neutrino oscillation tomography of the earth

Neutrino Oscillation Tomography of the Earth Walter Winter DESY, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Neutrino Oscillation Tomography of the Earth Walter Winter DESY, Zeuthen Advanced Workshop on Physics of Atmospheric Neutrinos (PANE 2018) ICTP Trieste, Italy May 28-June 1, 2018 Contents > Introduction > Neutrino oscillations in

  1. Neutrino Oscillation Tomography of the Earth Walter Winter DESY, Zeuthen Advanced Workshop on Physics of Atmospheric Neutrinos (PANE 2018) ICTP Trieste, Italy May 28-June 1, 2018

  2. Contents > Introduction > Neutrino oscillations in matter > Neutrino oscillation tomography using PINGU and ORCA > Summary > Open issues/discussion Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 2

  3. Earth’s interior: What we know Outer core: Liquid Zones with local anomalies in seismic wave velocities (as no seismic Mantle: Probed by shear waves). seismic waves; Composition? parameterization relative Inner core: Solid. to REM Anisotropies? (Reference Earth Model, Inner Dynamics? State? Dziewonski, Anderson, 1981) core [Probably least Velocities among 3D known part …] models consistent within Core percentage errors: Seismic wave Mantle reflection/refraction Density constrained by collective constraints from mass and moment of inertia ( gabi/rem.html) … and free oscillation modes at percent level Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 3

  4. Neutrino tomography: Basic approches Matter effects in Neutrino absorption neutrino oscillations of energetic neutrinos > Coherent forward scattering in matter leads to phase shift (C. Quigg) > Net effect on electron flavor: (Wolfenstein, 1978; Mikheyev, Smirnov, 1985) (Earth matter does not contain muons and taus!) > Evidence: Neutrino conversion in Relevant for E >> 10 TeV the Sun, solar day-night-effect,... Example: Neutrino telescopes! > Relevant energy in Earth matter More in Donini’s talk ~ 2 - 10 GeV (later) Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 4

  5. Ideas using absorption tomography Isotropic flux TeV beam Astro point source (atmospheric, cosmic diffuse) + Sources available, good Potentially Earth rotation directional resolution ( n µ ) high precision è different baselines Atmospheric neutrinos : Build and safely operate Very low statistics - low statistics at E>10 TeV a moving TeV neutrino beam (need FCC-scale Diffuse cosmic flux: accelerator) unknown flux norm. Refs. Jain, Ralston, Frichter, 1999; De Rujula, Glashow, Wilson, Wilson, 1984; Charpak, 1983; Askar`yan, Kuo, Crawford, Jeanloz, Reynoso, Sampayo, 2004; 1984; Borisov, Dolgoshein, Romanowicz, Shapiro, Gonazales-Garcia, Halzen, Kalinovskii, 1986; … Stevenson, 1994; … Maltoni, Tanaka, 2005+2008; Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 5 Donini et al, 2018

  6. Ideas using oscillation tomography Isotropic flux Neutrino beam Astro point source (supernova, Sun) (atmospheric, diffuse cosmic?) Sources available, Potentially Earth rotation + atmospheric n just right high precision è different baselines Directional resolution at Moving decay tunnel+ Supernovae rare - GeV energies (atm. n ) detector? Also discussed Solar neutrinos have for existing experiments. somewhat too low E Refs. Rott, Taketa, Bose, 2015; Ohlsson, Winter, 2002; Lindner, Ohlsson, Tomas, Winter, 2016; Bourret, Coelho, Winter, 2005; Gandhi, Winter, 2003; Akhmedov, van Elewyck, 2017; … Winter, 2007; Arguelles, Tortola, Valle, 2005; … Bustamante, Gago, 2015; Asaka et al, 2018; Kelly, Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 6 Parke, 2018; ...

  7. How does it work? Recap: Neutrino oscillations in matter (Neutrino oscillation tomography) Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 7

  8. Matter effect (MSW effect) > Ordinary matter: (Wolfenstein, 1978; electrons, but no µ , t Mikheyev, Smirnov, 1985) > Coherent forward scattering in matter: Net effect on electron flavor > Hamiltonian in matter (matrix form, flavor space): Y: electron fraction Z/A ~ 0.5 (electrons per nucleon) Matter density and composition are degenerate! Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 8

  9. Matter profile of the Earth … as seen by a neutrino (PREM: Preliminary Reference Earth Model) Core Inner core Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 9

  10. Parameter mapping … for two flavors, constant matter density > Oscillation probabilities in vacuum: matter: (Wolfenstein, 1978; Mikheyev, Smirnov, 1985) L=11810 km For n µ appearance, D m 312 : ð MO - r ~ 4.7 g/cm 3 (Earth’s Resonance energy (from ): mantle): E res ~ 6.4 GeV - r ~ 10.8 g/cm 3 (Earth’s outer core): E res ~ 2.8 GeV Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 10

  11. Mantle-core-mantle profile (Parametric enhancement: Akhmedov, 1998; Akhmedov, Lipari, Smirnov, 1998; Petcov, 1998) > Probability for L=11810 km Best-fit values ! from arXiv:1312.2878 Oscillation length ~ mantle-core-mantle structure Core Parametric enhancement. resonance Mantle energy resonance energy Naive L/E scaling does not apply! Threshold effects 2 GeV 4-5 GeV expected at: Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 11

  12. Neutrino oscillations with varying profiles, numerically > Evolution operator method: H(n j ): Hamilton operator in constant electron density n j > Matter density from n j = Y r j /m N , Y: electrons per nucleon (~0.5) > Probability: > NB: There is additional information through interference compared to absorption tomography because for Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 12

  13. Matter profile inversion problem Matter profile Observation Simple Generally unsolved (Ermilova, Tsarev, Chechin, 1988) Some approaches/directions for direct inversion: • Simple models, such as one zone (cavity) with density contrast Nicolaidis, 1988; Ohlsson, Winter, 2002; Arguelles, Bustamante, Gago, 2015 • Linearization for low densities Akhmedov, Tortola, Valle, 2005 • Use non-deterministic methods to reconstruct profile, e.g. genetic algorithm Ohlsson, Winter, 2001 • Expansion in terms of Fourier modes/perturbation theory Ota, Sato, 2001; Akhmedov, Tortola, Valle, 2005; Asaka et al, 2018; ... Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 13

  14. Example: structural resolution with a single baseline (11750 km) Some characteristic examples close to 1 s , 2 s , 3 s (14 d.o.f.) Can reconstruct mantle-core-mantle profile Fluctuations on short scales (<< L osc ) cannot be resolved Cannot localize mantle- core-boundary Cannot resolve very small density contrasts Ohlsson, Winter, Phys. Lett. B512 (2001) 357 Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 14

  15. Neutrino oscillation tomography of Earth: Towards realistic applications Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 15

  16. Neutrino oscillation tomography using atmospheric n s (ORCA) > Need very large number of neutrinos in relevant energy range > Point towards Mt-sized detector using atmospheric neutrinos > For atmospheric oscillation tomography, the big plus is statistics, the critical issue the directional resolution > Use binning in q z (instead of cos q z ) to be sensitive to inner core WW, Nucl. Phys. B908, 2016, 250 Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 16

  17. Emerging technologies: mass ordering with atm. neutrinos > Plans for upgrade of IceCube experiment (South Pole) > Volume upgrade (cosmic neutrinos) and density upgrade (mass ordering): PINGU PINGU Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 17 (arXiv:1401.2046, arXiv:1412.5106; arXiv: 1601.07459)

  18. ARCA/ORCA: volume/density upgrades of ANTARES > KM3NeT ARCA/ORCA: similar ideas in sea water > Different properties of detection medium; potentially better directional/energy resolutions? Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 18 (C. W. James, ICRC 2015 )

  19. A self-consistent approach to Earth tomography (allows for inner core res.) > Layers inspired by REM model: where highest sensitivity? > Self-consistent simulation of mass ordering sensitivity and matter profile sensitivity with GLoBES > Projection on parameter of relevance (marginalization) WW, Nucl. Phys. B908, 2016, 250 Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 19

  20. Implementation and systematics treatment > Include syst. (12), correlations among matter layers (7) and oscillation parameters (6) > Systematics fully correlated in oscillation analysis, but uncorrelated among atmospheric priors > Energies up to 100 GeV and down-going events (PINGU only, atm. muon veto assumed) included to control systematics with WW, Nucl. Phys. B908, 2016, 250; non-oscillation regions updated from Phys.Rev. D88, 2013, 013013 Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 20

  21. Simulation of standard oscillation sensitivities (matter density known) (matter density known) 3yr, matter profile fixed 3yr, matter profile fixed for NuFit best-fits for NuFit best-fits > Self-consistent reproduction of standard oscillation analyses > Sensitivity and PINGU and ORCA comparable Dashed: d CP fixed, dotted: matter profile marginalized Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 21 WW, Nucl. Phys. B908, 2016, 250

  22. Expected matter profile precision (NO, 10 yr) Precision on r x Z/A in % WW, special issue “Neutrino Oscillations: Celebrating the Walter Winter | PANE 2018 | 31.05.2018 | Page 22 Nobel Prize in Physics 2015”, Nucl. Phys. B908, 2016, 250


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