network reliability and resilience

Network Reliability and Resilience Mark S. Daskin Dept. of IE/MS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Network Reliability and Resilience Mark S. Daskin Dept. of IE/MS Northwestern University Reliability and Resilience Reliability Resilience Low probability of Consequences of failure failure are designed to be small

  1. Network Reliability and Resilience Mark S. Daskin Dept. of IE/MS Northwestern University

  2. Reliability and Resilience  Reliability  Resilience • Low probability of • Consequences of failure failure are designed to be small • Return to normal function is rapid

  3. Outline  Framework for network resilience  Industry perspectives  Examples of research at NU  Directions for future work and collaboration

  4. Sources of Supply Chain or Network Unreliability  Natural disasters  Weather Decreasingly  Congestion of facilities Different: random in  Business failures •Durations nature •Targets  Economics, Energy, •Responses Environment  Labor disruptions  Terrorist actions We live in an uncertain world.

  5. Reliability/Resilience Taxonomy: Frequency/Severity Frequency Low High Low Severity High

  6. Reliability/Resilience Taxonomy: Duration is also important Frequency – how often does something fail Severity – what fraction Severity of network capability is lost – what is the cost? Duration – how long is Frequency it disabled

  7. Threats and countermeasures Government Intellectual Environmental regulation property concerns Lobbying Supplier Demand Regulation/other R&D/new prod. reliability uncertainty Multi-sourcing Forecasting Inventory Fortification Supplier Firm Firm Firm Terrorism yield Contracts/flex. Market res. Inv./options R&D/options Labor New entrants disruptions products Purchase options Energy Weather Natural availability disasters

  8. Threats and countermeasures Supplier reliability Multi-sourcing Fortification/ Inventory Supplier Intelligence/ Firm Firm Firm Terrorism Detection yield Yield – high frequency, short duration, low consequence, unpredictable Supplier reliability – lower frequency, longer duration, moderate consequence, may be targeted Terrorism – very low frequency, long duration, high consequence, targeted

  9. Threats and countermeasures Weather delay Recovery plans Inducements Fortification Airline Firm Firm Overbooking Terrorism Overbooking – high frequency, few flights impacted, low consequence, somewhat unpredictable Weather delay – lower frequency, longer duration, moderate to high network consequences, may be foreseen Terrorism – very low frequency, very long duration, high consequence, targeted at vulnerable facilities

  10. Event planning is a cycle Pre-event Durin Post event g event

  11. Pre-event planning  Prevent events  Prevent  Prevent  Defend against overbooking shortages thru via improved better events (harden forecasting forecasting facilities)  Defend against  Defend against  Design systems terrorism via shortages via to be resilient screening safety stock with respect to  Design routes  Design failures and networks products for to be robust substitutability; w.r.t. weather networks with delays multiple suppliers

  12. During event  Detect events  Detect weather  Detect shortages by monitoring key problems early  Diagnose event suppliers  Diagnose severity of  Diagnose shortage  Prescribe disruption due to severity (total, partial) weather action  Prescribe actions  Prescribe response (draw on safety stock,  Communicate (reroute aircraft, call invoke contracts) in backup crews)  action Communicate plans  Communicate with plants, suppliers,  Coordinate and customers passengers  response Coordinate response  Coordinate with across system other airlines and  Control  Control production hotels response  Control entire response

  13. Post event  Recovery  Recovery actions  Recovery actions to get production back to reposition actions and marketing to aircraft and crews  Redesign recover market share  Redesign  Redesign supply system for network, routes, chain to mitigate better response aircraft future shortages assignments,  Reconstruct (improve response system forecasting, safety system  Reconstruct may stock, multi-source)  Reconstruct supply not be applicable chain and replenish in weather case safety stocks except in the extreme

  14. Key observations  Network effects make pre-event, during event and post-event difficult  Solutions must encompass • Detection and Diagnosis • Communication and Coordination • Recovery and Redesign

  15. Questions for Industry  How do you think about resilience?  How do you ensure resilience?  How do you monitor your network(s)?  What is the impact of a network failure?  How do you contain/recover from failures?  What “unmet needs” do you have?

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