new kids

New Kids on on the Bl the Bloc ock About UHEAA Outreac ach h - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

New Kids on on the Bl the Bloc ock About UHEAA Outreac ach h Team am Help Utah families prepare for college costs Support K-12 educators as they promote college readiness Making sure you ou g got ot t the ri right stuff

  1. New Kids on on the Bl the Bloc ock

  2. About UHEAA Outreac ach h Team am  Help Utah families prepare for college costs  Support K-12 educators as they promote college readiness Making sure “you ou g got ot t the ri right stuff ff” ” to help your students

  3. About UHEAA Outreac ach h Team am Our Top Programs:  FAFSA Nights for seniors & FAFSA Boot Camps for Educators Our Top Resources:  Paying for College Guide & FAFSA Walk-Through Video Our Websites:  &

  4. Counselors can address as early as elementa tary ry s school ol with: College Savings & Scholarships

  5. Counselors can address as early as elementa tary ry s school ol with: College Savings & Scholarships Starting as early as the fir irst yea ear of hig igh sc school with: Cost savings through Concurrent Enrollment/AP

  6. Counselors can address as early as Starting Senior or Y Year r elementa tary ry s school ol with: with: College Savings & FAFSA Scholarships Starting as early as the fir irst yea ear of hig igh sc school with: Cost savings through Concurrent Enrollment/AP

  7. College Savings

  8. College Savi Savings ngs 529 Bank or credit union

  9. College Scholarships

  10. College Sch Scholarsh ships ips Academic merit Project & portfolio (e.g. artwork, videos, etc.) Financial need Volunteerism Intended major or career Athletic Prowess Leadership Demographics (e.g. race, gender, 1 st gen, etc.)

  11. College Sch Scholarsh ships ips Private*** From: ***Vital for undocumented • Businesses students, who do not • Nonprofits qualify for state or federal • Individual philanthropists financial aid From: State • Legislature Institutional From: • Colleges • Universities

  12. College Sch Scholarsh ships ips UHE HEAA’s P Plan lan Ahead ad f for My5 y529 Make ke Y You our Colle Co llege Co Costs Sc Scholarship Mark S k Schol olarship ip Freedo dom F Festival al A Art Scho holars rshi hip C p Contest

  13. College Sch Scholarsh ships ips   Complete Scholarships Social Media  Complete Student Podcast  Complete Scholarships Newsletter

  14. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)

  15. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) *2021 High School Seniors will use the 2021-2022 FAFSA when they file

  16. Application is required for…  Federal Aid (grants, work-study, student loans)  Many forms of state and institutional aid  Required on some private scholarship applications

  17. Application opens… *October 1 st senior year & Every year in college

  18. Is there an income cutoff? It’s impossible to identify an exact number, since the FAFSA also accounts for household size, number of children in college, proximity of parents to retirement, etc. Need parent information? Typically yes until the student is approx. 24 years old. (Exceptions can be made – most common exceptions include if the student is in foster care, is emancipated, has a legal guardian who is not their parent, or is homeless.) Should Missionaries File? Yes! Especially in case of early return or to defer scholarships

  19. CARES Act – Emergency Funds  March 2020, Congress allocated $14 Billion for colleges, at least half had to go to students to offset costs associated with campus disruptions  Emergency grants could continue in the 21-22 school year  Requires students to complete FAFSA CARES Act – Loan forgiveness *(For anyone in the audience who might have their own student debt)  No payments required and 0% interest until 9/30/20 (Congress could extend).

  20. UHEAA Resour Re ource ces Want to learn the FAFSA front-to-back and practice using real-life case studies? Contact UHEAA to arrange a virtual FAFSA Boot Camp for your staff. Email:

  21. UHEAA Re Resour ource ces “Please don’t go, girl!” The learning doesn’t have to stop here! Find all of our resource at

  22. 80 801-869 69-5701 outreach@ ch@uta tahsb hsbr.e .edu


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