List of threatened and List of threatened and declining species of lampreys declining species of lampreys and fishes in the Baltic Sea and fishes in the Baltic Sea Dr. Ronald Fricke, Dr. Ronald Fricke, Staatliches Museum fü ür r Staatliches Museum f Naturkunde Stuttgart, Germany Naturkunde Stuttgart, Germany
The 2nd BSRP/HELCOM Coastal Fish The 2nd BSRP/HELCOM Coastal Fish Monitoring Workshop, Helsinki, Monitoring Workshop, Helsinki, Finland, 31 Jan.- - 3 Feb. 2005, agreed 3 Feb. 2005, agreed Finland, 31 Jan. that a HELCOM List of Threatened that a HELCOM List of Threatened and Declining Fish and Lamprey and Declining Fish and Lamprey Species should be produced, and that Species should be produced, and that the procedure should follow OSPAR the procedure should follow OSPAR prioritisation criteria. prioritisation criteria. The HELCOM HABITAT Workshop on The HELCOM HABITAT Workshop on the development of an initial list of the development of an initial list of threatened and/or declining marine threatened and/or declining marine species and biotopes/habitats (Berlin, species and biotopes/habitats (Berlin, 1- -3 Mar. 2006) further implemented 3 Mar. 2006) further implemented 1 this list and produced a list of priority this list and produced a list of priority species and habitats. species and habitats. Platichthys flesus
National Red Lists – – National Red Lists HELCOM Area HELCOM Area IUCN Classification – – IUCN Classification HELCOM List of HELCOM List of Threatened and Declining Threatened and Declining Species Species HELCOM Priority List – – HELCOM Priority List HELCOM List of HELCOM List of Threatened and Declining Threatened and Declining Species ( (following following Species OSPAR criteria criteria) ) OSPAR Cottus gobio
Lampreys and and Fishes Fishes Lampreys Coordinator: : Dr Dr Ronald Fricke, Ronald Fricke, Coordinator Dr. Alexey Neyelov Dr. Alexey Neyelov, St Petersburg, , St Petersburg, Russia; Russia; Stuttgart, Germany Stuttgart, Germany Dr. Henn Ojaveer, Tallinn, Estonia; Dr. Henn Ojaveer, Tallinn, Estonia; Dr. Dr. Wojciech Wojciech Pelczarski Pelczarski, Gdynia, , Gdynia, Contributors Contributors: : Poland; Poland; Dr. Kaj Adjers Dr. Kaj Adjers, , Mariehamn Mariehamn, Aland; , Aland; Dr. Iwona Iwona Psuty Psuty- -Lipska Lipska, Gdynia, , Gdynia, Dr. Dr. Jan Andersson, Figeholm Figeholm, Sweden; , Sweden; Dr. Jan Andersson, Poland; Poland; Dr. Magnus Appelberg, Ö Öregrund regrund, , Dr. Magnus Appelberg, Dr. Rimantas Repecka, Vilnius, Dr. Rimantas Repecka, Vilnius, Sweden; Sweden; Lithuania; Lithuania; Dr. Uwe Bö öttcher, Rostock, Germany; ttcher, Rostock, Germany; Dr. Uwe B Katarzyna Roszkowska, Warszawa, Katarzyna Roszkowska, Warszawa, Poland; Poland; Dr. Redik Redik Eschbaum Eschbaum, Tartu, Estonia; , Tartu, Estonia; Dr. Dr. Henrik Sved Svedä äng ng, , Ö Öregrund regrund, , Dr. Henrik Dr. Ann- Dr. Ann -Britt Florin, Britt Florin, Ö Öregrund regrund, , Sweden Sweden; ; Sweden; Sweden; Dr. Zbigniew Dr. Zbigniew Glowacinski Glowacinski, Krakow, , Krakow, Dr. Ralf Dr. Ralf Thiel Thiel, Stralsund, Germany; , Stralsund, Germany; Poland; Poland; Dr. Markus Veternaa Veternaa, Tartu, Estonia; , Tartu, Estonia; Dr. Markus Dr. Ivars Ivars Kazmers Kazmers, Riga, Latvia; , Riga, Latvia; Dr. Dr. Hakan Hakan Wickstr Wickströ öm m, , Drottningholm Drottningholm, , Dr. Dr. Anti Lappalainen Dr. Anti Lappalainen, Helsinki, Finland; , Helsinki, Finland; Sweden; ; Sweden Dr. Linas Dr. Linas Lozys Lozys, Vilnius, Lithuania; , Vilnius, Lithuania; Dr. Helmut M. Winkler, Rostock, Dr. Helmut M. Winkler, Rostock, Dr. Atis Atis Minde Minde, Riga, Latvia; , Riga, Latvia; Dr. Germany. Germany.
Study area area – – Study Abbreviation Region Abbreviation Region fish distribution distribution fish KA Kattegat KA Kattegat WB Western Baltic Baltic WB Western SB Southern Baltic Baltic SB Southern CB Central Baltic Baltic CB Central RI Gulf of Riga of Riga RI Gulf BO Gulf of of Bothnia Bothnia BO Gulf FI Gulf of of Finland Finland FI Gulf
National lists lists National Member state state Most recent recent Member Most Red List Red List of threatened threatened of Denmark Berg, 1998 Denmark Berg, 1998 and declining declining and Estonia Anonymus, 2005a Estonia Anonymus, 2005a fish and and fish Finland Finland Rassi et al., 2001 Rassi et al., 2001 lamprey lamprey Germany Germany Fricke et al., 2005 Fricke et al., 2005 species species Latvia Specialist information information, 2005 , 2005 Latvia Specialist Lithuania Repecka, 2003 , 2003 Lithuania Repecka Poland G ł ł owaci owaci ń ń ski ski, 2001 , 2001 Poland G Russia Anonymus, 2004 Russia Anonymus, 2004 Sweden Gä ärdenfors rdenfors, 2005 , 2005 Sweden G General George, 2003, General George, 2003, elasmobranchs elasmobranchs Gobius niger
Abbreviation Criterion Abbreviation Criterion EX Extinct EX Extinct EW Extinct in in the the EW Extinct wild IUCN Red List wild IUCN Red List CR Critically CR Critically criteria2001.html criteria2001.html endangered endangered EN Endangered EN Endangered VU Vulnerable VU Vulnerable NT Near NT Near threatened threatened LC Least concern concern LC Least DD Data deficient deficient DD Data NE Not evaluated evaluated NE Not TM Threatened TM Threatened Petromyzon marinus migrant migrant
1) Factors Factors considered considered: : 1) Threat Threat HELCOM HELCOM Global importance importance Global Priority List of List of Priority Local importance importance Local threatened and and threatened Rarity Rarity declining fish fish declining Sensitivity Sensitivity and lamprey lamprey and Keystone species species Keystone species species Decline Decline 2) Application Application by by Conservation Conservation Cube Cube 2) Approach Approach
THREAT Main threats threats Main Abbreviation Threat Threat Abbreviation to lampreys lampreys to FIT Fishery ( (target target) ) FIT Fishery and fishes fishes in in and HELCOM FIB Fishery ( (bycatch bycatch) ) FIB Fishery HELCOM area area HAB Habitat loss loss HAB Habitat EUT Eutrophication/ /pollution pollution EUT Eutrophication CON Construction/weirs weirs in in CON Construction/ rivers rivers AQU Aquaculture/ / AQU Aquaculture introduction introduction
GLOBAL IMPORTANCE Global importance importance Global importance of the Global importance of the Global LOCAL IMPORTANCE HELCOM Area for a species. HELCOM Area for a species. Importance on a global scale, Importance on a global scale, of the HELCOM Area, for the of the HELCOM Area, for the species is when a high species is when a high proportion of a species at any proportion of a species at any Global/local local Global/ time of the life cycle occurs in time of the life cycle occurs in importance the HELCOM Area. importance the HELCOM Area. No global Not as described under “ Not as described under “global global No global importance.” ” importance. importance importance Local importance importance Importance within the Local Importance within the HELCOM Area, of the regions HELCOM Area, of the regions for the species where a high for the species where a high proportion of the total proportion of the total population of a species within population of a species within the HELCOM Area for any part the HELCOM Area for any part of its life cycle is restricted to a of its life cycle is restricted to a small number of locations in small number of locations in the HELCOM Area. the HELCOM Area. No local local Not as described under Not as described under “ “local local No importance.” ” importance. importance importance Perca fluviatilis
Criterion Guidance Criterion Guidance Guidance on the Guidance on the Global ‘High proportion High proportion’ ’ is is Global ‘ considered to be more considered to be more importance importance selection criteria for selection criteria for than 75%, when known. than 75%, when known. global and local global and local Local ‘High proportion High proportion’ ’ is is Local ‘ importance of importance of considered to be 90% of considered to be 90% of importance importance the population in a small the population in a small species species number of locations of number of locations of 50km x 50km grid 50km x 50km grid squares. This is squares. This is dependent on scientific dependent on scientific judgement regarding judgement regarding natural abundance, natural abundance, range or extent and range or extent and adequacy of recording. adequacy of recording. A different scale may be A different scale may be needed for different needed for different taxa. . taxa Lumpenus lampretaeformis
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