navistar truck group green initiatives steve bruford

Navistar Truck Group Green Initiatives Steve Bruford Vice - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Navistar Truck Group Green Initiatives Steve Bruford Vice President, Global Product Creation October 2008 Topics The Demand for Oil Green House Gas Situation Emissions Fuel Economy Solutions Hybrids Delivered

  1. Navistar Truck Group Green Initiatives Steve Bruford Vice President, Global Product Creation October 2008

  2. Topics • The Demand for Oil • Green House Gas Situation • Emissions • Fuel Economy Solutions • Hybrids Delivered • Emissions and Fuel Economy • Partnerships to make it happen Future 2

  3. The Demand for Oil 250 250 Big Drivers for Change 200 200  World oil DEMAND DEMAND Million Barrels per Day Million Barrels per Day  Greenhouse Gas (GHG) standards 150 150 100 100 We’re not in danger of running out of oil soon. What matters is … 1X 1X 50 50 2X 2X When does the GAP between demand 3X 3X GONE GONE for oil and production capacity occur? 0 0 1900 1900 1920 1920 1940 1940 1960 1960 1980 1980 2000 2000 2020 2020 2040 2040 2060 2060 2080 2080 2100 2100 2120 2120 Demand assumes EIA’s consumption growth rate of 1.9% Demand assumes EIA’s consumption growth rate of 1.9% Already Consumed Proven Reserves (EIA)  95% Double Proven Reserves  50% Triple Proven Reserves  5% Source: Advanced Technology Division; Office of Transportation and Air Quality; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 3

  4. The Demand for Oil China wants half its population to be “middle class” by 2020 Wall Street Journal Cars in India/China Cars in India/China 2004 2050 4

  5. Greenhouse Gases 2007 US Greenhouse Gas Inventory by Sector 5

  6. Greenhouse Gases 1 Gallon 22 Pounds = of Diesel of Carbon Dioxide Consumed Produced A 10% Fuel Efficiency IMPROVEMENT in all NA HD tractors would deliver: 178,250,000 fewer gallons consumed 1,971,000 fewer tons of CO2 produced 6

  7. Solutions Already Delivered MaxxPower APU ProStar Aerodynamics Saves 1,800 gals of fuel DuraStar Hybrid Saves 1,600 gals of fuel & 20 tons of CO2 Saves 1,500 gals of fuel & 17 tons of CO2 & 16 tons of CO2 RouteMax Saves 1,350 gals of fuel Plug in HEV IC School Bus & 15 tons of CO2 Saves 700 gals of fuel & 6 tons of CO2 Note: Savings are per vehicle per year. 7

  8. Solutions Already Delivered: Hybrid Electric Vehicle Facts Note: Compared to non-HEV . 8

  9. Future Technologies Tractor Trailer Waste Energy Recovery Vehicle Electrification Up to 16% fuel economy improvement Recover some of the diesel fuel energy Deliver fuel economy through demonstrated in SAE Type II testing (~60%) that is lost to coolant and exhaust electrifying the power train Engine Application and Fuel Mapping Cooling System / Air Management Optimization V V8- I I6 70%Power 70% ------------X ------- -----X 1 100% I6 is ~4% better V8 600 Normalized Speed n - LI ------------------ X 100% RATED - LI 36% 36% P Power 500 I-6 B I-6 Bett tter Fuel Econ onom omy i in t this A Area ea I- I-6 is is ~ ~1% b bett tter TORQUE (lb-ft) 400 300 200 V8 is is ~8 ~8% bette tter V8 B Bett tter Fuel Econ onom omy i in t this A Area ea 100 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Normalized Engine Speed (%) Optimization … Combustion / Air Flow / Heat Exchangers 9

  10. Partnerships to make it happen Industry Government Universities Suppliers DOT / DOE / Centers of Excellence Major DOD / EPA Components Specific 21 St Century technology Truck Partnership Vehicle OEMs development National Labs Dealers Consortiums CARB Fleets Partnerships HTUF Customers 10

  11. Thank You


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