ndn dn a applica cations ndncomm 2014 icn tutorial dry

NDN DN A Applica cations NDNComm 2014 ICN Tutorial Dry Run - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NDN DN A Applica cations NDNComm 2014 ICN Tutorial Dry Run September 3, 2014 jburke@ucla.edu 1 NDN: Application-motivated Approach NSF F FIA 2 2010-p -present Video s streaming, l live ch chat, f file s sharing, l

  1. NDN DN A Applica cations NDNComm 2014 – ICN Tutorial Dry Run September 3, 2014 jburke@ucla.edu 1 ¡

  2. NDN: Application-motivated Approach NSF F FIA 2 2010-p -present Video s streaming, l live ch chat, f file s sharing, l lighting co control, s sensing NSF F FIA “ “Next P Phase” ( (2014-2 -2016) En Enterprise B Building A Automation & & M Management Op Open M Mobile H Health Mobile M Multimedia A Applica cations Ot Other o ongoing w work ( (2014-2 -2016) Internet o of T Things, R Raspberry P y PI s support Climate M Modeling ( (Colorado S State) Information M Maximizing N Networks ( (UIUC) Vehicu cular N Networking ( (UPMC, U UCLA) Support from NSF, Cisco, Comcast, Toyota, Qualcomm, Verisign, and others.

  3. Ch ChronoCh Chat 3 ¡

  4. What is a group text chat application? Sequence ¡of ¡ Sequence ¡of ¡ Alice’s ¡ Ted’s ¡ Name Content Name Content messages ¡ messages ¡ ... ... ... ... /ca/alice/15 Hello, guys /ca/ted/3 Hello, Alice. Do you guys need /ca/alice/16 coffee? Alice Ted Sequence ¡of ¡ Name Content Bob’s ¡ ... ... messages ¡ Bob /ca/bob/31 Yup. Synchroniza/on ¡of ¡distributed ¡chat ¡room ¡dataset ¡(set ¡of ¡sequences ¡of ¡chat ¡messages) ¡ among ¡the ¡par/cipants ¡ 4 ¡

  5. ChronoChat Many I y Internet a applica cations a are co collaborative b by n y nature • group t text ch chat • file s sharing • audio/video co conferenci cing Ke Key p y piece ce i in t these a applica cations • distributed s state s syn ynch chronization • ch chat r room m messages • files a and f folders i in t the s shared f folder • voice ce/video s streams f from e each ch p partici cipant Based o on ChronoSyn ync • syn ynch chronize t the k knowledge o of t the ch chat m message s set Two t trust m models h have b been e experimented • hierarch chica cal • authentica cate u users t through a a ce certifica cate ch chain t that s strict ctly f y follow t the n naming hierarch chy y • web-o -of-t -trust • authentica cate u users t through e endorsements m made b by e y each ch o other’s d direct ctly/ y/indirect ctly y trusted u users 5 ¡

  6. NDN DNVideo 6 ¡

  7. NDNVideo: Sessionless, Scalable Live, Pre-recorded Streaming Interest ¡for ¡ 00:01:40.20 ¡ or ¡ Segment ¡2981 ¡ EDGE ¡ROUTER ¡ W/CONTENT ¡STORE ¡ SENSORS ¡ VIDEO ¡ AUDIO ¡ CLOCK ¡ CLOCK ¡ “REPO” ¡ ACQUIRE ¡ STORE ¡ A/V ¡ TO ¡REPO ¡ “REPO” ¡ ENCODE ¡ STORE ¡ (Future: ¡SVC) ¡ TO ¡REPO ¡ D. Kulinski and J. Burke. NDNVideo: Live and Prerecorded Streaming over NDN. Technical Report NDN-0007, September, 2012.

  8. Design App Namespace to Leverage Architecture Session-l -less a approach ch f for s sca calability. y. Timeco code ( (frame-b -based) n names make r random a acce ccess s straightforward. D. Kulinski and J. Burke. NDNVideo: Live and Prerecorded Streaming over NDN. Technical Report NDN-0007, September, 2012.

  9. ndnrt ndnrtc 9 ¡

  10. NDN Real Time Conferencing Tool Go Goals ls: : • Real-t -time a audio/video/text ch chat l library w y which ch a allows m many-t y-to-m -many y conferenci co cing o over t the N NDN DN n network a and r requires n no d direct ct communica co cation b between p peers • Traffic g c generator f for t the te testbe tbed • Start p point f for N NDN DN t traffic co c congestion co control a algorithm r research ch • Test N NDN DN-C -CPP l library a y and T TLV p pack cket f format Browser NDN-RTC Add-on C++ engine NDN-CPP NDN library NDN-RTC Web App JavaScript (Discovery, UI) interface NDN-RTC WebRTC library 9/9/14 ¡ 10 ¡

  11. Deadline-based pipeline for driving interest retransmission new frame - no segments fetched yet frame being assembled (some segments fetched) fully fetched frame frames move playback re-transmit pointer pointer B 1 B 2 should be interests for interests for assembled, data missing segments missing otherwise - segments data segments considered missed segments B 1 ¡>= ¡RTT, ¡B 2 ¡>= ¡RTT ¡ Minimal ¡buffer ¡size ¡>= ¡ 2*RTT ¡ milliseconds ¡ 9/9/14 ¡ 11 ¡

  12. Vehicu cular n networking 12 ¡

  13. Applying NDN to vehicle networking Question v via t the n network: Collisions a ahead o on I I-8 -80? /toyota/collision/by_road/us/california/I-80 /toyota/collision/recent Research ch g goal: a a single f framework for v vehicl cles • to f fully u y utilize a all a available p phys ysica cal ch channels • to co communica cate i in a an i infrastruct cture-f -free m manner • to co communica cate w with i infrastruct cture s servers • to p provide d delay-t y-tolerant d delivery y No n need t to d deal w with h host a addresses; still m must d design a applica cation n namespace ce. UCLA & UIUC 13 ¡

  14. (Mobile) d data g gets t to ( (mobile) co consumers a any w y way i y it ca can Infrastruct cture Ad-h -hoc / c / M Mule Pau, Zhang, et al. with Toyota

  15. Climate M Modeling 15 ¡

  16. NDN Approach Publisher Announcement Consumer Request l Client w wants J Jan 3 30 – – F Feb 0 02 l Server 1 1 a advertises J January p y prefix l NDN DN r routes J Jan r requests t to l Server2 a advertises F February p y prefix Server1 a and F Feb r requests t to l Routing p protoco col p propagates Server2 Server2 announce cements l Servers a answer a at a appropriate /cmmap/precipitation/ granularity f y for t the a applica cation GCRM/GridZ/ <horiz_resolution>/ <field>/ <date>/<time>/ Colorado State

  17. Naming in Climate Modeling Application CMIP5: “ “.. a a co common n naming s sys ystem t to b be u used i in f files, d direct ctories, m metadata, and U URLs t to i identify d y datasets w wherever t they m y might b be l loca cated w within t the distributed C CMIP5 a arch chive. I It d defines co controlled v voca cabularies f for m many o y of t the co components co comprising t the d data r reference ce s syn yntax ( (DR DRS). Di Direct ctory e y enco coding: • /<act ctivity> y>/<product ct>/<institute>/<model>/<experiment>/ < <frequency> cy>/ <modeling r realm>/ < <variable n name>/<ensemble m member> • Ex Example: / CMIP5/output/MOH i2p1 / / OHC/HadCM3/deca cadal1990/day/ y/at atmos mos/ta tas/r /r3i2 CMIP5 DRS is NDN-compliant Hierarchical Clearly defined name components Well-defined vocabularies Organizes components from less specific to more specific 17 ¡ Utilities to translate into DRS (CMOR) Produces virtually ready-to-use NDN names

  18. Our Translator Architecture spcesm-ctrl.pop.h.1891-01.nc Contents of file /CMMAP /r3i1p1 /coupled /control /spcesm-ctrl /pop /1M /1891-01/ activity/sub-activity/organization/ensemble/experiment/model/ granularity/start-time

  19. NP N Network En Environments 19 ¡

  20. En Enterprise b building a automation and m management s sys ystems 20 ¡

  21. Two r research ch t threads • En Enterprise-l -level B BAS/BMS i in co collaboration w with U UCLA F Faci cilities Management, b based o on w work s started i in a an EA EAGER ER. • De Device ce-s -side IoT IoT, m motivated b by co y consumer e experience ce / / h home environment f for n now. ( (Ex External s support f from Q Qualco comm a and potentially H y Huawei.) 21 ¡

  22. Home e environment 22 ¡ W. ¡Shang ¡et ¡al. ¡

  23. EB EBAMS: F Focu cusing o on “ “Management” / / “ “Automation” l levels Siemens ¡Apogee ¡System ¡ Management Level Network Management- BACnet OPC SQL ODBC Level Web Building Level Network Automation- Lighting BACnet Power Monitoring Chillers PLCs Boilers Level Particle Measuring Fire/Life Safety Other BAS Security/Access Floor Level Network Variable Speed Drives Field- Level Power Meters LonWorks Devices 23 ¡

  24. Sensing: Electrical Demand & Chilled Water Two te Two testbe tbeds ds a at U UCLA – – o one s shared a and o one u unique. 24


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