NC COURSE OF STUDY GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS * Content Area CAREER PREP COLLEGE TECH PREP** COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY PREP OCCUPATIONAL*** Course of Study Requirements Course of Study Requirements Course of Study Course of Study Requirements (UNC 4-yr college) Requirements English 4 Credits 4 Credits 4 Credits 4 Credits I, II, III, IV I, II, III, IV I, II, III, IV Occupational English I, II, III, IV 4 Credits (4 th credit effective for first time ninth Mathematics 3 Credits 3 Credit** 3 Credits Including Algebra I Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, OR graders in 2002-2003) Occupational mathematics (This requirement can be met with Algebra I, Technical Math I & II, OR Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and higher level I,II,III Integrated Math I & II when accompanied Integrated Mathematics I, II, & III math course with Algebra II as prerequisite OR with the Algebra I EOC) Integrated Mathematics I,II,III, and a credit beyond Integrated Mathematics III Science 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 2 Credits A Physical Science course, Biology, A Physical Science course, Biology, A Physical Science course, Biology, Life Skills Science I, II Earth/Environmental Science Earth/Environmental Science Earth/Environmental Science Social Studies 3 Credits 3 Credits 3 Credits 2 Credits Government/Economics (ELPS), US Government/Economics (ELPS), US History, Government/Economics (ELPS), US History, World Social Studies I (Government/US History, World Studies World Studies Studies (2 courses to meet UNC minimum History) admission requirements. US History & 1 elective) Social Studies II (Self- Advocacy/Problem Solving) Second Language Not Required Not Required** 2 Credits in the same language Not Required Computer Skills No specific course required, students No specific course required, students must No specific course required, students must Computer proficiency as specified in IEP must demonstrate proficiency through demonstrate proficiency through state testing demonstrate proficiency through state testing state testing (starting with graduating (starting with graduating class of 2001) (starting with graduating class of 2001) class of 2001) Health and Physical 1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit Health/Physical Education Health/Physical Education Health/Physical Education Health/Physical Education Education Career/Technical 4 Credits in Career/Technical 4 Credits Not required 4 Credits Select courses appropriate for career Select courses appropriate for career pathway Career/Technical Education electives pathway to include a second level to include a second level (advanced) course (advanced) course; OR JROTC 4 Credits in JROTC; OR Arts Education 4 Credits in an Arts Discipline (Dance, Music, Select courses appropriate for an arts Theatre Arts, Visual education pathway to include an advanced Arts) course Recommend at least one credit in an arts Recommend at least one credit in an arts Recommend at least one credit in an arts discipline Recommend at least one credit in an discipline and/or requirement by local discipline and/or requirement by local decision and/or requirement by local decision arts discipline and/or requirement by decision (for students and taking an arts local decision education pathway); Electives or other 2 Elective Credits and other credits 2 Elective Credits and other credits 3 Elective Credits and other credits designated by Occupational Preparation: 6 Credits: designated by LEA designated by LEA LEA Occupational Preparation I,II,III,IV**** requirements***** Elective credits/completion of IEP Proficiency on Exit Exam (Effective for Proficiency on Exit Exam (Effective for Proficiency on Exit Exam (Effective for entering objectives/Career Portfolio required/No entering ninth grade 2001-2002) entering ninth grade 2001-2002) ninth grade 2001-2002) Exit Exam Total 20 Credits plus any local requirements 20 Credits plus any local requirements 20 Credits plus any local requirements 22 Credits plus any local requirements *Effective for ninth graders entering for the first time in 2000-01. The additional mathematics credit in college/university prep is for entering ninth graders of 2002-03. **A student pursuing a College Tech Prep course of study may meet the requirements of a College/University course of study by completing 2 credits in the same second language and one additional unit in mathematics. ***This course of study shall be made available for certain students with disabilities who have an IEP, beginning with first time ninth graders in 2000-01. ****Completion of 300 hours of school-based training, 240 hours of community based-training, and 360 hours of paid employment. *****Examples of electives include JROTC and other courses that are of interest to the student. March 26, 2003 Prepared by GCS Career & Technical Education.
College Tech Prep is a course of study with required math, science, English, and career and technical course sequences that provides every student with the opportunity for a focused course of study related to his/her career goal. College Tech Prep completers can meet college course requirements and have the multiple options of enrolling in a four-year college or university, a community college, or entering adult apprenticeship programs. This course of study prepares students to enter technical careers after completing two or four years of college studies. See the student registration book for a complete listing and description of career and technical education courses in the College Tech Prep course of study. Multiple Options for College Tech Prep Completers College Tech Prep Course of Study Bachelors English – 4 credits Degree in a Science – 3 credits Math – 3 credits Technical Career Alg. I, Geometry, Alg. II * Field in a or Technical Alg. I, Tech Math I, Tech Math II Field Social Studies – 3 credits Related to PE/Health – 1 credit the College Career/Technical – 4 credits Associate Tech Prep in a technical sequence including Degree Course of a second level advanced course. Certificate Study *Students planning to pursue a four or Diploma Adult year degree should select these math from a options, plus an advanced math and Apprenticeship Community two credits in the same second College language Youth Apprenticeship Students who are enrolled in a CTP course of study are eligible to participate in an optional youth apprenticeship. March 26, 2003 Prepared by GCS Career & Technical Education.
Guilford County Schools Career & Technical Education Enrollment 40,000 33,404 32,996 35,000 27,730 27,279 26,601 30,000 25,000 17,939 17,676 Students 13,249 12,909 High School (9-12) 12,606 20,000 Middle School (6-8) 15,000 10,000 15,465 15,320 14,481 14,370 13,995 5,000 - 1998-1999 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 March 26, 2003 Prepared by GCS Career & Technical Education. Year
Guilford County Schools Course of Study Percent of Graduates 1997-2002 70.0% 1775 1919 1829 1838 1844 62.3% 61.4% 61.2% 60.4% 59.6% 60.0% 1449 50.9% 50.0% Percent of Total Graduates 40.0% 931 32.7% 30.0% 766 662 23.8% 568 21.7% 507 500 19.1% 477 20.0% 17.8% 411 16.6% 409 417 15.9% 355 14.5% 389 13.7% 13.6% 12.4% 12.1% 175 190 156 10.0% 5.9% 132 114 6.3% 144 5.5% 4.5% 4.00% 4.3% 0.0% 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 College Prep College Prep and College Tech Prep Vocational Concentrator General March 26, 2003 Prepared by GCS Career & Technical Education.
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