neural architecture search with bayesian optimisation and

Neural Architecture Search with Bayesian Optimisation and Optimal - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Neural Architecture Search with Bayesian Optimisation and Optimal Transport #0 ip, 64, (28891) #0 ip, 64, (542390) #0 ip, 64, (423488) #0 ip, 64, (206092) #1 crelu, 144, (144) #1 elu, 128, (128) #1 elu, 128, (128) #3 relu, 112, (112) #2

  1. Neural Architecture Search – Prior Work Based on Reinforcement Learning: (Baker et al. 2016, Zhong et al. 2017, Zoph & Le 2017, Zoph et al. 2017) RL is more difficult than optimisation (Jiang et al. 2016) . Based on Evolutionary Algorithms: (Kitano 1990, Stanley & Miikkulainen 2002, Floreano et al. 2008, Liu et al. 2017, Miikkulainen et al. 2017, Real et al. 2017, Xie & Yuille 2017) EA works well for optimising cheap functions, but not when function evaluations are expensive. 6

  2. Neural Architecture Search – Prior Work Based on Reinforcement Learning: (Baker et al. 2016, Zhong et al. 2017, Zoph & Le 2017, Zoph et al. 2017) RL is more difficult than optimisation (Jiang et al. 2016) . Based on Evolutionary Algorithms: (Kitano 1990, Stanley & Miikkulainen 2002, Floreano et al. 2008, Liu et al. 2017, Miikkulainen et al. 2017, Real et al. 2017, Xie & Yuille 2017) EA works well for optimising cheap functions, but not when function evaluations are expensive. Other (including BO): (Swersky et al. 2014, Cortes et al. 2016, Mendoza et al. 2016, Negrinho & Gordon 2017, Jenatton et al. 2017) 6

  3. Neural Architecture Search – Prior Work Based on Reinforcement Learning: (Baker et al. 2016, Zhong et al. 2017, Zoph & Le 2017, Zoph et al. 2017) RL is more difficult than optimisation (Jiang et al. 2016) . Based on Evolutionary Algorithms: (Kitano 1990, Stanley & Miikkulainen 2002, Floreano et al. 2008, Liu et al. 2017, Miikkulainen et al. 2017, Real et al. 2017, Xie & Yuille 2017) EA works well for optimising cheap functions, but not when function evaluations are expensive. Other (including BO): (Swersky et al. 2014, Cortes et al. 2016, Mendoza et al. 2016, Negrinho & Gordon 2017, Jenatton et al. 2017) Mostly search among feed-forward structures. 6

  4. Neural Architecture Search – Prior Work Based on Reinforcement Learning: (Baker et al. 2016, Zhong et al. 2017, Zoph & Le 2017, Zoph et al. 2017) RL is more difficult than optimisation (Jiang et al. 2016) . Based on Evolutionary Algorithms: (Kitano 1990, Stanley & Miikkulainen 2002, Floreano et al. 2008, Liu et al. 2017, Miikkulainen et al. 2017, Real et al. 2017, Xie & Yuille 2017) EA works well for optimising cheap functions, but not when function evaluations are expensive. Other (including BO): (Swersky et al. 2014, Cortes et al. 2016, Mendoza et al. 2016, Negrinho & Gordon 2017, Jenatton et al. 2017) Mostly search among feed-forward structures. And a few more in the last two years ... 6

  5. Outline 1. Review ◮ Bayesian optimisation ◮ Optimal transport 2. NASBOT : Neural Architecture Search with Bayesian Optimisation & Optimal Transport ◮ OTMANN : Optimal Transport Metrics for Architectures of Neural Networks ◮ Optimising the acquisition via an evolutionary algorithm ◮ Experiments 3. Multi-fidelity optimisation in NASBOT 7

  6. Outline 1. Review ◮ Bayesian optimisation ◮ Optimal transport 2. NASBOT : Neural Architecture Search with Bayesian Optimisation & Optimal Transport ◮ OTMANN : Optimal Transport Metrics for Architectures of Neural Networks ◮ Optimising the acquisition via an evolutionary algorithm ◮ Experiments 3. Multi-fidelity optimisation in NASBOT 8

  7. Gaussian Processes ( GP ) GP ( µ, κ ): A distribution over functions from X to R . 9

  8. Gaussian Processes ( GP ) GP ( µ, κ ): A distribution over functions from X to R . Functions with no observations f ( x ) x 9

  9. Gaussian Processes ( GP ) GP ( µ, κ ): A distribution over functions from X to R . Prior GP f ( x ) x 9

  10. Gaussian Processes ( GP ) GP ( µ, κ ): A distribution over functions from X to R . Observations f ( x ) x 9

  11. Gaussian Processes ( GP ) GP ( µ, κ ): A distribution over functions from X to R . Posterior GP given observations f ( x ) x 9

  12. Gaussian Processes ( GP ) GP ( µ, κ ): A distribution over functions from X to R . Posterior GP given observations f ( x ) x Completely characterised by mean function µ : X → R , and covariance kernel κ : X × X → R . f ( x ) ∼ N ( µ t ( x ) , σ 2 After t observations, t ( x ) ). 9

  13. On the Kernel κ a.k.a covariance function, covariance kernel, covariance κ ( x , x ′ ): covariance between random variables f ( x ) and f ( x ′ ). - intuitively, κ ( x , x ′ ) is a measure of similarity between x and x ′ . 10

  14. On the Kernel κ a.k.a covariance function, covariance kernel, covariance κ ( x , x ′ ): covariance between random variables f ( x ) and f ( x ′ ). - intuitively, κ ( x , x ′ ) is a measure of similarity between x and x ′ . Some examples in Euclidean spaces κ ( x , x ′ ) = exp( − β d ( x , x ′ )) κ ( x , x ′ ) = exp( − β d ( x , x ′ ) 2 ) d ← distance between two points. E.g., d ( x , x ′ ) = � x − x ′ � 1 , or d ( x , x ′ ) = � x − x ′ � 2 . 10

  15. On the Kernel κ a.k.a covariance function, covariance kernel, covariance κ ( x , x ′ ): covariance between random variables f ( x ) and f ( x ′ ). - intuitively, κ ( x , x ′ ) is a measure of similarity between x and x ′ . Some examples in Euclidean spaces κ ( x , x ′ ) = exp( − β d ( x , x ′ )) κ ( x , x ′ ) = exp( − β d ( x , x ′ ) 2 ) d ← distance between two points. E.g., d ( x , x ′ ) = � x − x ′ � 1 , or d ( x , x ′ ) = � x − x ′ � 2 . GP Posterior: µ t ( x ) = κ ( x , X t ) ⊤ ( κ ( X t , X t ) + η 2 I ) − 1 Y σ 2 t ( x ) = κ ( x , x ) − κ ( x , X t ) ⊤ ( κ ( X t , X t ) + η 2 I ) − 1 κ ( X t , x ) . 10

  16. Bayesian Optimisation f : X → R is an expensive black-box function, accessible only via noisy evaluations. f ( x ) x 11

  17. Bayesian Optimisation f : X → R is an expensive black-box function, accessible only via noisy evaluations. f ( x ) x 11

  18. Bayesian Optimisation f : X → R is an expensive black-box function, accessible only via noisy evaluations. Let x ⋆ = argmax x f ( x ). f ( x ) f ( x ∗ ) x ∗ x 11

  19. Algorithm 1: Upper Confidence Bounds for BO Model f ∼ GP ( 0 , κ ). Gaussian Process Upper Confidence Bound ( GP-UCB ) (Srinivas et al. 2010) f ( x ) x 12

  20. Algorithm 1: Upper Confidence Bounds for BO Model f ∼ GP ( 0 , κ ). Gaussian Process Upper Confidence Bound ( GP-UCB ) (Srinivas et al. 2010) f ( x ) x 1) Compute posterior GP . 12

  21. Algorithm 1: Upper Confidence Bounds for BO Model f ∼ GP ( 0 , κ ). Gaussian Process Upper Confidence Bound ( GP-UCB ) (Srinivas et al. 2010) ϕ t = µ t − 1 + β 1 / 2 f ( x ) σ t − 1 t x 1) Compute posterior GP . 2) Construct UCB ϕ t . 12

  22. Algorithm 1: Upper Confidence Bounds for BO Model f ∼ GP ( 0 , κ ). Gaussian Process Upper Confidence Bound ( GP-UCB ) (Srinivas et al. 2010) ϕ t = µ t − 1 + β 1 / 2 f ( x ) σ t − 1 t x t x 1) Compute posterior GP . 2) Construct UCB ϕ t . 3) Choose x t = argmax x ϕ t ( x ). 12

  23. Algorithm 1: Upper Confidence Bounds for BO Model f ∼ GP ( 0 , κ ). Gaussian Process Upper Confidence Bound ( GP-UCB ) (Srinivas et al. 2010) ϕ t = µ t − 1 + β 1 / 2 f ( x ) σ t − 1 t x t x 1) Compute posterior GP . 2) Construct UCB ϕ t . 3) Choose x t = argmax x ϕ t ( x ). 4) Evaluate f at x t . 12

  24. GP-UCB (Srinivas et al. 2010) f ( x ) x 13

  25. GP-UCB (Srinivas et al. 2010) f ( x ) t = 1 x 13

  26. GP-UCB (Srinivas et al. 2010) f ( x ) t = 2 x 13

  27. GP-UCB (Srinivas et al. 2010) f ( x ) t = 3 x 13

  28. GP-UCB (Srinivas et al. 2010) f ( x ) t = 4 x 13

  29. GP-UCB (Srinivas et al. 2010) f ( x ) t = 5 x 13

  30. GP-UCB (Srinivas et al. 2010) f ( x ) t = 6 x 13

  31. GP-UCB (Srinivas et al. 2010) f ( x ) t = 7 x 13

  32. GP-UCB (Srinivas et al. 2010) f ( x ) t = 11 x 13

  33. GP-UCB (Srinivas et al. 2010) f ( x ) t = 25 x 13

  34. Theory For BO with UCB (Srinivas et al. 2010, Russo & van Roy 2014) � � � Ψ n ( X ) log( n ) f ( x ⋆ ) − max E t =1 ,..., n f ( x t ) � n Ψ n ← Maximum information gain GP with SE Kernel in d dimensions, Ψ n ( X ) ≍ vol ( X ) log( n ) d . 14

  35. Bayesian Optimisation Other criteria for selecting x t : ◮ Expected improvement (Jones et al. 1998) ◮ Thompson Sampling (Thompson 1933) ◮ Probability of improvement (Kushner et al. 1964) ◮ Entropy search (Hern´ andez-Lobato et al. 2014, Wang et al. 2017) ◮ . . . and a few more. 15

  36. Bayesian Optimisation Other criteria for selecting x t : ◮ Expected improvement (Jones et al. 1998) ◮ Thompson Sampling (Thompson 1933) ◮ Probability of improvement (Kushner et al. 1964) ◮ Entropy search (Hern´ andez-Lobato et al. 2014, Wang et al. 2017) ◮ . . . and a few more. Other Bayesian models for f : ◮ Neural networks (Snoek et al. 2015) ◮ Random Forests (Hutter 2009) 15

  37. Outline 1. Review ◮ Bayesian optimisation ◮ Optimal transport 2. NASBOT : Neural Architecture Search with Bayesian Optimisation & Optimal Transport ◮ OTMANN : Optimal Transport Metrics for Architectures of Neural Networks ◮ Optimising the acquisition via an evolutionary algorithm ◮ Experiments 3. Multi-fidelity optimisation in NASBOT 16

  38. Optimal Transport 17

  39. Optimal Transport total supply = total demand � n s i =1 s i = � n d j =1 d j . 17

  40. Optimal Transport total supply = total demand � n s i =1 s i = � n d j =1 d j . D 1 D 2 D 3 S 1 S 2 S 3 S 4 17

  41. Optimal Transport total supply = total demand � n s i =1 s i = � n d j =1 d j . D 1 D 2 D 3 S 1 C 11 C 12 C 13 S 2 S 3 S 4 17

  42. Optimal Transport total supply = total demand � n s i =1 s i = � n d j =1 d j . D 1 D 2 D 3 S 1 C 11 C 12 C 13 S 2 C 21 C 22 C 23 S 3 S 4 17

  43. Optimal Transport total supply = total demand � n s i =1 s i = � n d j =1 d j . D 1 D 2 D 3 S 1 C 11 C 12 C 13 S 2 C 21 C 22 C 23 S 3 C 31 C 32 C 33 S 4 C 41 C 42 C 43 17

  44. Optimal Transport total supply = total demand � n s i =1 s i = � n d j =1 d j . D 1 D 2 D 3 S 1 C 11 C 12 C 13 S 2 C 21 C 22 C 23 S 3 C 31 C 32 C 33 S 4 C 41 C 42 C 43 Optimal Transport Program: Let Z ∈ R n s × n d such that Z ij ← amount of mass transported from S i to D j . n s n d � � C ij Z ij = � Z , C � minimise i =1 j =1 � � subject to Z ij = s i , Z ij = d j , Z ≥ 0 i j 17

  45. Optimal Transport total supply = total demand � n s i =1 s i = � n d j =1 d j . D 1 D 2 D 3 S 1 C 11 C 12 C 13 S 2 C 21 C 22 C 23 S 3 C 31 C 32 C 33 S 4 C 41 C 42 C 43 Properties of OT ◮ OT is symmetric: solution the same if we swap sources and destinations. ◮ Connections to Wasserstein (earth mover) distances. ◮ Several efficient solvers (Peyr´ e & Cuturi 2017, Villani 2008) . ◮ OT can also be viewed as a minimum cost matching problem. 17

  46. Bayesian Optimisation for Neural Architecture Search? At each time step ϕ t = µ t − 1 + β 1 / 2 f ( x ) f ( x ) σ t − 1 t x t x x 18

  47. Bayesian Optimisation for Neural Architecture Search? At each time step ϕ t = µ t − 1 + β 1 / 2 f ( x ) f ( x ) σ t − 1 t x t x x 0: ip (100) 0: ip #0 ip, (100) (2707) 0: ip #0 ip, (100) (14456) 0: ip #0 ip, (12710) 0: ip (100) 0: ip #0 ip, (100) (2707) 0: ip #0 ip, (100) 0: ip (14456) #0 ip, (12710) (129) 1: conv7, 64 (129) 1: conv7, 64 1: conv7, 64 (64) 1: conv7, 64 (64) 1: conv3, 16 (16) 1: conv3, 16 2: conv3, 16 (64) 2: max-pool, 1 1: conv3, 16 (16) 1: conv3, 16 2: conv3, 16 (64) 2: max-pool, 1 (16) (16) #1 tanh, 8, (8) #2 logistic, 8, (8) #1 logistic, 8, (8) (64) #2 tanh, 64, (64) #3 relu, 64, (64) (16) (16) #1 tanh, 8, (8) #2 logistic, 8, (8) #1 logistic, 8, (8) (64) #2 tanh, 64, (64) #3 relu, 64, (64) 2: conv5, 128 (8192) 4: conv3, 64 (4096) 3: res3 /2, 64 (4096) 2: conv5, 128 (8192) 4: conv3, 64 (4096) 3: res3 /2, 64 (4096) 2: conv3, 8 (128) 3: conv3, 8 (128) 3: conv3, 16 4: conv5, 16 2: conv3, 8 (128) 3: conv3, 8 (128) 3: conv3, 16 4: conv5, 16 (256) (256) 3: conv3 /2, 64 7: max-pool, 1 (4096) 4: res3, 64 (256) (256) 3: conv3 /2, 64 7: max-pool, 1 (4096) 4: res3, 64 4: conv3, 32 #3 logistic, 8, (64) #4 tanh, 8, (64) (4096) (64) #2 tanh, 8, (8) #3 relu, 8, (64) 5: res3 /2, 128 #4 leaky-relu, 128, (8192) #5 logistic, 64, (4096) 4: conv3, 32 #3 logistic, 8, (64) #4 tanh, 8, (64) (4096) (64) #2 tanh, 8, (8) #3 relu, 8, (64) 5: res3 /2, 128 #4 leaky-relu, 128, (8192) #5 logistic, 64, (4096) (512) (8192) (512) (8192) 6: avg-pool, 1 (32) 5: conv5 /2, 32 (512) 5: avg-pool, 1 (128) 9: conv3, 128 (8192) (16384) 6: res3, 128 6: avg-pool, 1 (32) 5: conv5 /2, 32 (512) 5: avg-pool, 1 (128) 9: conv3, 128 (8192) (16384) 6: res3, 128 5: max-pool, 1 5: max-pool, 1 (32) #5 elu, 16, (256) #6 relu, 16, (256) 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 #4 softplus, 16, (256) #5 relu, 16, (256) 7: res3 /2, 256 (32768) #6 logistic, 256, (49152) #7 elu, 512, (65536) (32) #5 elu, 16, (256) #6 relu, 16, (256) 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 #4 softplus, 16, (256) #5 relu, 16, (256) 7: res3 /2, 256 (32768) #6 logistic, 256, (49152) #7 elu, 512, (65536) 7: fc, 32 (64) (128) 8: res3, 256 7: fc, 32 (64) (128) 8: res3, 256 6: fc, 16 (204) (65536) 6: fc, 16 (204) (65536) (51) (819) 8: fc, 64 (1228) 12: fc, 64 9: avg-pool, 1 (51) (819) 8: fc, 64 12: fc, 64 (1228) 9: avg-pool, 1 8: softmax #7 linear, (100) #6 linear, (100) (256) #1 linear, (6355) #8 linear, (6355) 8: softmax #7 linear, (100) #6 linear, (100) (256) #1 linear, (6355) #8 linear, (6355) 7: softmax (100) (129) 10: softmax 13: softmax (13107) 10: fc, 512 7: softmax (100) (129) 10: softmax 13: softmax (13107) 10: fc, 512 (1353) (1353) (1353) (1353) 9: op (14456) 11: softmax 9: op (14456) 11: softmax 8: op (100) (129) #8 op, (100) (2707) 14: op #7 op, (100) 12: op #9 op, (12710) (100) 8: op (129) #8 op, (100) 14: op (2707) #7 op, (100) 12: op #9 op, (12710) (14456) (14456) 18

  48. Bayesian Optimisation for Neural Architecture Search? At each time step ϕ t = µ t − 1 + β 1 / 2 f ( x ) f ( x ) σ t − 1 t x t x x 0: ip (100) 0: ip #0 ip, (100) (2707) 0: ip #0 ip, (100) (14456) 0: ip #0 ip, (12710) 0: ip (100) 0: ip #0 ip, (100) (2707) 0: ip #0 ip, (100) 0: ip (14456) #0 ip, (12710) (129) 1: conv7, 64 (129) 1: conv7, 64 1: conv7, 64 (64) 1: conv7, 64 (64) 1: conv3, 16 (16) 1: conv3, 16 2: conv3, 16 (64) 2: max-pool, 1 1: conv3, 16 (16) 1: conv3, 16 2: conv3, 16 (64) 2: max-pool, 1 (16) (16) #1 tanh, 8, (8) #2 logistic, 8, (8) #1 logistic, 8, (8) (64) #2 tanh, 64, (64) #3 relu, 64, (64) (16) (16) #1 tanh, 8, (8) #2 logistic, 8, (8) #1 logistic, 8, (8) (64) #2 tanh, 64, (64) #3 relu, 64, (64) 2: conv5, 128 (8192) 4: conv3, 64 (4096) 3: res3 /2, 64 (4096) 2: conv5, 128 (8192) 4: conv3, 64 (4096) 3: res3 /2, 64 (4096) 2: conv3, 8 (128) 3: conv3, 8 (128) 3: conv3, 16 4: conv5, 16 2: conv3, 8 (128) 3: conv3, 8 (128) 3: conv3, 16 4: conv5, 16 (256) (256) 3: conv3 /2, 64 7: max-pool, 1 4: res3, 64 (4096) (256) (256) 3: conv3 /2, 64 7: max-pool, 1 (4096) 4: res3, 64 4: conv3, 32 #3 logistic, 8, (64) #4 tanh, 8, (64) (4096) (64) #2 tanh, 8, (8) #3 relu, 8, (64) 5: res3 /2, 128 #4 leaky-relu, 128, (8192) #5 logistic, 64, (4096) 4: conv3, 32 #3 logistic, 8, (64) #4 tanh, 8, (64) (4096) (64) #2 tanh, 8, (8) #3 relu, 8, (64) 5: res3 /2, 128 #4 leaky-relu, 128, (8192) #5 logistic, 64, (4096) (512) (8192) (512) (8192) 6: avg-pool, 1 (32) 5: conv5 /2, 32 (512) 5: avg-pool, 1 (128) 9: conv3, 128 (8192) 6: res3, 128 (16384) 6: avg-pool, 1 (32) 5: conv5 /2, 32 (512) 5: avg-pool, 1 (128) 9: conv3, 128 (8192) (16384) 6: res3, 128 5: max-pool, 1 5: max-pool, 1 (32) #5 elu, 16, (256) #6 relu, 16, (256) 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 #4 softplus, 16, (256) #5 relu, 16, (256) 7: res3 /2, 256 (32768) #6 logistic, 256, (49152) #7 elu, 512, (65536) (32) #5 elu, 16, (256) #6 relu, 16, (256) 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 #4 softplus, 16, (256) #5 relu, 16, (256) 7: res3 /2, 256 (32768) #6 logistic, 256, (49152) #7 elu, 512, (65536) 7: fc, 32 (64) (128) 8: res3, 256 7: fc, 32 (64) (128) 8: res3, 256 6: fc, 16 (204) (65536) 6: fc, 16 (204) (65536) (51) 8: fc, 64 (819) (1228) 12: fc, 64 9: avg-pool, 1 (51) 8: fc, 64 (819) 12: fc, 64 (1228) 9: avg-pool, 1 8: softmax #7 linear, (100) #6 linear, (100) (256) #1 linear, (6355) #8 linear, (6355) 8: softmax #7 linear, (100) #6 linear, (100) (256) #1 linear, (6355) #8 linear, (6355) 7: softmax (100) (129) 10: softmax 13: softmax (13107) 10: fc, 512 7: softmax (100) (129) 10: softmax 13: softmax (13107) 10: fc, 512 (1353) (1353) (1353) (1353) 9: op (14456) 11: softmax 9: op 11: softmax (14456) 8: op (100) (129) #8 op, (100) 14: op (2707) #7 op, (100) 12: op #9 op, (12710) (100) 8: op (129) #8 op, (100) 14: op (2707) #7 op, (100) 12: op #9 op, (12710) (14456) (14456) Main challenges ◮ Define a kernel between neural network architectures. ◮ Optimise ϕ t on the space of neural networks. 18

  49. Outline 1. Review ◮ Bayesian optimisation ◮ Optimal transport 2. NASBOT : Neural Architecture Search with Bayesian Optimisation & Optimal Transport ◮ OTMANN : Optimal Transport Metrics for Architectures of Neural Networks ◮ Optimising the acquisition via an evolutionary algorithm ◮ Experiments 3. Multi-fidelity optimisation in NASBOT 19

  50. OTMANN : A distance between neural architectures (Kandasamy et al. NIPS 2018) Plan: Given a distance d , use “ κ = e − β d p ” as the kernel. 20

  51. OTMANN : A distance between neural architectures (Kandasamy et al. NIPS 2018) Plan: Given a distance d , use “ κ = e − β d p ” as the kernel. Key idea: To compute distance between architectures G 1 , G 2 , match computation (layer mass) in layers in G 1 to G 2 . 0: ip 0: ip (235) (240) Z ∈ R n 1 × n 2 . 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 16 (16) (16) Z ij ← amount matched between layer 2: conv3, 16 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (256) (512) (256) i ∈ G 1 and j ∈ G 2 . 3: conv3, 32 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 (512) (256) (16) 4: conv5, 32 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (1024) (32) (256) 5: max-pool, 1 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (32) (16) (16) 6: fc, 16 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) (512) 7: softmax 10: softmax 13: softmax (235) (120) (120) 8: op 14: op (235) (240) 20

  52. OTMANN : A distance between neural architectures (Kandasamy et al. NIPS 2018) Plan: Given a distance d , use “ κ = e − β d p ” as the kernel. Key idea: To compute distance between architectures G 1 , G 2 , match computation (layer mass) in layers in G 1 to G 2 . 0: ip 0: ip (235) (240) Z ∈ R n 1 × n 2 . 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 16 (16) (16) Z ij ← amount matched between layer 2: conv3, 16 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (256) (512) (256) i ∈ G 1 and j ∈ G 2 . 3: conv3, 32 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 (512) (256) (16) 4: conv5, 32 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (1024) (32) (256) Minimise φ lmm ( Z )+ φ str ( Z )+ φ nas ( Z ) 5: max-pool, 1 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (32) (16) (16) φ lmm ( Z ) : label mismatch penalty 6: fc, 16 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) (512) φ str ( Z ) : structural penalty 7: softmax 10: softmax 13: softmax (235) (120) (120) φ nas ( Z ) : non-assignment penalty 8: op 14: op (235) (240) 20

  53. The layer masses at each layer is proportional to the amount of computation at each layer 0: ip (240) Typically computed as, # incoming units × # units in layer 1: conv7, 16 (16) 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (512) (256) 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 (256) (16) 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (32) (256) 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (16) (16) 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) 10: softmax 13: softmax (120) (120) 14: op (240) 21

  54. The layer masses at each layer is proportional to the amount of computation at each layer 0: ip (240) Typically computed as, # incoming units × # units in layer 1: conv7, 16 (16) 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 E.g. (512) (256) 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 ℓ m (2) = 16 × 32 = 512 . (256) (16) ℓ m (12) = (16 + 16) × 16 = 512 . 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (32) (256) 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (16) (16) 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) 10: softmax 13: softmax (120) (120) 14: op (240) 21

  55. The layer masses at each layer is proportional to the amount of computation at each layer 0: ip (240) Typically computed as, # incoming units × # units in layer 1: conv7, 16 (16) 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 E.g. (512) (256) 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 ℓ m (2) = 16 × 32 = 512 . (256) (16) ℓ m (12) = (16 + 16) × 16 = 512 . 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (32) (256) 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (16) (16) A few exceptions: - input, output layers 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) - softmax/linear layers 10: softmax 13: softmax - fully connected layers in CNNs (120) (120) 14: op (240) 21

  56. Label mismatch penalty Define M , 0: ip 0: ip (235) (240) c3 c5 mp ap fc 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 16 (16) (16) 0 0 . 2 c3 2: conv3, 16 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (256) (512) (256) 0 . 2 0 c5 0 0 . 25 3: conv3, 32 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 ap (512) (256) (16) 0 . 25 0 mp 4: conv5, 32 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (1024) (32) (256) 0 fc 5: max-pool, 1 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (32) (16) (16) 6: fc, 16 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) (512) 7: softmax 10: softmax 13: softmax (235) (120) (120) 8: op 14: op (235) (240) 22

  57. Label mismatch penalty Define M , 0: ip 0: ip (235) (240) c3 c5 mp ap fc 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 16 (16) (16) 0 0 . 2 c3 2: conv3, 16 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (256) (512) (256) 0 . 2 0 c5 0 0 . 25 3: conv3, 32 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 ap (512) (256) (16) 0 . 25 0 mp 4: conv5, 32 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (1024) (32) (256) 0 fc 5: max-pool, 1 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (32) (16) (16) Define C lmm ∈ R n 1 × n 2 where, 6: fc, 16 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) (512) 7: softmax 10: softmax 13: softmax C lmm ( i , j ) = M ( ℓℓ ( i ) , ℓℓ ( j )) . (235) (120) (120) 8: op 14: op (235) (240) 22

  58. Label mismatch penalty Define M , 0: ip 0: ip (235) (240) c3 c5 mp ap fc 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 16 (16) (16) 0 0 . 2 c3 2: conv3, 16 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (256) (512) (256) 0 . 2 0 c5 0 0 . 25 3: conv3, 32 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 ap (512) (256) (16) 0 . 25 0 mp 4: conv5, 32 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (1024) (32) (256) 0 fc 5: max-pool, 1 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (32) (16) (16) Define C lmm ∈ R n 1 × n 2 where, 6: fc, 16 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) (512) 7: softmax 10: softmax 13: softmax C lmm ( i , j ) = M ( ℓℓ ( i ) , ℓℓ ( j )) . (235) (120) (120) 8: op 14: op (235) (240) Label mismatch penalty, φ lmm ( Z ) = � Z , C lmm � . 22

  59. Structural Penalty δ sp op ( i ) , δ lp op ( i ) , δ rw op ( i ) ← shortest, longest, random walk path lenghts from layer i to output. 0: ip 0: ip (235) (240) 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 16 (16) (16) 2: conv3, 16 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (256) (512) (256) 3: conv3, 32 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 (512) (256) (16) 4: conv5, 32 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (1024) (32) (256) 5: max-pool, 1 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (32) (16) (16) 6: fc, 16 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) (512) 7: softmax 10: softmax 13: softmax (235) (120) (120) 8: op 14: op (235) (240) 23

  60. Structural Penalty δ sp op ( i ) , δ lp op ( i ) , δ rw op ( i ) ← shortest, longest, random walk path lenghts from layer i to output. E.g. (in right network): δ sp op (1) = 5, 0: ip 0: ip (235) (240) δ lp op (1) = 7, δ rw op (1) = 5 . 67. 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 16 (16) (16) 2: conv3, 16 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (256) (512) (256) 3: conv3, 32 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 (512) (256) (16) 4: conv5, 32 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (1024) (32) (256) 5: max-pool, 1 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (32) (16) (16) 6: fc, 16 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) (512) 7: softmax 10: softmax 13: softmax (235) (120) (120) 8: op 14: op (235) (240) 23

  61. Structural Penalty δ sp op ( i ) , δ lp op ( i ) , δ rw op ( i ) ← shortest, longest, random walk path lenghts from layer i to output. Similarly define δ sp ip ( i ) , δ lp ip ( i ) , δ rw ip ( i ) from input to layer i . E.g. (in right network): δ sp op (1) = 5, 0: ip 0: ip (235) (240) δ lp op (1) = 7, δ rw op (1) = 5 . 67. 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 16 (16) (16) 2: conv3, 16 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (256) (512) (256) 3: conv3, 32 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 (512) (256) (16) 4: conv5, 32 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (1024) (32) (256) 5: max-pool, 1 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (32) (16) (16) 6: fc, 16 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) (512) 7: softmax 10: softmax 13: softmax (235) (120) (120) 8: op 14: op (235) (240) 23

  62. Structural Penalty δ sp op ( i ) , δ lp op ( i ) , δ rw op ( i ) ← shortest, longest, random walk path lenghts from layer i to output. Similarly define δ sp ip ( i ) , δ lp ip ( i ) , δ rw ip ( i ) from input to layer i . E.g. (in right network): δ sp op (1) = 5, 0: ip 0: ip (235) (240) δ lp op (1) = 7, δ rw op (1) = 5 . 67. 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 16 (16) (16) 2: conv3, 16 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (256) (512) (256) Let C str ∈ R n 1 × n 2 where, 3: conv3, 32 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 (512) (256) (16) C str ( i , j ) = 1 � � | δ s t ( i ) − δ s t ( j ) | . 4: conv5, 32 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (1024) (32) (256) 6 s t 5: max-pool, 1 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (32) (16) (16) s ∈ { sp, lp, rw } , t ∈ { ip,op } 6: fc, 16 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) (512) 7: softmax 10: softmax 13: softmax (235) (120) (120) 8: op 14: op (235) (240) 23

  63. Structural Penalty δ sp op ( i ) , δ lp op ( i ) , δ rw op ( i ) ← shortest, longest, random walk path lenghts from layer i to output. Similarly define δ sp ip ( i ) , δ lp ip ( i ) , δ rw ip ( i ) from input to layer i . E.g. (in right network): δ sp op (1) = 5, 0: ip 0: ip (235) (240) δ lp op (1) = 7, δ rw op (1) = 5 . 67. 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 16 (16) (16) 2: conv3, 16 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (256) (512) (256) Let C str ∈ R n 1 × n 2 where, 3: conv3, 32 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 (512) (256) (16) C str ( i , j ) = 1 � � | δ s t ( i ) − δ s t ( j ) | . 4: conv5, 32 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (1024) (32) (256) 6 s t 5: max-pool, 1 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (32) (16) (16) s ∈ { sp, lp, rw } , t ∈ { ip,op } 6: fc, 16 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) (512) 7: softmax 10: softmax 13: softmax (235) (120) (120) Structural penalty, 8: op 14: op (235) (240) φ str ( Z ) = � Z , C str � . 23

  64. Non-assignment penalty The non-assignment penalty is the amount of mass unmatched in both networks, � � � � � � � � φ nas ( Z ) = ℓ m ( i ) − + ℓ m ( j ) − Z ij Z ij . i ∈L 1 j ∈L 2 j ∈L 2 i ∈L 1 The cost per unit for unassigned mass is 1. 24

  65. Optimal Transport total supply = total demand � n s i =1 s i = � n d j =1 d j . D 1 D 2 D 3 S 1 C 11 C 12 C 13 S 2 C 21 C 22 C 23 S 3 C 31 C 32 C 33 S 4 C 41 C 42 C 43 Optimal Transport Program: Let Z ∈ R n s × n d such that Z ij ← amount of mass transported from S i to D j . n s n d � � C ij Z ij = � Z , C � minimise i =1 j =1 � � Z ij = s i , Z ij = d i , Z ≥ 0 subject to i j 25

  66. Computing OTMANN via Optimal Transport Introduce sink layers with mass equal to total mass of other net- 0: ip 0: ip (235) (240) work. Unit cost for matching sink 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 16 (16) (16) nodes is 0. 2: conv3, 16 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (256) (512) (256) 3: conv3, 32 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 (512) (256) (16) 4: conv5, 32 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (1024) (32) (256) 5: max-pool, 1 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (32) (16) (16) 6: fc, 16 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) (512) 7: softmax 10: softmax 13: softmax (235) (120) (120) 8: op 14: op (235) (240) sink_1 (3120) 26

  67. Computing OTMANN via Optimal Transport Introduce sink layers with mass equal to total mass of other net- 0: ip 0: ip (235) (240) work. Unit cost for matching sink 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 16 (16) (16) nodes is 0. 2: conv3, 16 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (256) (512) (256) OT variable Z ′ and cost matrix C ′ , 3: conv3, 32 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 (512) (256) (16) C ′ , Z ′ ∈ R ( n 1 +1) × ( n 2 +1) . 4: conv5, 32 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (1024) (32) (256) 5: max-pool, 1 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (32) (16) (16) 6: fc, 16 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) (512) 7: softmax 10: softmax 13: softmax (235) (120) (120) 8: op 14: op (235) (240) sink_1 (3120) 26

  68. Computing OTMANN via Optimal Transport Introduce sink layers with mass equal to total mass of other net- 0: ip 0: ip (235) (240) work. Unit cost for matching sink 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 16 (16) (16) nodes is 0. 2: conv3, 16 2: conv5, 32 4: conv3, 16 (256) (512) (256) OT variable Z ′ and cost matrix C ′ , 3: conv3, 32 3: conv3 /2, 16 7: max-pool, 1 (512) (256) (16) C ′ , Z ′ ∈ R ( n 1 +1) × ( n 2 +1) . 4: conv5, 32 5: avg-pool, 1 9: conv3, 16 (1024) (32) (256) For i ≤ n 1 , j ≤ n 2 , 5: max-pool, 1 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 (32) (16) (16) C ′ ( i , j ) = C lmm ( i , j ) + C str ( i , j ) 6: fc, 16 8: fc, 16 12: fc, 16 (512) (512) (512) C ′ looks as follows, 7: softmax 10: softmax 13: softmax (235) (120) (120) 1 8: op 14: op (235) (240) . . C lmm + C str . sink_1 (3120) 1 1 · · · 1 0 26

  69. Theoretical Properties of OTMANN (Kandasamy et al. NIPS 2018) 1. It can be computed via an optimal transport scheme. 2. Under mild regularity conditions, it is a pseudo-distance. That is, given neural networks G 1 , G 2 , G 3 , ◮ d ( G 1 , G 2 ) ≥ 0. ◮ d ( G 1 , G 2 ) = d ( G 2 , G 1 ). ◮ d ( G 1 , G 3 ) ≤ d ( G 1 , G 2 ) + d ( G 2 , G 3 ). 27

  70. Theoretical Properties of OTMANN (Kandasamy et al. NIPS 2018) 1. It can be computed via an optimal transport scheme. 2. Under mild regularity conditions, it is a pseudo-distance. That is, given neural networks G 1 , G 2 , G 3 , ◮ d ( G 1 , G 2 ) ≥ 0. ◮ d ( G 1 , G 2 ) = d ( G 2 , G 1 ). ◮ d ( G 1 , G 3 ) ≤ d ( G 1 , G 2 ) + d ( G 2 , G 3 ). From distance to kernel: Given OTMANN distance d , use κ = e − β d as the “kernel”. 27

  71. OTMANN : Illustration with tSNE Embeddings #0 ip, #0 ip, #0 ip, #0 ip, (110) [1] (113) [1] j (8179) [1] (100) [1] a b #1 res5, 16, #1 conv3, 18, #1 conv7, 72, (16) [1] (18) [1] (72) [1] #1 conv3, 16, (16) [1] #2 conv3, 18, #6 avg-pool, #3 conv3, 63, #4 conv3, 81, #5 conv3, 71, #2 conv3, 9, #3 res3, 9, (324) [1] (72) [1] (4536) [1, /2] (5832) [1] (5112) [1] #2 conv3, 16, (144) [1] (144) [1] (256) [1] c #3 conv3, 32, #9 max-pool, #10 max-pool, #11 max-pool, #6 conv3, 32, #4 avg-pool, (576) [1] #3 conv3, 32, (576) [1] (16) [1] (63) [2] (81) [1] (71) [1] (512) [1] #7 avg-pool, #5 avg-pool, #4 avg-pool, #5 max-pool, #2 conv5, 144, #14 conv3, 110, #16 conv3, 142, #17 conv3, 126, (32) [1] (16) [1] (18) [1] (32) [1] (10368) [1, /2] (8910) [2, /2] (21584) [2] (8946) [2] #4 max-pool, (32) [1] #8 fc, 20, #6 fc, 14, #7 fc, 14, #8 fc, 16, #7 avg-pool, #12 avg-pool, #19 conv3, 87, #15 avg-pool, #20 max-pool, #21 max-pool, (70) [2] (44) [2] (51) [2] (144) [2] (72) [2] (9570) [4] (81) [2] (142) [2] (126) [2] #5 fc, 16, (128) [2] (51) [2] #9 softmax, #10 softmax, #11 softmax, #8 fc, 79, #18 fc, 48, #22 fc, 63, #23 fc, 63, #24 fc, 55, #9 fc, 18, (37) [x] (37) [x] (37) [x] (1137) [2] (1036) [4] (1839) [4] (1304) [4] (693) [4] #6 softmax, (36) [x] (100) [x] #10 softmax, #12 op, #13 softmax, #25 softmax, #26 softmax, #7 op, (110) [x] (113) [x] (2726) [x] (2726) [x] (2726) [x] (100) [x] #11 op, #27 op, (110) [x] (8179) [x] #0 ip, (5427) [1] #0 ip, (93661) [1] #0 ip, k #0 ip, (76459) [1] #1 conv7, 64, (63764) [1] (64) [1] d f #1 conv3, 64, (64) [1] #1 conv3, 56, #1 conv3, 56, (56) [1] #4 conv3, 64, #5 conv3, 64, #7 avg-pool, #3 conv3, 56, #6 avg-pool, t-SNE: OTMANN Distance (56) [1] e (4096) [1] (4096) [1] (64) [1] (3584) [1, /2] (64) [1] #2 conv3, 64, #2 conv3, 56, (4096) [1] #2 conv3, 63, j (3136) [1] (3528) [1] #11 avg-pool, #13 max-pool, #15 avg-pool, #14 avg-pool, #2 conv7, 128, k (64) [1] (64) [1] (64) [2] (64) [2] (8192) [1, /2] #3 max-pool, (64) [1] #4 max-pool, #3 avg-pool, #3 max-pool, (63) [1] (56) [1] #12 avg-pool, #17 conv3, 128, #19 conv3, 128, #20 res3, 56, #8 max-pool, (56) [1] (64) [1] (8192) [2] (16384) [2] (3584) [4] (128) [2] #4 conv5, 144, 4 (9216) [2] #6 conv3, 112, #5 conv3, 112, #4 conv3, 112, (7056) [2] (6272) [2] #18 max-pool, #21 max-pool, #23 max-pool, #10 max-pool, #24 fc, 56, (6272) [2] (64) [2] (192) [2] (128) [2] (56) [2] (1030) [4] i #5 conv7, 144, #6 conv7, 128, (20736) [2] (18432) [2] #5 conv3, 128, #8 conv3, 128, #7 conv3, 128, (14336) [2] (14336) [2] (14336) [2] #22 fc, 64, #26 fc, 64, #9 fc, 63, (409) [4] (2816) [4] (806) [2] #7 max-pool, #9 max-pool, 2 #6 max-pool, (144) [2] (128) [2] #10 max-pool, #9 max-pool, (128) [2] (128) [2] #25 softmax, #27 softmax, #16 softmax, (128) [2] (1809) [x] (1809) [x] (1809) [x] #0 ip, (20613) [1] #8 max-pool, #11 conv3, 128, #0 ip, (144) [2] (34816) [4] #11 conv3, 128, (28787) [1] #7 conv3, 128, (16384) [4] #28 op, (16384) [4] (5427) [x] h #1 conv3, 56, #10 conv3, 128, #13 conv3, 128, #1 conv3, 56, n (56) [1] (18432) [4] (16384) [4] #12 conv3, 128, (56) [1] n #8 conv3, 128, 0 (16384) [4] (16384) [4] g #2 max-pool, #3 max-pool, m (56) [1] (56) [1] #12 conv3, 128, #15 conv3, 128, #2 max-pool, #3 max-pool, #9 conv3, 128, (16384) [4] (16384) [4] #13 conv3, 112, (56) [1] (56) [1] (16384) [4] (28672) [4] #4 conv5, 63, #5 avg-pool, #6 max-pool, (3528) [2, /2] (56) [2] (56) [2] #14 conv3, 128, #17 max-pool, m #4 conv5, 63, c (16384) [4] (128) [4] #14 conv3, 112, (3528) [2, /2] #10 avg-pool, (12544) [4] 2 (128) [4] #7 res5, 62, #8 conv5, 56, b #16 max-pool, #19 conv3, 256, #6 res5, 62, (3906) [4] (6272) [4] a (128) [4] (32768) [8] #15 avg-pool, (3906) [4] #11 conv3, 256, (112) [4] (32768) [8] #10 res7, 92, #11 max-pool, #9 conv5, 56, #18 conv3, 256, #20 conv3, 288, (5704) [4] (56) [4] (3136) [4] #9 res7, 92, #5 avg-pool, #12 conv3, 256, (32768) [8] (73728) [8] #16 conv3, 256, (5704) [4] (56) [2] (65536) [8] (28672) [8] #13 res3, 128, #14 avg-pool, #12 avg-pool, 4 (11776) [4, /2] (56) [8] (56) [4] #21 max-pool, #13 res3, 128, #7 conv5, 56, #8 conv5, 56, (544) [8] #17 conv3, 288, (11776) [4, /2] (3136) [4] (3136) [4] #13 max-pool, (73728) [8] (256) [8] #16 res3, 128, #17 conv3, 128, #15 avg-pool, (16384) [8] (16384) [8] (56) [8] #22 conv3, 512, #16 res3, 128, #17 conv3, 128, #11 avg-pool, #10 avg-pool, (278528) [16] #18 max-pool, (16384) [8] (16384) [8] (56) [4] (56) [4] #14 conv3, 576, (288) [8] (147456) [16] #19 avg-pool, #20 res3, 224, #18 avg-pool, 6 #23 conv3, 512, (128) [8] (28672) [8, /2] (56) [16] (262144) [16] #19 res3, 224, #20 res3, 224, #14 avg-pool, #12 avg-pool, #15 conv3, 512, #19 conv3, 648, (28672) [8, /2] (41216) [8, /2] (56) [8] (56) [4] (294912) [16] (186624) [16] #22 res3, 256, #23 conv3, 224, #21 fc, 392, (32768) [16] (50176) [16] (2195) [32] #24 max-pool, #22 res3, 256, #23 res3, 256, #24 avg-pool, #15 avg-pool, #16 max-pool, (512) [16] #20 conv3, 512, (57344) [16] (57344) [16] (280) [16] (56) [8] (331776) [16] (512) [16] #25 max-pool, #26 avg-pool, #24 softmax, (256) [16] (280) [16] (6871) [x] 8 #25 conv5, 128, #26 max-pool, #27 max-pool, #28 fc, 448, #18 avg-pool, (65536) [32] #21 max-pool, (256) [16] (256) [16] (12544) [32] (56) [16] #17 fc, 128, (512) [16] d (6553) [32] f #27 fc, 448, #28 fc, 448, #26 fc, 128, #29 fc, 448, #21 fc, 448, (11468) [32] (12544) [32] (1638) [32] #22 fc, 128, (22937) [32] (2508) [32] e #18 fc, 256, (6553) [32] (3276) [x] #29 softmax, #30 softmax, (6871) [x] (6871) [x] #27 fc, 256, #31 softmax, #30 softmax, #25 softmax, 10 #19 fc, 512, (3276) [x] #23 fc, 256, (9595) [x] (9595) [x] (9595) [x] (13107) [x] (3276) [x] #31 op, (20613) [x] 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 #28 fc, 512, #32 op, (13107) [x] #24 fc, 512, (28787) [x] #20 softmax, (13107) [x] (63764) [x] #0 ip, #29 softmax, (459) [1] (93661) [x] #25 softmax, #21 op, (76459) [x] i (63764) [x] #30 op, #1 conv3, 16, #2 conv3, 16, (16) [1] (16) [1] (93661) [x] #26 op, (76459) [x] #5 avg-pool, #3 res5, 16, #4 conv3, 16, (16) [1] (256) [1] (256) [1] #0 ip, (264) [1] #0 ip, (284) [1] h #7 conv5, 32, #9 conv3, 32, #6 conv3, 16, (512) [1] (512) [1] (256) [1] g #1 conv3, 16, #2 conv3, 18, (16) [1] (18) [1] #1 conv3, 18, #2 conv3, 20, (18) [1] (20) [1] #8 res3, 32, #11 conv3, 32, #13 avg-pool, #10 avg-pool, #3 conv3, 16, #6 conv3, 36, (512) [1] (1024) [1] (32) [1] (16) [1] (256) [1] (648) [1] #4 conv3, 41, #3 conv3, 18, #6 conv3, 41, (738) [1] (324) [1] (820) [1] #12 avg-pool, #15 avg-pool, #14 avg-pool, #16 fc, 32, #4 conv3, 36, #5 max-pool, #8 avg-pool, #7 max-pool, (32) [1] (32) [1] (32) [1] (153) [2] (576) [1] (16) [1] (16) [1] (16) [1] #5 avg-pool, #8 avg-pool, #7 max-pool, #11 max-pool, (18) [1] (18) [1] (18) [1] (41) [1] #18 fc, 36, #17 fc, 36, (288) [2] (115) [2] #9 max-pool, #10 max-pool, #13 fc, 28, #12 max-pool, (36) [1] (36) [1] (134) [2] (36) [1] #9 max-pool, #12 fc, 32, #14 fc, 25, (41) [1] (172) [2] (102) [2] #20 fc, 36, #19 fc, 36, (259) [x] (129) [x] #14 fc, 28, #15 fc, 28, #11 fc, 28, #17 fc, 32, #16 fc, 28, (100) [2] (100) [2] (44) [2] (89) [x] (100) [2] #13 fc, 25, #10 fc, 32, #15 fc, 25, #18 fc, 19, (102) [2] (57) [2] (80) [x] (47) [x] #21 fc, 36, #19 fc, 28, #18 fc, 32, #21 fc, 28, #20 fc, 25, (129) [x] (78) [x] (89) [x] (168) [x] (70) [x] #17 fc, 22, #16 fc, 19, #19 fc, 22, (55) [x] (47) [x] (125) [x] #22 softmax, (459) [x] #23 softmax, #22 softmax, #25 softmax, #24 softmax, (66) [x] (66) [x] (66) [x] (66) [x] #21 softmax, #20 softmax, #23 softmax, #22 softmax, (71) [x] (71) [x] (71) [x] (71) [x] #23 op, (459) [x] #26 op, (264) [x] #24 op, (284) [x] 28

  72. OTMANN correlates with cross validation performance 29

  73. Outline 1. Review ◮ Bayesian optimisation ◮ Optimal transport 2. NASBOT : Neural Architecture Search with Bayesian Optimisation & Optimal Transport ◮ OTMANN : Optimal Transport Metrics for Architectures of Neural Networks ◮ Optimising the acquisition via an evolutionary algorithm ◮ Experiments 3. Multi-fidelity optimisation in NASBOT 30

  74. Optimising the acquisition via an Evolutionary Algorithm EA navigates the search space by applying a sequence of local modifiers to the points already evaluated. 31

  75. Optimising the acquisition via an Evolutionary Algorithm EA navigates the search space by applying a sequence of local modifiers to the points already evaluated. Each modifier: ◮ Takes a network, modifies and returns a new one. ◮ Each modifier can change the number of units in each layer, add/delte layers, or modify the architecture of the network. 31

  76. Optimising the acquisition via an Evolutionary Algorithm EA navigates the search space by applying a sequence of local modifiers to the points already evaluated. Each modifier: ◮ Takes a network, modifies and returns a new one. ◮ Each modifier can change the number of units in each layer, add/delte layers, or modify the architecture of the network. ◮ Care must be taken to ensure that the resulting networks are still “valid”. 31

  77. inc single #0 ip #0 ip #1 conv7 #1 conv7 64 64 #2 max-pool #2 max-pool #3 conv3 #3 conv3 64 64 #4 conv3 #4 conv3 128 128 #5 conv3 #5 conv3 256 288 #6 conv3 #6 conv3 512 512 #7 avg-pool #7 avg-pool #8 fc #8 fc 1024 1024 #9 softmax #9 softmax #10 op #10 op Similarly define dec single 32

  78. inc en masse #0 ip #0 ip #1 conv7 #1 conv7 64 64 #2 max-pool #2 max-pool #3 conv3 #3 conv3 64 64 #4 conv3 #4 conv3 128 128 #5 conv3 #5 conv3 256 288 #6 conv3 #6 conv3 512 576 #7 avg-pool #7 avg-pool #8 fc #8 fc 1024 1152 #9 softmax #9 softmax #10 op #10 op Similarly define dec en masse 33

  79. remove layer #0 ip #0 ip #1 conv7 64 #1 conv7 64 #2 max-pool #2 max-pool #3 conv3 64 #3 conv3 64 #4 conv3 128 #4 conv3 256 #5 conv3 256 #5 conv3 512 #6 conv3 512 #6 max-pool #7 avg-pool #7 fc 1024 #8 fc 1024 #8 softmax #9 softmax #9 op #10 op 34

  80. wedge layer #0 ip #0 ip #1 conv7 64 #1 conv7 64 #2 max-pool #2 max-pool #3 conv7 64 #3 conv3 64 #4 conv3 64 #4 conv3 128 #5 conv3 128 #5 conv3 256 #6 conv3 256 #6 conv3 512 #7 conv3 512 #7 avg-pool #8 avg-pool #8 fc 1024 #9 fc 1024 #9 softmax #10 softmax #10 op #11 op 35

  81. swap label #0 ip #0 ip #1 conv7 #1 conv7 64 64 #2 max-pool #2 max-pool #3 conv3 #3 conv3 64 64 #4 conv3 #4 conv3 128 128 #5 conv3 #5 conv3 256 256 #6 conv3 #6 conv5 512 512 #7 avg-pool #7 avg-pool #8 fc #8 fc 1024 1024 #9 softmax #9 softmax #10 op #10 op 36

  82. dup path #0 ip #0 ip #1 conv7 #1 conv7 #2 conv7 64 64 64 #2 max-pool #3 max-pool #4 max-pool #3 conv3 #5 conv3 #6 conv3 64 64 64 #4 conv3 #7 conv3 #8 conv3 128 128 128 #5 conv3 #9 conv3 #10 conv3 256 256 256 #6 conv3 #11 conv3 512 512 #7 avg-pool #12 avg-pool #8 fc #13 fc 1024 1024 #9 softmax #14 softmax #10 op #15 op 37

  83. skip #0 ip #0 ip #1 conv7 #1 conv7 64 64 #2 max-pool #2 max-pool #3 conv3 #3 conv3 64 64 #4 conv3 #4 conv3 64 64 #5 conv3 #5 conv3 128 128 #6 conv3 #6 conv3 128 128 #7 conv3 #7 conv3 256 256 #8 conv3 #8 conv3 256 256 #9 avg-pool #9 avg-pool #10 fc #10 fc 512 512 #11 softmax #11 softmax #12 op #12 op 38

  84. Optimising the acquisition via EA Goal: optimise the acquisition (e.g. UCB, EI etc.) 39

  85. Optimising the acquisition via EA Goal: optimise the acquisition (e.g. UCB, EI etc.) ◮ Evaluate the acquisition on an initial pool of networks. 39

  86. Optimising the acquisition via EA Goal: optimise the acquisition (e.g. UCB, EI etc.) ◮ Evaluate the acquisition on an initial pool of networks. ◮ Stochastically select those that have a high acquisition value and apply modifiers to generate a pool of candidates. 39

  87. Optimising the acquisition via EA Goal: optimise the acquisition (e.g. UCB, EI etc.) ◮ Evaluate the acquisition on an initial pool of networks. ◮ Stochastically select those that have a high acquisition value and apply modifiers to generate a pool of candidates. ◮ Evaluate the acquisition on those candidates and repeat. 39

  88. Neural Architecture Search via Bayesian Optimisation At each time step ϕ t = µ t − 1 + β 1 / 2 f ( x ) f ( x ) σ t − 1 t x t x x 0: ip 0: ip 0: ip (100) (129) 0: ip #0 ip, (100) (2707) 0: ip #0 ip, (100) (14456) #0 ip, (12710) 0: ip (100) 0: ip (129) #0 ip, (100) 0: ip (2707) #0 ip, (100) (14456) #0 ip, (12710) 1: conv7, 64 1: conv7, 64 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 64 (64) 1: conv3, 16 1: conv7, 64 (64) (16) 1: conv3, 16 2: conv3, 16 (64) 2: max-pool, 1 (64) (16) 1: conv3, 16 2: conv3, 16 (64) 2: max-pool, 1 (64) (16) (16) #1 tanh, 8, (8) #2 logistic, 8, (8) #1 logistic, 8, (8) #2 tanh, 64, (64) #3 relu, 64, (64) (16) (16) #1 tanh, 8, (8) #2 logistic, 8, (8) #1 logistic, 8, (8) #2 tanh, 64, (64) #3 relu, 64, (64) 2: conv3, 8 3: conv3, 8 (8192) 2: conv5, 128 4: conv3, 64 (4096) (4096) 3: res3 /2, 64 2: conv3, 8 3: conv3, 8 2: conv5, 128 (8192) 4: conv3, 64 (4096) 3: res3 /2, 64 (4096) (128) (128) 3: conv3, 16 4: conv5, 16 4: res3, 64 (128) (128) 3: conv3, 16 4: conv5, 16 4: res3, 64 (256) (256) 3: conv3 /2, 64 7: max-pool, 1 (4096) (256) (256) 3: conv3 /2, 64 7: max-pool, 1 (4096) 4: conv3, 32 #3 logistic, 8, (64) #4 tanh, 8, (64) (4096) (64) #2 tanh, 8, (8) #3 relu, 8, (64) 5: res3 /2, 128 (8192) #4 leaky-relu, 128, (8192) #5 logistic, 64, (4096) 4: conv3, 32 #3 logistic, 8, (64) #4 tanh, 8, (64) (4096) (64) #2 tanh, 8, (8) #3 relu, 8, (64) 5: res3 /2, 128 (8192) #4 leaky-relu, 128, (8192) #5 logistic, 64, (4096) (512) 6: avg-pool, 1 5: conv5 /2, 32 (512) 6: avg-pool, 1 5: conv5 /2, 32 (32) (512) 5: avg-pool, 1 (128) 9: conv3, 128 (8192) (16384) 6: res3, 128 (32) (512) 5: avg-pool, 1 (128) 9: conv3, 128 (8192) 6: res3, 128 (16384) 5: max-pool, 1 (32) 7: res3 /2, 256 5: max-pool, 1 (32) 7: res3 /2, 256 #5 elu, 16, (256) #6 relu, 16, (256) 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 #4 softplus, 16, (256) #5 relu, 16, (256) (32768) #6 logistic, 256, (49152) #7 elu, 512, (65536) #5 elu, 16, (256) #6 relu, 16, (256) 6: max-pool, 1 11: max-pool, 1 #4 softplus, 16, (256) #5 relu, 16, (256) (32768) #6 logistic, 256, (49152) #7 elu, 512, (65536) 7: fc, 32 (204) (64) (128) 8: res3, 256 7: fc, 32 (204) (64) (128) 8: res3, 256 6: fc, 16 (51) (65536) 6: fc, 16 (51) (65536) #7 linear, (100) (819) 8: fc, 64 12: fc, 64 (1228) #6 linear, (100) 9: avg-pool, 1 (256) #1 linear, (6355) #8 linear, (6355) #7 linear, (100) 8: fc, 64 (819) 12: fc, 64 (1228) #6 linear, (100) 9: avg-pool, 1 (256) #1 linear, (6355) #8 linear, (6355) 8: softmax 8: softmax 7: softmax (100) (129) 10: softmax 13: softmax (13107) 10: fc, 512 7: softmax (100) (129) 10: softmax 13: softmax 10: fc, 512 (13107) (1353) (1353) 11: softmax (1353) (1353) 11: softmax 8: op 9: op #8 op, (100) #7 op, (100) (14456) #9 op, (12710) 8: op 9: op #8 op, (100) #7 op, (100) (14456) #9 op, (12710) (100) (129) (2707) 14: op 12: op (14456) (100) (129) (2707) 14: op (14456) 12: op 40


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