emras ii working group 6 emras ii working group 6 biota

EMRAS II, Working Group 6 EMRAS II, Working Group 6 Biota Dose - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WG-6: Effects group EMRAS II, Working Group 6 EMRAS II, Working Group 6 Biota Dose Effects Modelling Dose Effects Modelling Biota Tom Hinton; IRSN BROAD OBJECTIVES Dose Effect Modelling to assist Risk Assessments

  1. WG-6: Effects group EMRAS II, Working Group 6 EMRAS II, Working Group 6 Biota “ “Dose Effects Modelling Dose Effects Modelling” ” Biota Tom Hinton; IRSN BROAD OBJECTIVES • Dose – Effect Modelling to assist Risk Assessments • Derivation of Screening Level Values / Protection Thresholds • Reach Consensus; Document Methods; Publish Guidance

  2. WG-6: Effects group FREDERICA Database Update FREDERICA Database Update FREDERICA Database Update Quality Control Analysis Quality Control Analysis Quality Control Analysis Almudena REAL ; Spain EMRAS-II. Effects group (WG-6). Vienna, 26-27 January 2010

  3. FREDERICA Update: Quality Control Analysis Quality Control Analysis FREDERICA Update:

  4. WG-6: Effects group FREDERICA Radiation Effects Database FREDERICA Radiation Effects Database FREDERICA Radiation Effects Database www.frederica-online.org • References found: English (405), Russian (255), Japanese (7), French (2), Chinese (1) • References included: 141 (FREDERICA= 1,509 Refs; Aprox 10% increase) Wildlife groups: Mammals (36% ); Amphibians (11%); Insects (8% ); Protozoa (8% ), Others (microorganisms, fish, crustacean, mollusc, aq. plants, soil fauna, fungi) (37% ) Type of exposure: Acute (75% ); Chronic (25% ) Umbrella effects: Mortality (30% ); Reproduction (28% ); Morbidity (27% ); Genetic (11% ); Others (4% ) • Quality Control: Dose-Response Analysis 41 QC<35 134 Refs analysed 85 Refs analysed 93 QC>35 19 No Dose-Response (single dose) 66 Potentially useful for Dose-Response

  5. II (WG6): FREDERICA FREDERICA Update Update EMRAS- -II (WG6): EMRAS TASK Participants Deadline Stanislav GERAS ´ KIN Literature Nele HOREMNAS March 2009 Almudena REAL survey Tatiana SAZYKINA Karolina STARK Synnove SUNDELL-BERGMAN Hildegarde VANDENHOVE Satoshi YOSHIDA Add new Laura NEWSOME June 2009 data to Nele HOREMNAS Almudena REAL FREDERICA database Karolina STARK Synnove SUNDELL-BERGMAN Hildegarde VANDENHOVE Christine WILLDROT Satoshi YOSHIDA QA/QC and David COPPLESTONE Sept 2009 Almudena REAL score entry Jan 2010 Synnove SUNDELL-BERGMAN Christine WILLDROT

  6. WG-6: Effects group International Science and Technology Center (ISTC) Member Countries: ISTC Project 3003 Armenia Belarus Canada funded by: NAAL of IAEA EU Dr. Stanislav Gera’skin; RIARAE in Obnisk Georgia Japan Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic 35 Soviet-translated references Norway Republic of Korea to FREDERICA Russian Federation Tajikistan an additional 1800 entries United States

  7. WG-6: Effects group POPULATION MODELS ( T. Sazykina ; Russia) Models Presented Authors Type of the model Generic or Environmental Validation or specific stresses parametrization considered of parameters Jordi Vives I Logistic growth Specific for Radiation, Parametrization Batlle et al.(in model, age classes European fishing press) lobster Doi, M., and Isao Aquatic microcosm Specific for Radiation, Validation on Kawaguchi model, 3 species experimental ecological experimental (Radioprotection, microcosm interactions data 2005) A. Kryshev , et al. Dynamic population Generic fish Radiation, Parametrization (REBS, 2008) model, repair parasites comparison with data

  8. WG-6: Effects group Models Presented Alonzo, F . et al. Model of age- applied to Radiation Parametrization (JER, 2008) structured earthworm and population Daphnia Luigi Monte Model based on Generic Radiation, Parametrization (JER, 2009) Lotka-Volterra terrestrial migration equations ( resources and consumers ) Sazykina T. et Ecosystem model Generic Can be al. (Ecol.Model., with limited aquatic applied to 2000) resources radiation

  9. WG-6: Effects group Develop a generic modelling approach, and identify key parameters responsible for the sensitivity of populations to radiation damage.

  10. WG-6: Effects group Comparison of population sensitivity to changes in different endpoints and different species (relative to generation time T) Delay in population growth Daphnia magna Eisenia fetida toxicité chronique toxicité chronique de U et Am-241 de radiations gamma dissous et radiations gamma externes (Co-60) externes (Cs-137) Alonzo et al., 2008 3.0 3.0 T = 10 days T = 12 weeks 2.0 2.0 Reduction in survival 1.0 1.0 Reduction in fecundity 0.0 0.0 Delay in reproduction 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Individual level effect � Sensitivity of population depends on individual endpoints � Sensitivity of population depends on life history strategy of different species

  11. WG-6: Effects group IAEA EMRAS II Biota Effects Group Advances of the Multiple Stressor group Hildegarde Vandenhove, Nathalie Vanhoudt, Almudena Real, Clare Bradshaw, Nele Horemans 11 IAEA-EMRAS II, Biota group, Vienna 26-27 January 2010

  12. WG-6: Effects group Multiple Stressor database Study type Effects endpoints and results Ecosystem Umbrella effect Multispecies studies Reproduction Which effect ? Species studied Morbidity Which effect ? Species 1 Common name Mortality Which effect ? Species 1 Latin name Genetic Which effect Species 2 Common name Physiological Which effect ? Species 2 Latin name Population relevant endpoints for Which effect ? Species 3 Common name multipspecies studies (e.g. Numbers of species) Species 3 Latin name Species 4 Common name Other Which effect ? Species 4 Latin name Other 2 Which effect ? List of stressors Short description of Results Stressor 1 Exposure levels stressor 1 single Please express results as far as possible in Stressor 2 terms of : no deviation from addition, Exposure levels stressor 2 single potentiation, synergy, antagonism Stressor 3 Major conclusions from the study Exposure levels stressor 3 single QA/QC Stressor 4 Exposure levels stressor 4 single Are we confident about the data? Stressor 5 Are we confident about the statistics Can we use the data for dose Exposure levels stressor 5 single and associated experimental design response curve development? used to identify the interaction? Exposure levels combination 12 Short description of the experimental set Reference up and conditions ID of person who put in data

  13. WG-6: Effects group Multiples Stressors ( H. Vandenhove ; Belgium with IUR ) 57 entries from open literature Only one case generated a dose response curve for the single stressors….. prior to an examination of multiple stressor responses (prerequisite to say anything about synergism / antagonism)

  14. WG-6: Effects group MS-effect modelling course Preliminary programme Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Claus Svendsen (CEH, UK) Opening and registration Stefan Van Dongen Testing for deviations from (University of Antwerp, Thomas Backhaus reference models using Belgium) Morning session (Göteborg University, surface design or isoboles - Best-fit method for Sweden) concentration-response - Experimental design curves - Introduction to reference - Statistical testing of models (concentration deviations from reference addition and independent models (including action) and to their calculation of confidence strengths and sensitivities belts) Thomas Backhaus Nina Cedergreen Stefan Van Dongen continued (University of Copenhagen, continued Afternoon session Denmark) to be confirmed Calculus session Calculus session ( Nathalie Vanhoudt, - Use of mixture toxicity continued Nele Horemans , within REACH and Water framework directive SCK•CEN, Belgium): Closing remarks prediction of mixture - Can the choice of endpoint lead to contradictory results effect from single concentration-response curve Organised by SCK•CEN and IUR 14 Suggestion: May 2010

  15. WG-6: Effects group Progress Canadian Benthic Data ( S. Mihok ; Canada ) (Uranium mining; derive dose to benthos; multivariate stats) • large and diverse data set of sediment cores taken from U mining areas • discussion on statistical analyses • developed plans to interact with WG4

  16. WG-6: Effects group Effects of Chronic Exposure to Alpha-Emitting Radionuclides on Health and Reproductive Fitness of Biota Carmel Mothersill; McMaster University, Canada

  17. Preliminary acute injection experiment: Fathead minnow 226 Ra injections 1. 21 µ Bq fish -1 (dose based on fathead minnow field data; Clulow et al 1998) 2. 210 µ Bq fish -1 (10x field data dose) 3. 2100 µ Bq fish -1 (100x field data dose) 4. Nitric acid ( 226 Ra solvent) control injections 5. Water injections – handling & injection stress control 6. Non-injected fish All injections administered i.p. via an insulin syringe (29G needle) Injection volume = 3 µ l fish -1 Clulow et al, 1998. Env. Pol. 99: 13 – 28

  18. Radioactive diet Experimental outline 2 WG-6: Effects group Control diet


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