“Nair On, Hair Off” #IWAX Movement Presented to you by: The Third Mile
As winter months draw closer and warm weather ▶ becomes a distant memory, so does hair removal. Why? Cold weather begets winter clothing and ▶ people simply feel less pressured to remove body Recap. hair. Although some may view winter as an off season for ▶ body grooming, most women do not. Studies show that women are willing to go to extreme circumstances to be hairless year-round.
Body grooming is an intimate experience that allows ▶ an individual to alter, remove and style body hair of their choosing. However, challenging measures of beauty standards in society too often dictate what is acceptable, and taboo subject matters are often shunned. Taboo problem areas for females: ▶ The Problem. ▶ Lady ‘stache ▶ Armpit hair ▶ Sideburns ▶ Nipple hair ▶ Happy trail
Sensitive Uncomfortable discussing hair growth Our Girl. Unsure of her current hair removal process
Modern-day woman, ages 18-24 ▶ Women who are seasonal Nair users ▶ ▶ They use it often in the summer months, Audience. but prefer not to remove hair in the winter. Women looking for new hair removal ▶ products/ a new hair removal process
Excessive hair growth is uncomfortable and ▶ challenging to manage, and some hair removal Insight. products are unsatisfying. Additionally, sharing experiences with hair removal products online is a bit nerve-racking.
Changing the Hair Removal community: ▶ Openly discuss hair growth and hair removal. Waxing/Depilatory statistics: Nair can ▶ Results last up to 8 weeks. challenge ▶ Repeated use minimizes hair regrowth. the status ▶ Removes short hair. No need to quo. wait as long for hair to grow back before you use it again. ▶ A new wax strip is used each time, versus using an old razor for an extended period of time.
Sparking the conversation. #IWAX Movement ▶
▶ Our #IWAX campaign promotes a unique message of beauty and togetherness . The evolving beauty world has shown women that they are more alike than they are different, through common passions and body concerns shared on social media everyday. #IWAX ▶ #IWAX hopes to encourage the female Movement community to engage in dialogue about why they wax and to give advice to women everywhere on the best ways to monitor their problem areas.
#IWAX Movement: Campaign Roll Out . We will create surround-sound support We set out to explain why women wax We would like to normalize body hair for women who are banning together to beyond bikini season. insecurities and turn them into positives. talk about waxing and harness the power of their voices.
Story angles to pitch to the media: Why women wax beyond bikini season Whether you're Waxing Annual festivities Our yearly taking a flight or beyond bikini that occur in Consumer staying local, Rewards season may fall/winter feeling and If you’ve been Program will be months include: prove to be as administered looking your using winter Better Valentine’s Day, through a convenient best is layers as an grooming is subscription-based New Year's Eve, and essential important. excuse to stop program that will affordable for Christmas, Mardi in longer offer bikini season Preparing for waxing, it’s the modern- Gras, etc. These giveaways. those special winter officially time day woman #IWAX will team holidays are people in your seasons for up with to maintain all-year round. momentous life may serve Universities in the two reasons: smooth, clear periods of northeast to as a priority, but holidays and provide care skin ! celebration that honing your Consumer package samples entice people to confidence is of Nair products. rewards. gather. forever.
Enlisting Influencers to Normalize body hair insecurities: Inspired by #NoMakeup Stance Inspired by a Although hair growth makes photoshoot for Women will most women feel her song titled, uncomfortable, empowered to “When a Girl Nair prides the #IWAX take Can’t Be itself on Movement ownership of Herself.” Keys offering plans to took the their hair unique transform hair growth as they #NoMakeup solutions for removal from did with stance and customers’ an insecurity makeup in stopped problem to a bold, Alicia Keys’ wearing beauty areas. makeup , not #NoMakeup technique Movement only in private women are but in public. proud of.
Tapping into taboo conversations: Inspired by the Free the Nipple Movement Similar to Free the Using #IWax #IWAX, the Nipple is a will be the The #IWax Free the means global Movement through which Nipple movement will encourage women ban Movement focused on women to talk together online created online equality and about their to harness conversation empowerment, unwanted the power of through the and is one of body hair and their voices use of a the fastest share their to change hashtag, growing unique modern day earning over beauty movements of solutions. 4 millions standards. our time. mentions
Paid We will put paid support behind influencers, then use their ▶ outreach and the media’s outreach to gain earned media. Media: Projected Influencers: ▶ Julia Comil | houseofcomil.com | @juliacomil Creative ▶ Judy Elle | voguevillain.com | @judyelle ▶ Katya Bychkova | stylesprinter.com | @stylesprinter Compelling,online video Platforms. stories ▶ Lauren Letizio | blameitonbarneys.com | @blameitonbarneys ▶ Soo Kang | browneyedtoast.com | @browneyedtoast We will give an exclusive to Glamour saying that they can ▶ release it on August 13 , then other outlets will be able to A Fall/Winter guide on release campaign information through embargo on Nair’s best facial hair August 14 . removers
Earned We will invite the media on-set to cover the videos ▶ Media: as they are being produced, and have the media announce our campaign to their audiences. We will share the video on Nair’s website and ▶ social media platforms as well as our influencers Creative platforms. Coverage from local and Platforms. national media We will target Felicia Benson and China McClain ▶ as key influencers who will fit perfectly with our campaign goals. Impressions, engagement and organic sharing/retweets on social media
▶ How will “#IWAX Movement” work? ▶ Boost product sales of Nair Wax Ready Strips & Nair Nourish during the fall/winter months ▶ It will increase conversation about waxing in the female community ▶ Promote efficient and affordable body grooming Evaluation. ▶ How will we measure its success? ▶ Measure engagement on social media. (impressions, Nair mentions, comments, likes and shares/retweets) ▶ Headliner reports the week of launch ▶ A thorough Media coverage report at the end of campaign
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