national 5 information for parents

National 5 Information for Parents The aim is to develop the 4 key - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

National 5 Information for Parents The aim is to develop the 4 key skills of Reading Listening Talking Writing Paper 1 Reading and Writing: (1hr 30mins) Reading: ng: Pupils read 3 texts in the target language and

  1. National 5 Information for Parents

  2. The aim is to develop the 4 key skills of  Reading  Listening  Talking  Writing

  3.  Paper 1 Reading and Writing: (1hr 30mins)  Reading: ng:  Pupils read 3 texts in the target language and answer in English.  Each text is worth 10 marks  Total 30

  4.  Paper 1 Reading and Writing (1hr 30mins)  Writi ting: ng:  Pupils write an e-mail application based on a job advert  The e-mail has 4 predictable bullet points  2 unpredictable bullet points  Total 20 marks ( pegged 20/16/12/8/4/0 )  This is then scaled with assignment writing  Total 25% of total award.

  5.  Paper er 2: L Listeni tening ng (30mins)  Pupils listen to 2 texts  Item 1 monologue  Item 2 dialogue  Answer questions in English.  20 marks ( scaled to 25%)

  6.  Internally assessed  Nov/Dec  30marks ( scaled to 25%)  Pupils make a presentation supported by 40words of notes (1.5-2mins)  Follow-up question and answer on at least 1 additional topic for (5-6)mins  Quiet room with class teacher  Recorded for moderation and verification

  7.  Pupils choose from a selection of titles across 3 topic areas  Society  Learning  Culture  Produce 120-200 words in target language

  8.  December following talking  In class time  Drafted and then annotated by staff using an improvement code  Pupils then re-draft a final essay using the annotated version as their guide.  Graded internally for estimate  Marked externally by SQA 20 marks ( scaled to 12.5%)

  9.  Marks: s: Assignment: writing: 20  Performance: talking: 30  Question paper 1 - Reading: 30 - Writing: 20 Question paper 2 - Listening: 20  Weightings tings  Assignment: writing: 12.5%  Performance: talking: 25% 25%  Question paper 1 - Reading: 25% -  Writing: 12.5%  Question paper 2 - Listening: 25% 25%

  10.  Learn vocabulary !  The more words you know the better a listener you become  Less time spent in the dictionary  Expand your vocabulary in English – cognates support effective reading  Tune into French/Spanish radio as you do other work.  Seek out sites that offer free language in-put Radiolingua/ duolingo

  11.  Practise reading for detail  Try your hand at translation (no not Google translate!!)  Have a dictionary at home  Using a website is ok but doesn’t hone your skill for the exam  Use to practice grammar rules

  12.  Talking  Seek advice form your teacher on topic areas  Use study cards to practise at home  Use your phone to get your talk recorded  Come to supported study for some extra one to one in-put.  High marks here give you a head start for May.  Revise from your booklet … simples!

  13.  Timeline ne for N5 French ench  On handouts  N5 N5 Sp Spanish anish time meline ine  Talking and writing will take place in term2  Post prelim  Pupils will be given dates closer to the time  No overlap with French  Al All key ey dates es on we websit ite e shortly ortly


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