour separates the Ten points to greats from the also-rans. making this 6. Always look for win–win country great relationships.

  5. lucire 7. When you care more about Ten points to money, rivalry or making this documents, take a chill pill. country great

  6. lucire Ten points to 8. Having international making this standards is not being country great wanky. 9. Let us restore our unity of purpose.

  7. lucire 10. Love life. Ten points to making this country great

  8. lucire Visit www.beyond- Beyond Branding

  9. lucire Have your say at Let’s change Lucire StyleTalk, the world together. Or visit for lecture notes and slides

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