new appr approac ache hes in m in med edia c ia cons nser

New Appr Approac ache hes in M in Med edia C ia Cons nser - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Duan B Du n Barok (Uni niversity ty of Am Amste terdam) db@mo New Appr Approac ache hes in M in Med edia C ia Cons nser ervatjo tjon Artworks from th the Digital al Era a in Galle alleries an and Museums collo

  1. Dušan B Du n Barok (Uni niversity ty of Am Amste terdam) db@mo New Appr Approac ache hes in M in Med edia C ia Cons nser ervatjo tjon Artworks from th the Digital al Era a in Galle alleries an and Museums collo lloqu quium, , Vaš ašulk lka Ki Kitch tchen Brno, The Brno House of Arts ts, , Brno 23 Octo tobe ber 2019

  2. Multjp tjplac ace 2

  3. Talk Case study Concepts & theory Documentatjon Digital preservatjon Instjtutjons & networks New tendencies 3

  4. Hans ns Haa Haacke, News ews , 196 1969 Exhibitjon Prospect 69 Düsseldorf, 1969 4

  5. Hans ns Haa Haacke, News ews , 196 1969 Howard Wise Gallery New York, 1969 5

  6. Hans ns Haa Haacke, News ews , 196 1969/1 9/197 970 Exhibitjon Sofuware, Jewish Museum New York, 1970 6

  7. Hans ns Haa Haacke, News ews , 196 1969/2 9/200 008 Exhibitjon Art of Partjcipatjon SFMOMA, 2008 7

  8. Hans ns Haa Haacke, News ews , 196 1969/2 9/201 018 Exhibitjon Nothing Stable Under Heaven , SFMOMA, 2018 8

  9. NAC ACCA (New Appro roache hes s in n the the Cons nserv ervatj atjon of Conte ntemporary rary Art) rt) 9

  10. NAC ACCA I: Identjty, Authentjcity and Values II: Materials, Media and Technologies III: Presentatjon, Documentatjon and Receptjon IV: Professions and Instjtutjons 10

  11. NAC ACCA inte nterv rview ews (Knowledge Base) 11

  12. NAC ACCA publicatj atjons (Knowledge Base) 12

  13. Time-bas ased ed media a art, art, Media a ins nstal tallatjo atjon n is s ... the term is useful to “describe installatjons that have a duratjon and therefore have to be experienced in the context of the passing of a period of tjme.” (Laurenson 2001) “any artwork that has both physical and temporal dimensions.” (EMG AIC) 13

  14. Complex artw artwork rks, non- n-objec ect t base sed artw rtwork rks, chan anging artw artworks are are ... installatjons and other types of work with one or more of the following elements: - variable form (e.g. involving non-dedicated, replaceable components) - conceptual or otherwise immaterial features crucial for re-exhibitjon - process-based - open-ended 14

  15. Instal tallatjo atjons ns are are ‘a ‘alive’ e’ onl nly when en ins nstal talled ed "Essentjally [tjme-based media installatjons] do not really exist untjl they are installed" (Laurenson 2001) "Artjsts' installatjons only truly exist in their installed state" (Scholte and ‘t Hoen 2007) "[Some] tjme-based media works only really exist in their installed state" (Tate 2012) "The large majority of tjme-based media works [...] only exist when they are installed" (Phillips 2015) "[Time-based media works are] ofuen only fully realized in their installed state" (MoMA 2018) 15

  16. Conc ncep eptu tual al fra ramew ework rk for r med edia a cons nserv ervatj tjon Pip Laurenson, “Authentjcity, change and loss in the conservatjon of tjme-based media installatjons”, Tate Papers , 6, 2006 16

  17. Hans ns Haa Haacke, News ews , 196 1969 Exhibitjon Prospect 69 Düsseldorf, 1969 17

  18. Conc ncep eptu tual al fra ramew ework rk for r med edia a cons nserv ervatj tjon: Allogra raphi hic work rks “In the case of allographic works, whether tjme-based media installatjons or musical works, each occasion a tjme-based media work is installed and each tjme a musical work is performed, decisions are revisited and sometjmes re-made as to what aspects of the work are signifjcant to its identjty.” (Laurenson 2006) 18

  19. Hans ns Haa Haacke, News ews , 196 1969/2 9/201 018 Exhibitjon Nothing Stable Under Heaven , SFMOMA, 2018 19

  20. Conc ncep eptu tual al fra ramew ework rk for r med edia a cons nserv ervatj tjon: Work rk-defj efjni ning ng pro ropertj ertjes Work-defjning propertjes include.. - the artjst's instructjons - the past installatjons approved by artjst intended to act as models - an understanding of the context in which they were made - ... 20

  21. Hans ns Haa Haacke, News ews , 196 1969/2 9/201 018: 8: Artj rtjst’s t’s ins nstru tructj tjons Courtesy of SFMOMA, 2018 21

  22. Hans ns Haa Haacke, News ews , 196 1969/2 9/200 008 Exhibitjon Art of Partjcipatjon SFMOMA, 2008 22

  23. Hans ns Haa Haacke, News ews , 196 1969/2 9/201 018 Exhibitjon Nothing Stable Under Heaven , SFMOMA, 2018 23

  24. Conc ncep eptu tual al fra ramew ework rk for r med edia a cons nserv ervatj tjon: Artj rtjst’s st’s inten ntent Artjst's intent and authentjcity are ‘being done’ They are constructed through documentatjon, artjst interviews, negotjatjons, etc. Vivian van Saaze, 2013 OA at htups:// identjfjer=449202 24

  25. Documentatjo ntatjon To document a media installatjon… - identjfy its components and elements (possibly including the space and acoustjcs), - explain how they are connected, - describe their roles in terms of aesthetjcs and functjonality, - establish the factors most likely to prevent each component from fulfjlling its role. (Laurenson 2001) 25

  26. Documentatjo ntatjon n model for r media a art art Documentatjon Model for Time-Based Media Art (2015). Courtesy of Joanna Phillips. 26

  27. Documentatjo ntatjon n model for r media a art: art: Itera teratj tjon n rep report rt Pages 1-3 of 4 of Guggenheim Iteratjon Report, 2012 Courtesy of Guggenheim Museum. Available at htups:// guggenheim-conservatjon-iteratjon-report-2012.pdf 27

  28. Preserv ervatj tjon n dossi siers rs Courtesy of SFMOMA 28

  29. Preserv ervatj tjon n dossi siers rs Courtesy of SFMOMA 29

  30. Cri riteri teria a for r documentatjo ntatjon n platgo atgorm rm for r media a cons nserv ervatj atjon - Straightgorward navigatjon through documentatjon associated with an artwork. - Support for difgerentjatjng between identjty and installatjon of a given work on the one hand, and its respectjve iteratjons on the other. - Support for documentjng decision making on the component level. - Support for linking components and elements of a work. - Support for multjmedia content. - Version control including history of changes and identjfjcatjon of their authors. - Integratjon of the platgorm within the informatjon infrastructure. 30

  31. A documen mentatj tatjon n platgo tgorm rm for media a conse servatj atjon: SFM FMOMA A Med edia a Wiki Courtesy of SFMOMA 31

  32. SFM FMOMA Med edia a Wiki: Artw rtwork rk pag age e temp template ate Courtesy of SFMOMA Courtesy of Guggenheim Museum 32

  33. Wikis for r art art (pres reserv ervatj atjon) n) documentatjo ntatjon ZKM Karlsruhe, 2006-2015 Guggenheim’s Panza Collectjon Initjatjve, 2010-2016 SFMOMA’s media conservatjon, 2013- SFMOMA’s The Artjst Initjatjve, 2014-2017 NYU’s Artjst Archive Initjatjve, 2017- ... 33

  34. Wikis for r art art (pres reserv ervatj atjon) n) documentatjo ntatjon 34

  35. Digital tal pres reservatjo atjon n (code, e, media a fj fjles es) 35

  36. Instj tjtu tutj tjons s & & netw network rks s for r med media conserv ervatj tjon n to today, I. Museu eums with th medi edia la labo boratories es or or speciali lised ed pos ositj tjon ons for medi dia conser ervatj tjon on: Tate Modern: Pip Laurenson (formerly), Patricia Falcao, Louise Lawson .. SFMOMA: Martjna Haidvogl, ... MoMA: Glenn Wharton (formerly), Kate Lewis, ... Guggenheim: Joanna Phillips (formerly), .. ZKM: Hanna Hölling (formerly), Morgane Stricot, ... Hirschhorn Smithsonian Art Gallery NSW M+, Hong Kong Met, NYC Guggenheim’s media lab 36

  37. Instj tjtu tutj tjons s & & netw network rks s for r med media conserv ervatj tjon n to today, II. Electronic Media Group (EMG) AIC, est. 1998 INCCA (Internatjonal Network for the Conservatjon of Contemporary Art), est. 1999 LIMA, Amsterdam, est. 2013 (contjnues the legacy of Montevideo/TBA) Rhizome, NYC, est. 1996, now affjliated w/ New Museum iMAL & Packed, Brussels Bern University of the Arts (HKB) Conservatjon-Restoratjon MA programme Die Angewandte, Vienna, Modern+Contemporary Art Conservatjon MA programme NYU Time-based media MA programme, est. 2018 CICS Cologne, decision-making model 2019 Atelier für Videokonservierung, Bern, private studio of Agathe Jarczyk Small Data Industjres, NYC, private studio of Ben Fido-Radin 37

  38. Decisi sion- n-Making ng Model for r Conte ntempora rary Art rt Cons nservatjo atjon & & Pres resen entatj tatjon 38

  39. Perf erform rmanc nce- e-base sed art rt Collectjng the Performatjve, research project, Tate, 2012-2014 Histories of Performance Documentatjon, book, 2017 Reshaping the Collectjble, research project, Tate, 2018-2021 PhD dissertatjons: Acatja Finbow 2017 (U Exeter), Helia Marcal 2018 (U Nova de Lisboa), Iona Goldie-Scot (Maastricht U) 39


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