new results on the entanglement entropy of singular

New results on the entanglement entropy of singular regions in CFTs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

New results on the entanglement entropy of singular regions in CFTs Pablo Bueno QUIST 2019, YITP, Kyoto University June 22, 2019 Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 1 / 18 Talk based on arXiv:1904.11495 with Horacio

  1. New results on the entanglement entropy of singular regions in CFTs Pablo Bueno QUIST 2019, YITP, Kyoto University June 22, 2019 Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 1 / 18

  2. Talk based on arXiv:1904.11495 with Horacio Casini and William Witczak-Krempa Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 1 / 18

  3. Talk based on arXiv:1904.11495 with Horacio Casini and William Witczak-Krempa + some mentions to previous work Phys.Rev. B96 (2017) no.3, 035117 with Lauren Sierens , Rajiv Singh , Rob Myers , Roger Melko Phys.Rev. B93 (2016) 045131 with William Witczak-Krempa JHEP 1512 (2015) 168 JHEP 1508 (2015) 068 with Rob Myers Phys.Rev.Lett. 115 (2015) 021602 with Rob Myers , William Witczak-Krempa Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 1 / 18

  4. Outline 1 EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures 2 EE of singular regions in CFTs: New results Vertex-induced universal terms Wedge entanglement vs corner entanglement Singular regions and EE divergences Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 2 / 18

  5. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures 1. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 2 / 18

  6. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Entanglement entropy in CFTs Rényi/Entanglement entropy of subregions is intrinsically divergent for QFTs, “area law” divergence built in. Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 3 / 18

  7. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Entanglement entropy in CFTs Rényi/Entanglement entropy of subregions is intrinsically divergent for QFTs, “area law” divergence built in. Luckily, well-defined “uni- versal terms”. [Even for those, some care must be taken when theory contains superselection sectors; see Javier’s talk & Horacio’s last lecture; subtlety ignored here] Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 3 / 18

  8. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Entanglement entropy in CFTs Rényi/Entanglement entropy of subregions is intrinsically divergent for QFTs, “area law” divergence built in. Luckily, well-defined “uni- versal terms”. [Even for those, some care must be taken when theory contains superselection sectors; see Javier’s talk & Horacio’s last lecture; subtlety ignored here] Given smooth spatial entangling region V with characteristic length scale H , � d − 1 b 1 H H d − 2 H d − 4 2 s univ δ + ( − 1) , (odd d ) , S ( d ) n = b d − 2 δ d − 2 + b d − 4 δ d − 4 + · · · + log � H n d − 2 b 2 H 2 � 2 s univ δ 2 + ( − 1) + b 0 , (even d ) . n δ where δ , UV regulator. Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 3 / 18

  9. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Universal terms in d = 3 , 4 Even d : s univ ⇔ logarithmic term, linear combination of local integrals on Σ ≡ ∂V n weighted by theory-dependent “charges”. Odd d : s univ ⇔ constant term, no longer controlled by local integral on Σ ≡ ∂V . n Less robust than logarithmic terms ⇒ May use Mutual Information as a regulator. [Casini; Casini, Huerta, Myers, Yale] Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 4 / 18

  10. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Universal terms in d = 3 , 4 Even d : s univ ⇔ logarithmic term, linear combination of local integrals on Σ ≡ ∂V n weighted by theory-dependent “charges”. d = 4, Σ ⇐ smooth surface [Solodukhin; Fursaev] � H � � � � � = − 1 � k 2 − f c ( n ) s univ f a ( n ) R + f b ( n ) W log n 2 π δ Σ Σ Σ where f a (1) = a , f b (1) = f c (1) = c trace-anomaly coefficients. Geometry and theory dependences factorize term by term. Odd d : s univ ⇔ constant term, no longer controlled by local integral on Σ ≡ ∂V . n Less robust than logarithmic terms ⇒ May use Mutual Information as a regulator. [Casini; Casini, Huerta, Myers, Yale] Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 4 / 18

  11. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Universal terms in d = 3 , 4 Even d : s univ ⇔ logarithmic term, linear combination of local integrals on Σ ≡ ∂V n weighted by theory-dependent “charges”. d = 4, Σ ⇐ smooth surface [Solodukhin; Fursaev] � H � � � � � = − 1 � k 2 − f c ( n ) s univ f a ( n ) R + f b ( n ) W log n 2 π δ Σ Σ Σ where f a (1) = a , f b (1) = f c (1) = c trace-anomaly coefficients. Geometry and theory dependences factorize term by term. Odd d : s univ ⇔ constant term, no longer controlled by local integral on Σ ≡ ∂V . n Less robust than logarithmic terms ⇒ May use Mutual Information as a regulator. [Casini; Casini, Huerta, Myers, Yale] d = 3, Σ ⇐ smooth curve H S (3) δ − s univ = b 1 n n e.g., Σ = S 1 , then s univ = free energy of CFT on S 3 [Casini, Huerta, Myers; 1 Dowker] , non-local quantity. Geometry and theory dependences entangled. Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 4 / 18

  12. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Corner entanglement in d = 3 Situation changes when geometric singularities present on Σ. Consider corner of opening angle Ω on a time slice of a d = 3 CFT, H � H � S corner δ − a (3) = b 1 n (Ω) log + b 0 EE δ Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 5 / 18

  13. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Corner entanglement in d = 3 Situation changes when geometric singularities present on Σ. Consider corner of opening angle Ω on a time slice of a d = 3 CFT, H � H � S corner δ − a (3) = b 1 n (Ω) log + b 0 EE δ Logarithmic universal term arises, controlled by a (3) n (Ω). Vast literature, free fields, lattice models, holography, etc. [Many people] Angular and theory dependences do not dis- entangle ( e.g., simple result for holographic theories [Drukker, Gross, Ooguri; Hirata, Takayanagi] vs horrendous expressions for free fields [Casini, Huerta] ). Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 5 / 18

  14. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Corner entanglement in d = 3 Still, remarkable amount of universality observed [PB, Myers, Witczak-Krempa] σ = π 2 1 (Ω) = σ (Ω − π ) 2 + . . . , a (3) 24 C T (1) Conjectured to hold ∀ CFTs in d = 3. Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 6 / 18

  15. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Corner entanglement in d = 3 Still, remarkable amount of universality observed [PB, Myers, Witczak-Krempa] σ = π 2 1 (Ω) = σ (Ω − π ) 2 + . . . , a (3) 24 C T (1) Conjectured to hold ∀ CFTs in d = 3. Proven! [Faulkner, Leigh, Parrikar] Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 6 / 18

  16. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Corner entanglement in d = 3 Still, remarkable amount of universality observed [PB, Myers, Witczak-Krempa] σ = π 2 1 (Ω) = σ (Ω − π ) 2 + . . . , a (3) 24 C T (1) Conjectured to hold ∀ CFTs in d = 3. Proven! [Faulkner, Leigh, Parrikar] Stress tensor charge C T provides natural normalization. Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 6 / 18

  17. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Corner entanglement in d = 3 Still, remarkable amount of universality observed [PB, Myers, Witczak-Krempa] σ = π 2 1 (Ω) = σ (Ω − π ) 2 + . . . , a (3) 24 C T (1) Conjectured to hold ∀ CFTs in d = 3. Proven! [Faulkner, Leigh, Parrikar] Stress tensor charge C T provides natural normalization. 1 (Ω) ≥ π 2 C T Universal lower bound ⇔ a (3) log[1 / sin(Ω / 2)] [PB, Witczak-Krempa] 3 Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 6 / 18

  18. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Corner entanglement in d = 3 Still, remarkable amount of universality observed [PB, Myers, Witczak-Krempa] σ = π 2 1 (Ω) = σ (Ω − π ) 2 + . . . , a (3) 24 C T (1) Conjectured to hold ∀ CFTs in d = 3. Proven! [Faulkner, Leigh, Parrikar] Stress tensor charge C T provides natural normalization. 1 (Ω) ≥ π 2 C T Universal lower bound ⇔ a (3) log[1 / sin(Ω / 2)] [PB, Witczak-Krempa] 3 Analogous result to (1) for (hyper)-cones in general d . [PB, Myers; Mezei; Miao] Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 6 / 18

  19. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Corner entanglement in d = 3 Still, remarkable amount of universality observed [PB, Myers, Witczak-Krempa] σ = π 2 1 (Ω) = σ (Ω − π ) 2 + . . . , a (3) 24 C T (1) Conjectured to hold ∀ CFTs in d = 3. Proven! [Faulkner, Leigh, Parrikar] Stress tensor charge C T provides natural normalization. 1 (Ω) ≥ π 2 C T Universal lower bound ⇔ a (3) log[1 / sin(Ω / 2)] [PB, Witczak-Krempa] 3 Analogous result to (1) for (hyper)-cones in general d . [PB, Myers; Mezei; Miao] Rényi entropy generalization is trickier... Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 6 / 18

  20. EE of singular regions in CFTs: known facts and conjectures Cone entanglement in d = 4 Fundamentally different from corner, theory dependence completely disentangled from angular dependence (which is the same for all CFTs) [Klebanov, Nishioka, Pufu, Safdi] H 2 � H � � H � n (Ω) log 2 S (4) cone δ 2 − a (4) = b 2 + b 0 log + c 0 n δ δ 4 f b ( n )cos 2 Ω n (Ω) = 1 a (4) ∀ CFTs sin Ω Pablo Bueno EE of singular regions in CFTs 22/06/2019 7 / 18


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