Nano ‐ and material technologies in the Eastern Partnership countries Building Together Knowledge ‐ oriented and Forward ‐ looking EU Neighbourhood Giles Brandon Managing Director, Intelligentsia Consultants 31 March 2015
Armenia Institute for Physical Research Participant in FP7 NANOMAT ‐ EPC Developing magnetic nanoparticles with Laser Zentrum Hannover for medical applications Participant in H2020 INTELUM Developing new fibres with CERN and CNRS Lyon for future particle detectors for high energy physics
Belarus Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics Coordinator of FP7 BELERA Developed nanostructured materials for biosensor devices with Universidad Politecnica de Valencia Participant in FP7 NANOMAT ‐ EPC Developing hybrid CNT/graphene electrodes with Cleancarb Sarl for supercapacitors
Georgia Georgian Technical University Coordinator of FP7 SENS ‐ ERA Developed radiation sensor elements based on rare earth semiconductors with Cranfield University and TEI Piraeus Participant in FP7 SECURE ‐ R2I Developing smart sensor systems for environmental monitoring with TEI Piraeus
Ukraine Frantsevitch Institute for Problems of Materials Science Participant in FP7 NANOMAT ‐ EPC Developing zirconia anodes with University of Birmingham for solid oxide fuel cells Participant in FP7 FIBRALSPEC Improving the production of carbon ‐ fibres using PAN precursors with Yuzhnoye SDO
Looking ahead: Association to H2020 Moldova (1/1/14) and Ukraine (1/1/15) are associated Hopefully, Armenia and Georgia to associate soon Increasing participation of Eastern Partnership countries in H2020 SME Instrument Widening (Teaming, Twinning and ERA ‐ Chair) European Technology Platforms (e.g. ENIAC) and Joint Technology Initiatives (e.g. Clean Sky) Marie Sk ł odowska ‐ Curie actions
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