The Presidency Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation National Evaluation System Dr Ian Goldman, Head: Evaluation and Research PSPPD PSC 26 August 2014
Overall situation with evaluations 39 evaluations completed, or underway, of which 37 are NEP evaluations. Improvement Served Approved Research TORs Preparatio Stuck plans being at reports underway approved n stage implemented Cabinet 8 2 11 23 0 2 2 Cost benefit - R50 billion of programmes evaluated (over MTEF). 10% improvement = R5 billion, annual cost of evaluation system R50 million, so very high return on investment. The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 2
Nos of departments involved 15/46 national departments now involved in evaluations Nos of national + provincial departments involved in evaluations risen from 13% to 23% The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 3
NEP 2012/13 Completing Underway About to start Delays! Dept Title of evaluation Status as 5 May dti Implementation/ design evaluation of the Final report approved. Report Business Process Services Programme on way to Cabinet DBE Impact Evaluation of Grade R Final report approved. Report been to Cabinet Health Implementation Evaluation of Nutrition Final report approved and Programmes addressing Children Under been to Cab Committee 5 DRDLR Implementation Evaluation of the Land Final report approved and Reform Recapitalisation and been to Cab Committee Development Programme DRDLR Implementation Evaluation of CRDP Final report approved and been to Cab Committee DHS Implementation Evaluation of the Evaluation underway. DHS Integrated Residential Dev. Programme procurement has delayed DHS Implementation Evaluation of the Urban Evaluation underway. DHS Settlements Development Grant (USDG) procurement has delayed DBE Impact Evaluation of the National School DBE requested to drop. Nutrition Programme (NSNP) Reallocated to 2014/15. The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 4
Completing NEP 2013/14 Underway About to start Delays! by Sept Dept Title of evaluation Presidency Implementation Evaluation of Government’s Coordination Systems dti Evaluation of Export Marketing Investment Assistance Incentive programme (EMIAI) dti Evaluation of Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (SPII) dti Impact Evaluation of Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP) Military Evaluation of Military Veterans Economic Empowerment and Skills Veterans Transferability and Recognition Programme. DST Evaluation of National Advanced Manufacturing Technology Strategy SARS Impact Evaluation on Tax Compliance Cost of small businesses COGTA Impact evaluation of the Community Works Programme (CWP) DRDLR Evaluation of the Land Restitution Programme DAFF Impact Evaluation of CASP DAFF Implementation Evaluation of MAFISA DHS Baseline for informal settlements targeted for upgrading DHS Evaluating interventions by DHS to facilitate access to the city. DHS Diagnostic of whether the provision of state-subsidised housing has addressed asset poverty for households and local municipalities DPME Impact Evaluation of the Outcomes Approach The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 5
2014/15 Underway TORs No TORs Delays! developed yet Dept Evaluation DEA Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Environmental Governance in the Mining Sector (EEGM) DHET Design Evaluation of the Policy on Community Education and Training Colleges (PCETC) DHS Impact Evaluation of the Social Housing Programme (SHP) DST Evaluation of the Indigenous Knowledge Systems Policy (IKSP) DSD Diagnostic Evaluation/Programme Audit for Violence Against Women and Children (AVAWC) DSD Diagnostic Review of Coordination of the Social Sector Expanded Public Works Programme SAPS Economic Evaluation of the incremental investment into the SAPS Forensic Services DAFF/DRDLR Impact Evaluation of the Ilima Letsema Programme and Irrigation Schemes DAFF Impact evaluation of MAFISA (quantitative) – through 3ie DAFF/DRDLR Policy Evaluation of Small Farmer Support DBE Evaluation of the Funza-Lushaka Bursary Scheme DBE Impact evaluation of National School Nutrition Programme DRDLR Impact evaluation of Land Restitution Programme – through 3ie DPME Impact/implementation evaluation of the MPAT system DPME Implementation evaluation of the dept strategic planning and APP system The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 6
Evaluations selected for 2015/16 Impact/implementation evaluation of the evaluation system (DPME). Implementation evaluation of citizen-based monitoring programme (DPME). Agricultural Extension Recovery Plan (DAFF). Evaluation of the New School Curriculum (DBE). Evaluation of the Asset Forfeiture Unit Sub-programme (NPA). Diagnostic evaluation of the Non-Profit Organisations Regulatory Framework and Legislation (DSD). Implementation Evaluation of the National Drug Master Plan in addressing all forms of Substance abuse (DSD). Evaluation of the effectiveness of the South African Post-School Education and Training (PSET) quality assurance regime (DHET). Evaluation of Early Grade Reading in SA (DBE). Evaluation of the Mining Charter Evaluation of the service delivery improvement planning system The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 7
All Nos of MTSF Outcome evaluations evaluations since 2009 in NEPs 1. Improved quality of basic education . 15 5 2. A long and healthy life for all South Africans. 3 1 3. All people in South Africa are and feel safe . 4 3 4. Decent employment through inclusive economic 14 9 growth. 5. A skilled and capable workforce to support an 9 3 inclusive growth path. 6. An efficient, competitive and responsive economic 1 0 infrastructure network. 7. Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural 12 8 communities with food security for all. 8. Sustainable human settlements and improved 7 6 quality of household life. 9. A responsive, accountable, effective and efficient 3 2 local government system. 10. Environmental assets and natural resources that 5 1-2 are well protected and continually enhanced. 11. Create a better South Africa and contribute to a 0 0 better and safer Africa and World. 12. An efficient, effective and development oriented 10 5 public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship 13. Social Protection 8 6 The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 8 14. Social Cohesion 3 1
Outcome needed from evaluation Programme being evaluated results Close Major Minor No changes changes changes needed needed needed Early Childhood Development (ECD) X Business Process Services Programme X Grade R (reception year of schooling) X Nutrition Programmes addressing under 5s X Land Recapit. and Dev Prog (RECAP) X Comprehensive Rural Dev Prog (CRDP) X Export Marketing Investment Assistance X Support Prog for Industrial Innovation X (SPII) Many Land Restitution Programme X programmes Government Coordination System X need major (clusters/MinMECs/Implementation changes Forums) Micro Agric Financial Institution (MAFISA) X Presidential Intervention in KSD X The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 9
Progress with National Evaluation System 3 National and Provincial Evaluation plans to date, last week selected evaluations for 4th 39 evaluations completed, underway (11 completed, 2 public) 18 guidelines , evaluation standards , competences, trained >600 government staff Building demand – emphasising learning, reports to Cabinet, working with Parliament, publicising reports, training for DGs/DDGs in use of evidence Evaluation Repository – audit of evaluations since 2006, plus new - 103 evaluations on the website 2 provincial evaluation plans (WC and GP), working with 4 more provinces, and 5 departments have departmental evaluation plans First Annual Report on the National Evaluation System (for 2013/14) now available The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 10
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The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 13
Early indications of policy impact Role of improvement plans - produced for ECD, Land Restitution, Grade R, CRDP, RECAP and Business Process Services. First 6 month report for ECD, 2 nd due (late). Apart from the ECD evaluation, the next evaluation was only commissioned in October 2012 – ie 18 months prior to this report. It is therefore early days to see concrete impacts of the evaluations. Early days, some examples of policy influence can already be seen: New ECD policy drafted responding to the ECD Diagnostic Review, including the need to target children from conception; Renewed focus on quality of Grade R rather than just rollout as a result of the Grade R evaluation – included in MTSF. Renewed focus on nutrition in children resulting from the evaluation of nutrition interventions for children under 5, and a stunting target in the Medium-Term Strategic Framework. The Improvement Plan will take this further. Revised Business Process Outsourcing Scheme launched by Minister Davies in UK The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 14
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