native plants for site restoration

Native Plants for Site Restoration PART 1 David Polster, M.Sc. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Native Plants for Site Restoration PART 1 David Polster, M.Sc. R.P.Bio Polster Environmental Services Ltd. CP Rails Rogers Pass Project, 1983 - 1989 Detailed reclamation plans developed for each section of the project. Followed

  1. Native Plants for Site Restoration PART 1 David Polster, M.Sc. R.P.Bio Polster Environmental Services Ltd.

  2. CP Rail’s Roger’s Pass Project, 1983 - 1989

  3. Detailed reclamation plans developed for each section of the project. Followed successional patterns identified in the surrounding area. Incorporated the requirements of the rail line in the revegetation design.

  4. The first contract let on the Roger’s Pass Project was for the collection of seeds and propagules from the local area. Over 1,000,000 local native plants were planted, more than half of which were alder. This was the first major native plant purchase in Western Canada and provided a start to several native plant nurseries.

  5. Alder was the main species that was planted…

  6. …but a wide variety of species were used…

  7. …for specific sites.

  8. Native species planting was a major part of the restoration program.

  9. Tree & shrub planting Connaught tunnel muck, fall 1984

  10. Connaught tunnel muck, July 22, 1986

  11. Connaught tunnel muck, July, 1989

  12. Connaught tunnel muck 1992 1996

  13. Connaught tunnel muck understory, September 16, 1996

  14. Connaught tunnel muck warm in spring, May 24, 1994

  15. Connaught tunnel muck cool in summer, August 26, 1992

  16. Connaught tunnel muck, July 16, 1999

  17. Connaught tunnel muck, July 10, 2005

  18. Connaught tunnel muck, July 10, 2005

  19. Connaught tunnel muck, July 24, 2006

  20. Connaught tunnel muck, August 1, 2009

  21. West Portal, Planting in 1989 Rough and loose…

  22. West Portal, 1989

  23. West Portal tree & shrub planting, 1989

  24. West Portal August 25, 1992

  25. West Portal August 5, 1997

  26. West Portal July 15, 1999

  27. West Portal August 3, 2003

  28. West Portal July 8, 2005

  29. West Portal July 27, 2008

  30. West Portal September 17, 2011, 22 years after planting.

  31. West Portal September 17, 2011

  32. West Portal September 17, 2011

  33. Somenos Species at Risk Viola praemorsa

  34. Species at Risk Triteleia howellii

  35. Planting native species

  36. Over 80,000 native grasses and forbs planted to “re -stitch the fabric of the ecosystem”

  37. Use of nitrogen fixing pioneering species to enhance forest productivity at Quinsam Coal Mine

  38. Tests at Quinsam Coal Mine, 1982

  39. Tests using nitrogen fixers at Quinsam Coal Mine, 1983

  40. Tree planting at Soil bioengineering Quinsam Coal at Quinsam Coal Mine, 1983 Mine, 1982

  41. Soil bioengineering at Quinsam Coal Mine, 2007

  42. Assessment of forest productivity Quinsam Coal Mine, 2007 Natural forests

  43. Height vs. Age 2007

  44. Natural sites have an average growth rate of 0.54 m/yr

  45. Trees on the trial site have an average growth rate of 0.69 m/yr

  46. Planting strategy based on trial results, July 31, 2007

  47. By following the successional model of the forests around the site we can make reclamation a profit centre...

  48. ...and the trees just jump out of the ground, even on mine wastes, July 17, 2009…

  49. ...although deer browsing continues to be a problem, June 7, 2011.

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