Natural Antifoam Ingredients & Flavours – EMEA Region Where It All Comes Together
Technical capabilities Brewing ingredients and process aids Obtain maximum extract Improved protein Dextrin/glucan Chill haze stability Chill haze stability Flavour stability with good run-off sedimentation degradation Diacetyl reduction Reduced ß-glucan levels Wort clarity Low carbohydrate beer Foam stability Liquefaction/dextrinisation of Increased fermentability Improved yeast adjuncts Reduced foaming Reduced foaming floculation BIOGLUCANASE BIOGLUCANASE BIOFERM PROFIX BIOCLOUD AMYLOGLUCOSIDASE AMYLOGLUCOSIDASE BIOMATEX L BIOX YEAST FOODS PROTEASE BIOFINE FLAVOUR FERMCAP BIOFINE CLEAR WHIRLFLOC PROFIX FERMCAP S BIOFOAM HITEMPASE ������������ ��������
Kerry Foam Solutions for Beverages Creating and Reducing Stabilising Foam Process Foam Alcoholic Non-Alcoholic Brewing Beverage Beverages Beverages Fermentation processing Beer FABs / Malt Soft drinks Instant beer mixes drinks coffees etc
Main steps of foam formation Protein 1. Formation of Emulsifier bubbles Tannins Hydrocolloids 2. Stabilisation Emulsifiers Protein Lipids 3. Destabilisation Silicon based AF Veg/Cereal Oil based AF
Why foam can be inconvenient – Overall foam reduces process and cost efficiencies – Coating of vessels - higher CIP needed – Excessive foaming during CIP processes can greatly reduce cleaning efficiencies – Excessive foaming of washing / rinsing liquors can greatly decrease foaming efficiency. – Inaccurate readings from control and measuring equipment such as temperature, level and density controllers. – Negative impact on CO 2 purity/recovery
FermCap S –Most recent commercial trials/observations Increased FV capacity – up to 7-15% Increased hop utilisation – 4% Increased speed of fermentation Improved beer foam Improved CO 2 recovery Yeast sediments faster at end of fermentation, better compaction and better filtration performance No special cleaning required for cross flow filtration (ceramic) membranes. No reduction on flux rates with cross flow filtration (ceramic) membranes.
FermCap benefits: Increased fermenter capacity and earlier CO 2 recovery in high gravity brews Fermenter fill increasd by 5.2% 100,0% FermCap Control 99,9% Exhausting 99,8% gas 99,7% At the beginning of the 6,050hl 5,750hl CO2 purity 99,6% fermentation, the 17° P 17° P 99,5% decision of either venting or using the 99,4% Control exhausting gas FermCap 99,3% depends on its CO 2 content 99,2% 99,1% vent to CO 2 compression 99,0% 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time after tank filling (h) The desired CO 2 purity is reached earlier in the fermentations using FermCap: there is no entrapped air in the foam (because there is virtually no foam !) the headspace represents a smaller volume and is faster to replace it by the pure CO 2 produced by the yeast
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