National Fair Funding Conference Autumn 2019 Tom Goldman Department for Education November 2019
Purdah ▪ Derivation “The name itself comes from the Urdu word purdah meaning "curtain" or "veil", describing the ensuring of women's modesty from the world of men” [ Wikipedia ] ▪ Or “Pre - Election Period of Sensitivity” ▪ Implications Officials cannot “respond on questions about future government policy or on matters of public controversy ”, or on “policies newly announced in a party manifesto or comparison of the policies of different parties”
So, what can I talk about? ▪ Some historical context ▪ Current funding arrangements ▪ School Resource Management programme
A (very) potted history 2011 Specific grants into DSG, Pupil 1988 Local Management of Schools Premium Delegated budgets, local formula, LA sets budget 2013 Limits on local formulae factors, 1997+ Passporting, Standards Fund, 3 blocks in DSG School Standards Grant 2015 Minimum Funding Levels Increased pressure on LA to pass 2017 EY National Funding Formula funding increases through to schools’ 2018 Schools, HN and CSSB NFFs, budget Teachers Pay Grant Increased funding paid as specific grant Schools Block ring-fenced / 2003 Reform of Education SSA disapplication process “Funding crisis” 2019 Teachers Pension Employer 2006 Dedicated Schools Grant Contribution Grant Funding ring-fenced to education, distribution by Spend plus
NFF today, in numbers ▪ £43.5 billion in the Core Schools budget in 2019-20, plus £3.5 billion for Early Years ▪ 5.6% of “Total Managed Expenditure” ▪ 597 days the NFF has been in operation ( 962 days for the EY NFF) ▪ 20,209 notional NFF school allocations (for 2020-21) ▪ >3.7 million data points to calculate the schools NFF ▪ 149 local formulae (and 150 from April 2021)
2019 Spending Round ▪ 3 years’ funding for schools & high needs, 1 year for early years (and rest of government) ▪ Schools & high needs: 2020-21 +£2.6bn ( of which: £780m for high needs) 2021-22 +£4.8bn 2022-23 +£7.1bn (cash: over 2019-20 baseline) Plus +£1.5bn pa for pensions ▪ Early years: +£66m
NFFs – round 3 / round 4 ▪ Schools, High Needs and CSSB NFFs – published 11 October Same format as previous years: PUFs, SUFs, notional school-level allocations, actual/provisional HN allocations Increases in factor values: +4%, floor, minimum levels, gains cap Increases in high needs: +8% / +17% 20% reduction in CSSB historic commitments ▪ EY NFF – rates published 31 October +8p, except loss cap areas Continue MNS supplementary funding ▪ Final allocations to follow (December, in a usual year)
Consultations ▪ Four consultations live / not concluded when election was called: o Implementing mandatory minimum per pupil funding levels o Clarifying the specific grant and ring-fenced status of the Dedicated Schools Grant o Financial transparency of LA maintained schools and academy trusts o Extending the academies risk protection arrangement to LA schools ▪ Decisions on whether and how to proceed will be made post-election ▪ Dependent on those decisions, proposals were to take effect for 2020-21
Other Grants ▪ 3 year Spending Round settlement also covered: Pupil Premium Teachers Pay Grant Teachers Pension Employer Contribution Grant ▪ 2019-20 final rates for Teachers Pay & Pensions announced 23 October ▪ 2020-21 rates not yet announced
School Resource Management ▪ Benchmarking ▪ School Resource Management Advisors ▪ Integrated Curriculum and Financial Planning icfp ▪ Financial advice for schools ▪ Schools Financial Value Standard standard-sfvs
Conclusion ▪ DfE/ESFA sessions today: ▪ Updates to the school resource management tools ▪ DSG Recovery Plans ▪ IFRS16 – Upcoming changes to accounting treatment for leases and policy implications ▪ National Funding Formula for Schools ▪ General Election: 12 December ▪ And then…
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