Neut rinos f rom St ored Muons ν STORM ν physics with a μ storage ring
The “Collaborat ion” P. Kyberd, 1 D.R. Smit h, 1 L. Coney, 2 S. Pascoli, 3 C. Ankenbrandt , 4 S.J . Brice, 4 A.D. Bross, 4 H. Cease, 4 J . Kopp, 4 N. Mokhov, 4 J . Morf in, 4 D. Neuf er, 4 M. Popovic, 4 P. Rubinov, 4 S. St riganov, 4 A. Blondel, 5 A. Bravar, 5 E. Noah, 5 R. Bayes, 6 F.J .P. Soler, 6 A. Dobbs, 7 K. Long, 7 J . Past ernak, 7 E. Sant os, 7 M.O. Wascko, 7 S.K. Agarwalla, 8 S.A. Bogacz, 9 Y. Mori, 10 J .B. Lagrange, 10 A. de Gouvêa, 11 Y. Kuno, 12 A. Sat o, 12 V. Blackmore, 13 J . Cobb, 13 C. D. Tunnell, 13 J .M. Link, 14 P. Huber, 14 and W. Wint er 15 1 Brunel Universit y, 2 Universit y of Calif ornia, Riverside, 3 I nst it ut e f or Part icle Physics Phenomenology, Durham Universit y 4 Fermi Nat ional Accelerat or Laborat ory, 5 Universit y of Geneva 6 Universit y of Glasgow, 7 I mperial College London, 8 I nst it ut o de Fisica Corpuscular, CSI C and Universidad de Valencia, 9 Thomas J ef f erson Nat ional Accelerat or Facilit y, 10 Kyot o Universit y, 11 Nort hwest ern Universit y, 12 Osaka Universit y, 13 Oxf ord Universit y, Subdepart ment of Part icle Physics, 14 Cent er f or Neut rino Physics, Virginia Polyt echnic I nst it ut e and St at e Universit y 15 I nst it ut f ür t heoret ische Physik und Ast rophysik, Universit ät Würzburg 2 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
Mot ivat ion � The idea of using a muon st orage ring t o produce neut rino beams f or experiment s is not new 50 GeV beam – Koshkarev @ CERN in 1974 � 1 GeV – Neuf f er in 1980 � � The f acilit y/ program I will describe here can: Address t he large ∆ m 2 oscillat ion regime and make a maj or � cont ribut ion t o t he st udy of st erile neut rinos Eit her allow f or precision st udy, if t hey exist in t his regime � Or great ly expand t he dis-allowed region � Make precision ν e and ν e -bar cross-sect ion measurement s � Provide a t echnology t est demonst rat ion ( µ decay ring) and µ � beam diagnost ics t est bed Provide a precisely underst ood ν beam f or det ect or st udies � 3 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
Short -baseline ν oscillat ion st udies � St erile neut rinos arise nat urally in many ext ensions of t he St andard Model. GUT models � Seesaw mechanism f or n � mass Cosmological models of � evolut ion of early universe “Dark” sect or � � Experiment al hint s LSND � MiniBooNE � React or “anomaly” � Global const raint s on st erile ν in a 3+1 model 4 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
I DS-NF Neut rinos f rom STORed Muons Single baseline, Lower E This is t he simplest 150 m implement at ion of t he NF And DOES NOT Require t he Development of 10-100kW ANY New Technology 5 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
µ -based ν beams µ + → + ν ν e µ e µ − → − ν ν e µ e � Flavor cont ent f ully known � “ Near Absolut e ” Flux Det erminat ion is possible in a st orage ring Beam current , polarizat ion, beam divergence monit or, µ p � spect romet er � Overall, t here is t remendous cont rol of syst emat ic uncert aint ies wit h a well designed syst em 6 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
Oscillat ion channels 8 out of 12 channels pot ent ially accessible 7 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
The Facilit y
Baseline(s) � 100 kW Target St at ion Assume 60 GeV prot on � Fermilab PI P era � Ta t arget � Opt imizat ion on-going � Horn collect ion af t er t arget � Li lens has also been explored � � Collect ion/ t ranspor t channel Two opt ions � 150 m St ochast ic inj ect ion of π � Kicker wit h π → µ decay channel � At present NOT considering � simult aneous collect ion of bot h signs � Decay ring Large apert ure FODO � Racet rack FFAG � I nst rument at ion � BCTs, mag-Spec in arc, polarimet er � 9 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
π product ion I n moment um range 4.5 < 5.0 < 5.5 Obt ain ≈ 0.11 π ± / pot wit h 60 GeV p Target / capt ure opt imizat ion ongoing 10 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
I nj ect ion Concept π’s are in injection orbit � � Concept works f or FODO lat t ice separat ed by chicane � Work in progress f or RFFAG � μ’s are in ring circulat ing orbit � lower energy - ~3.8 GeV/ c � � ~30cm separat ion bet ween 11 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
FODO Decay ring 3.8 GeV/ c ± 10% moment um accept ance, circumf erence = 350 m 12 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
FFAG Racet rack δ p/ p ≈ 15% 3.8 GeV/ c Low dispersion in st raight 13 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
RFFAG Tracking St udies 14 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
FFAG Tracking > 90% dynamic apert ure 15 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
FODO vs. RFFAG 16 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
The Physics Reach
Assumpt ions N µ = (POT) X ( π / POT) X ε collect ion X ε inj X ( µ/π ) X A dynamic X Ω � 10 21 POT in 5 years of running @ 60 GeV in Fermilab PI P era � 0.1 π / POT (FODO) � ε collect ion = 0.8 � ε inj = 0.8 � µ/π = 0.08 ( γ ct X µ capt ure in π → µ decay) [ π decay in � st raight ] � Might do bet t er wit h a π → µ decay channel A dynamic = 0.75 (FODO) � Ω = St raight / circumf erence rat io (0.43) (FODO) � This yields ≈ 1.7 X 10 18 usef ul µ decays � 18 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
E ν spect ra ( µ + st ored) Event rat es/ 100T at ND hall 50m ν e f rom st raight wit h µ + st ored ν µ -bar 19 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
Experiment al Layout Appearance Channel: ν e → ν µ Golden Channel Must rej ect t he “wrong” sign µ wit h great ef f iciency ~ 1500 m 150 Why ν µ → ν e Appearance Ch. not possible 20 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
Baseline Det ect or Super B I ron Neut rino Det ect or: SuperBI ND � Magnet ized I ron 1.3 kT � Following MI NOS ND � ME design 1-2 cm Fe plat e � 5 m diamet er � Ut ilize superconduct ing � t ransmission line f or excit at ion Developed 10 years � ago f or VLHC Ext ruded scint illat or � +SiPM 20 cm hole For 3 t urns of STL 21 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
Event Candidat es in SuperBI ND Hit s R vs. Z 22 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
Simulat ion – ν µ appearance � Full GEANT4 Simulat ion Ext rapolat ion f rom I SS and I DS-NF � st udies f or t he MI ND det ect or Uses GENI E t o generat e t he neut rino � int eract ions. I nvolves a f lexible geomet ry t hat allows � t he dimensions of t he det ect or t o be alt ered easily (f or opt imizat ion purposes, f or example). Does not yet have t he det ailed B f ield, � but paramet erized f it is very good Event select ion/ cut s � Cut s-based analysis � Mult ivariat e t o come lat er � 23 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
24 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
Event reconst ruct ion ef f iciency Lef t : 1 cm plat es, Right : 2 cm plat es 25 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
Backgrounds Lef t : 1 cm plat es Right : 2 cm plat es 26 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
Raw Event Rat es 3+1 Assumpt ion Appearance channels 27 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
ν e → ν µ appearance CPT invariant channel t o MiniBooNE 2 cm plat e 28 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
ν e → ν µ appearance CPT invariant channel t o MiniBooNE 3+1 Assumpt ion 29 Alan Br oss Fer milab Physics Advisor y Commit t ee J une 21, 2012
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