new frontiers of lattice field theories

New Frontiers of Lattice Field Theories GGI Firenze 17 September - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

QCD with many flavors at zero and non-zero temperature Maria Paola Lombardo Albert Deuzeman, MPL , Kohtaroh Miura , Tiago Nunes da Silva, Elisabetta Pallante New Frontiers of Lattice Field Theories GGI Firenze 17 September 2012 QCD with many

  1. QCD with many flavors at zero and non-zero temperature Maria Paola Lombardo Albert Deuzeman, MPL , Kohtaroh Miura , Tiago Nunes da Silva, Elisabetta Pallante New Frontiers of Lattice Field Theories GGI Firenze 17 September 2012

  2. QCD with many flavors : Sketchy view of the phase diagram dynamics Walking Conformal/ Quasi Conformal Hadronic Ph Window of QCD Phase NAF NAF Nf c Nf

  3. (ideal) Outline • Nf=0 • Nf=1 • Nf=2 • Nf=3 • Nf=4 • Nf=5 • Nf=6 • Nf=7 • Nf=8 • Nf=9 • Nf=10 • Nf=11 • Nf=12 • Nf=13 • Nf=14 • Nf=15 • Nf=16 • Summary

  4. Outline • Nf=0 • Nf=2 Introduction • Nf=3 • Nf=4 • Nf=5 • Nf=6 • Near Conformal: Nf=7 • Nf=8 Continuum and Lattice • Nf=9 • Nf=10 • Nf=11 Nf c ≈ 12 • Nf=12 • Conformal Nf=13 • Nf=14 • Nf=15 • Nf=16 Summary

  5. This talk’s main theme: precursors effects of conformality when approaching Nfc from the QCD side Near Conformal: Continuum and Lattice

  6. QCD-like : running coupling

  7. Running vs Walking : Both compatible with IR slavery and UV freedom a cr Walking : Running : Separation of Scales : L sets the scale Interesting for Phenomenology

  8. The discovery of the conformal window of QCD Miransky-Yamawaki, 1997; Appelquist et al. 1997 • For Nf > 8 the perturbative b function of QCD develops a second 0 : the Banks-Zacs IRFP . • Then the coupling runs to IRFP CONFORMAL WINDOW • Chiral Symmetry Breaking requires a > a cr: a cr • 1) IRFP < a cr  CONFORMAL WINDOW a * 2) IRFP > a cr  Relevant for Conformal NEAR-CONFORMALITY, IRFP disappears Technicolor transition WALKING QCD-like , but: a cr NEAR-CONFORMALITY, WALKING

  9. Running established up to 5 Flavors

  10. Can we establish walking as well?

  11. Can we establish walking as well? (if yes, it has to be for Nf > 5)

  12. Near-Conformal behaviour On the QCD-side can be seen in: Different scales L UV and L IR Critical behaviour Nf Nfc m

  13. Thermal transition and near-conformal dynamics J. Braun , H. Gies 06 08 09

  14. Towards Conformality: Continuum (from the lattice)

  15. Ns x a From the Lattice.. Nt x a the continuum Via old fashioned asymptotic scaling Must be approx. constant for several Nt (Old fashioned asymptotic scaling)

  16. Nf = 6 Chiral crossover of order parameter Nt

  17. Nf=6 , Polyakov loop

  18. Nf=6 : Chiral crossover of the chiral cumulant R p

  19. Summary of results for b c ( updated at xQCD2012 ) Must be Nt independent

  20. Nt-(quasi) independence of Tc/ L Lat for Nf = 6

  21. Tc/ L as a function of Nf Tc/ L Scale separation Nf Conventional running

  22. Fixing an UV scale

  23. Tc/M UV

  24. Trading L LAT for L IR stable

  25. Alternative analysis Our results Shuryak and Sulejmanpasic , 2012 Line Shuryak and Liao, 2012 Of IRFP Strongest coupled QGP? Nf

  26. Quasi Conformal QGP Strongly Coupled QGP Hadronic Phase

  27. (Quasi)Conformality and High T QCD h /S < (3 – 5) / 4 p S. Borsaniy et al.2011 M. Panero 2010

  28. Conformality and near-Conformality at zero and finite T: coupling ‘walks’ in the plasma! Kaczmarez-Zantov 2005 Conformal Window J. Braun, H. Gies , 06

  29. Towards Conformality- Lattice

  30. PHASES OF QCD ON THE LATTICE : Temperature = 0 Miransky, Yamawaki evidence of) ? And in progress

  31. PHASES OF QCD ON THE LATTICE : Finite Nt evidence of) ? Finite T chiral transition finite Nf And in progress Nf=0 Yang- Mills finite T deconf

  32. PHASES OF QCD ON THE LATTICE : Finite Nt Numerical results Phases of QCD below Nf_c

  33. Critical number of flavor from thermal lines Nf c = 10(2) (preliminary)

  34. Inside the Conformal window

  35. The nucleon mass and the ‘Edinburgh Plot’ in the conformal window

  36. Mass ratio : qualitative features discriminating broken and symmetric phases

  37. The transition of 4dQED on a Lattice Kocic, Kogut, MPL, 1992 Symmetric Broken

  38. Nf = 12

  39. Nf=12: mass ratio Our results

  40. Chiral Partners, and anomalous dimension Caveat... Can we compute anomalous dimenions away from IRFP ???

  41. Critical scaling of the chiral transition Critical scaling of IRFP Two Tasks: 1) Chiral Symmetry vs Chiral Symmetry Breaking 2) If we measure an anomalous dimension, is this associated to Chiral or Conformal Symmetries?

  42. Summary

  43. Near-conformal dynamics (continuum): Tc/ L suggests scale separation for Nf > 6 Pre-conformal (critical) behaviour observed for Nf > 6, with Nf critical = 11 (3) Shuryak’s (equivalent) view : coupling at (Tc, Nfc) = coupling at IRFP Near-conformal dynamics (lattice) : Thermal pseudocritical lines meet at (g*, Nf critical), with Nf critical = 10(2) (preliminary) All estimates confirm that twelve flavors is close to the conformal transitions – Nf=12 difficult to study directly (as we know!) Interesting interplay with finite temperature QCD with implications for the physics of the strongly interactive quark gluon plasma


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