national program of measures for marine threatened

National program of measures for marine threatened species and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

National program of measures for marine threatened species and habitats Sofia Brockmark and Anna Karlsson 400 species in 200 programs General structure Contribute to improved status of the species 5/19/2017

  1. National program of measures for marine threatened species and habitats Sofia Brockmark and Anna Karlsson

  2. 400 species in 200 programs

  3. General structure Contribute to improved status of the species 5/19/2017 3

  4. ” A successful recipe” Selection Private land/water owners, Species experts according to municipalities, non-profit specified organisations, private sector, criteria other agencies (forestry, roads, SMART agriculture) measures NATIONAL Governmental The County PROGRAM OF Agencies Administrative MEASURES FOR (SWaM, SEPA) Boards THREATENED SPECIES 5/19/2017 4

  5. Criteria for selection: • listed species for which status is not improved by “normal” management • relevant measures known/possible • possibility to involve other authorities 5/19/2017 5

  6. A new marine “recipe” • Integrated approach – adding RSC and directives • More focus on species/habitat complex • Complementary programs aimed at increasing knowledge 5/19/2017 6

  7. Examples of programs: • Greyling (Bothnian Bay) • Stoneworts (coastal waters) • River and Sea lamprey • Eelgrass, including restoration (Västerhavet) • Alisma wahlenbergii 5/19/2017 7


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