new external noise limits for electric rolling stock on

New external noise limits for electric rolling stock on the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

New external noise limits for electric rolling stock on the Transport for NSW network Serge Vegh, Noise and Vibration Specialist, ASA, Transport for NSW 18 November 2015 Agenda 1. Background 2. EMU limit 2014 3. Who is the ASA? 4.

  1. New external noise limits for electric rolling stock on the Transport for NSW network Serge Vegh, Noise and Vibration Specialist, ASA, Transport for NSW 18 November 2015

  2. Agenda 1. Background 2. EMU limit 2014 3. Who is the ASA? 4. Development overview 5. Key outcomes 6. Conclusion Acoustics 2015 | 2

  3. 2014 limits – background • Asset Standards Authority (ASA), of TfNSW • T HR RS 00100 ST - RSU 100 Series – Minimum Operating Standards for Rolling Stock – General Interface Standards , clause 6 Environmental Interface (RSU 150) • New noise standard for Electric Multiple Units (EMU) • Driven by EMU acquisition project • Assured argument for the limits Acoustics 2015 | 3

  4. External noise limits for Passenger EMU • T HR RS 00100 ST Minimum Operating Standards for Rolling Stock • RSU 100 series – general requirements for all rolling stock • RSU 150 Environmental Requirements (noise only) • New Section (6.3.2 page 49) for external noise limits for Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) Passenger Trains Acoustics 2015 | 4

  5. External noise limits for Passenger EMU • Comply with noise emission limits for the whole of asset operational life • ISO 3095:2013 except where specified otherwise • Stationary tests conducted in accordance with (iaw) Section 5 measure: LpAeq, LpAFmax, tonality, fequency spectrum and impulsiveness • Constant speed tests conducted iaw Section 6, at V=80 km/h and Vmax measure: LpAeq, LpAFmax, tonality, frequency spectrum and impulsiveness • Acceleration tests conducted iaw Section 7 measure: LpAeq, LpAFmax, tonality, frequency spectrum and impulsiveness • Braking tests : LpAeq, LpAFmax, tonality, frequency spectrum and impulsiveness zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA • Additional measurements as necessary to determine vehicle maximum noise operating condition and individual items of equipment. Acoustics 2015 | 5

  6. External noise limits for Passenger EMU Test condition Test Metric Limit * Adjusted to 7.5m L AFmax 65 Section 5.4.2 ‘normal operating conditions (with Stationary 1 additional quantities) L Aeq 62 L AFmax 71 Section 5.4.3 configured to give maximum noise Stationary 2 operating condition L Aeq 65 L AFmax - Section 5.4.3 configured to vehicle presentation Stationary 3 (cleaning) mode L Aeq 59 L AFmax 83 V=80km/h Section 6 (with additional quantities) L Aeq 80 L AFmax 82 Accelerating Section 7 (with additional quantities) L Aeq 80 L AFmax 82 Section 8 (with additional quantities) Breaking L Aeq 80 Acoustics 2015 | 6

  7. ASA in Transport for NSW • TfNSW is asset owner/custodian • Operations and maintenance contracted out • ASA works on behalf of the asset owner/custodian • Authority defined under ASA Charter Acoustics 2015 | 7

  8. •• Transport Development process NSW Asset Standards Aut hori ty 00-,ID'i,.., 1 ,.,,. Current limits Opportunities Measured data Stakeholders Acoustics 2015 | 8

  9. Transport Current limits Asset Standards Aut hori ty I nt er.sta te RSU 150 \ I I I Current limits I I I j I I j ' EMU Specificat io ns I I I I Europe / Internationa l Acoustics 2015 | 9

  10. External noise limits for Passenger EMU Test condition Existing NOI TSI Test Metric ASA fleet specs* 2014 * Adjusted to 7.5m L AFmax 65 - - Section 5.4.2 ‘normal operating conditions (with additional Stationary 1 quantities) L Aeq 62 - 65 L AFmax 71 65 85 Section 5.4.3 configured to give maximum noise operating Stationary 2 condition L Aeq 65 - 68 L AFmax - 62 - Section 5.4.3 configured to vehicle presentation (cleaning) Stationary 3 mode L Aeq 59 - 65 L AFmax 83 83 - 85 - V=80km/h Section 6 (with additional quantities) L Aeq 80 - 80 L AFmax 82 83 - 85 80 Accelerating Section 7 (with additional quantities) L Aeq 80 - - L AFmax 82 83 - 85 - Section 8 (with additional quantities) Breaking L Aeq 80 - - Acoustics 2015 | 10

  11. ·~ ~ tt+J1. Transport Measured data Asset Standards Aut hori ty P urpose NSWEM Us Operating State Measured Data Interstate l International Acoustics 2015 | 11

  12. ~ - f. ,.-. - ~ - ~ •• Transport Opportunities NSW Asset Standards Aut hori ty 00-,ID'i,.., 1 ,.,,. ... - / I ' J I I , I reme nt Offset 1 I nterpretatio n Gaps I r I I I , • - .... ' ________ __ \ What to M e asur e ..;..;,;,;,;..;.;. Lessons Learnt \ Acoustics 2015 | 12

  13. •• Transport Stakeholders NSW Asset Standards Aut hori ty 00-,ID'i,.., 1 ,.,,. Operator I Maintairner NSW EPA Acquisition Stakeholder Engagement NSW Commun i ty 5t r ategy & Pol i cy Acoustics 2015 | 13

  14. Key outcomes • ISO 3095:2013 except where specified otherwise • Aligned testing requirements with ISO 3095, including test track and conditions • Standardised measuring distance at L = 7.5m • Standardised the rolling stock operating conditions for testing • Criteria and limits for maximum and time-averaged measurements and maintains existing (Australian/NSW) tonal limits • Introduces criteria for treating impulsive noise • Additional measurements to determine vehicle maximum noise operating condition and individual items of equipment, including treatment for impulsive noise zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbaZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA • Standardisation for asset procurement, type-testing and easier comparison between rolling stock types eg Euro/Aus/Int/TSI Acoustics 2015 | 14

  15. Conclusion • Development was collaborative • First development of this style for TfNSW • Focus on engagement • Assured engineering argument • Real test will be once the EMU’s are acquired Acoustics 2015 | 15

  16. Questions? Acoustics 2015 | 16


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