National program of measures for marine threatened species and habitats Sofia Brockmark and Anna Karlsson
400 species in 200 programs
General structure Contribute to improved status of the species 5/19/2017 3
” A successful recipe” Selection Private land/water owners, Species experts according to municipalities, non-profit specified organisations, private sector, criteria other agencies (forestry, roads, SMART agriculture) measures NATIONAL Governmental The County PROGRAM OF Agencies Administrative MEASURES FOR (SWaM, SEPA) Boards THREATENED SPECIES 5/19/2017 4
Criteria for selection: • listed species for which status is not improved by “normal” management • relevant measures known/possible • possibility to involve other authorities 5/19/2017 5
A new marine “recipe” • Integrated approach – adding RSC and directives • More focus on species/habitat complex • Complementary programs aimed at increasing knowledge 5/19/2017 6
Examples of programs: • Greyling (Bothnian Bay) • Stoneworts (coastal waters) • River and Sea lamprey • Eelgrass, including restoration (Västerhavet) • Alisma wahlenbergii 5/19/2017 7
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