n 2 superconformal field theory and operator algebras

N = 2 superconformal field theory and operator algebras Yasu - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

N = 2 superconformal field theory and operator algebras Yasu Kawahigashi University of Tokyo Paris May 26, 2011 Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 1 / 17 Operator algebraic approach to conformal field theory

  1. N = 2 superconformal field theory and operator algebras Yasu Kawahigashi University of Tokyo Paris May 26, 2011 Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 1 / 17

  2. Operator algebraic approach to conformal field theory → Connecting subfactor theory and noncommutative geometry through superconformal field theory (with S. Carpi, R. Hillier, R. Longo and F. Xu) Outline of the talk: Conformal symmetry and the Virasoro algebras 1 Analogy between conformal field theory and differential 2 geometry Supersymmetry and the Dirac operator 3 N = 2 supersymmetry, the Doplicher-Haag-Roberts 4 theory (subfactors) and the Jaffe-Lesniewski-Osterwalder cocycle (noncommutative geometry) Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 1 / 17

  3. Our spacetime is S 1 and the spacetime symmetry group is the infinite dimensional Lie group Diff( S 1 ) . It gives a Lie algebra generated by L n = − z n +1 ∂ ∂z with | z | = 1 . The Virasoro algebra is a central extension of its complexification. It is an infinite dimensional Lie algebra generated by { L n | n ∈ Z } and a central element c with the following relations. ( m − n ) L m + n + m 3 − m [ L m , L n ] = δ m + n, 0 c. 12 We have a good understanding of its irreducible unitary highest weight representations, where the central charge c is mapped to a positive scalar. Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 2 / 17

  4. Fix a nice representation π of the Virasoro algebra, called a vacuum representation, and simply write L n for π ( L n ) . n ∈ Z L n z − n − 2 , called the stress-energy Consider L ( z ) = ∑ tensor, for z ∈ C with | z | = 1 . Regard it as a Fourier expansion of an operator-valued distribution on S 1 . This is a typical example of a quantum field. Fix an interval I and take a C ∞ -function f with supp f ⊂ I . We have an (unbounded) operator ⟨ L, f ⟩ as an application of an operator-valued distribution. Let A ( I ) be the von Neumann algebra of bounded linear operators generated by these operators with various f . The family { A ( I ) } gives an example of a conformal field theory. Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 3 / 17

  5. Operator algebraic axioms: (conformal field theory) Motivation: Operator-valued distributions { T } on S 1 . Fix an interval I ⊂ S 1 , consider ⟨ T, f ⟩ with supp f ⊂ I . A ( I ) : the von Neumann algebra generated by these (possibly unbounded) operators I 1 ⊂ I 2 ⇒ A ( I 1 ) ⊂ A ( I 2 ) . 1 I 1 ∩ I 2 = ∅ ⇒ [ A ( I 1 ) , A ( I 2 )] = 0 . (the commutator) 2 Diff( S 1 ) -covariance (conformal covariance) 3 Positive energy 4 Vacuum vector 5 Such a family { A ( I ) } is called a local conformal net. Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 4 / 17

  6. Each A ( I ) is usually an injective type III 1 factor (the unqiue Araki-Woods factor). Each A ( I ) has no physical information, but the family { A ( I ) } has. Representation theory of local conformal nets: Doplicher-Haag-Roberts theory of superselection sectors. Each representation is given by an endomorphism of one factor A ( I ) and its dimension is given by the square root of the Jones index of the image. A representation thus gives a subfactor. ( → many applications to subfactor theory) K-Longo-M¨ uger: Complete rationality ( ∼ finite depth subfactors) Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 5 / 17

  7. Geometric aspects of local conformal nets Classical geometry: Consider the Laplacian ∆ on an n -dimensional compact oriented Riemannian manifold. The classical Weyl formula gives an asymptotic expansion 1 Tr( e − t ∆ ) ∼ (4 πt ) n/ 2 ( a 0 + a 1 t + · · · ) , as t → 0+ , where a 0 is the volume of the manifold, and if n = 2 , then a 1 is (constant times) the Euler characteristic of the manifold. So the coefficients in the asymptotic expansion have a geometric meaning. We look for their analogues in the setting of local conformal nets. Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 6 / 17

  8. The conformal Hamiltonian L 0 of a local conformal net is the generator of the rotation group of S 1 . For a nice local conformal net, we have an expansion log Tr( e − tL 0 ) ∼ 1 t ( a 0 + a 1 t + · · · ) , where a 0 , a 1 , a 2 are explicitly given. (K-Longo) This gives an analogy of the Laplacian ∆ of a manifold and the conformal Hamiltonian L 0 of a local conformal net. A “square root” of the Laplacian gives a classical Dirac operator. The Connes approach in noncommutative geometry uses its abstract axiomatization. Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 7 / 17

  9. Noncommutative geometry: Noncommutative operator algebras are regarded as function algebras on noncommutative spaces. In geometry, we need manifolds rather than compact Hausdorff spaces or measure spaces. The Connes axiomatization of a noncommutative compact Riemannian spin manifold: a spectral triple ( A , H, D ) . A : ∗ -subalgebra of B ( H ) , the smooth algebra C ∞ ( M ) . 1 H : a Hilbert space, the space of L 2 -spinors. 2 D : an (unbounded) self-adjoint operator with compact 3 resolvents, the Dirac operator. We require [ D, x ] ∈ B ( H ) for all x ∈ A . 4 Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 8 / 17

  10. N = 1 super Virasoro algebras: (Adding a square root of L 0 ) The infinite dimensional super Lie algebras generated by central element c , even elements L n , n ∈ Z , and odd elements G r , r ∈ Z or r ∈ Z + 1 / 2 , with the following relations: ( m − n ) L m + n + m 3 − m [ L m , L n ] = δ m + n, 0 c, 12 ( m ) [ L m , G r ] = 2 − r G m + r , 2 L r + s + 1 r 2 − 1 ( ) [ G r , G s ] = δ r + s, 0 c. 3 4 Ramond [ [ Neveu-Schwarz ] ] algebra, if r ∈ Z [ [ r ∈ Z + 1 / 2] ] . Note G 2 0 = L 0 − c/ 24 for r = s = 0 in a representation. Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 9 / 17

  11. We again consider a unitary representation of (one of) the N = 1 super Virasoro algebras. Consider L ( z ) as before and r G r z − r − 3 / 2 as operator-valued distributions on S 1 . G ( z ) = ∑ Using test functions supported in an interval I , they produce a family { A ( I ) } of von Neumann algebras parametrized by I ⊂ S 1 . This gives a superconformal net, for which now the bracket in the axioms means a graded commutator. To make a further study in connection to noncommutative geometry, we work on N = 2 super Virasoro algebra and its unitary representations. Instead of one series { G r } , we next have two series { G ± r } for the N = 2 case. Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 10 / 17

  12. N = 2 super Virasoro algebra: Generated by c , L n , J n and G ± n ± a , n ∈ Z , with the following relations. ( a : a parameter) ( m − n ) L m + n + m 3 − m [ L m , L n ] = δ m + n, 0 c, 12 m [ J m , J n ] = 3 δ m + n, 0 c [ L n , J m ] = − mJ m + n , [ G + n + a , G + [ G − n − a , G − m + a ] = m − a ] = 0 , ( n ) [ L n , G ± G ± m ± a ] = 2 − ( m ± a ) m + n ± a , [ J n , G ± ± G ± m ± a ] = m + n ± a , [ G + n + a , G − m − a ] = 2 L m + n + ( n − m + 2 a ) J n + m + 1 ( n + a ) 2 − 1 ( ) δ m + n, 0 c. 3 4 Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 11 / 17

  13. It is known that an irreducible unitary representation maps c to a scalar in the set { 3 m � } � � m = 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . ∪ [3 , ∞ ) . � m + 2 We consider only the case c = 3 m/ ( m + 2) now. √ √ n + G − n − G − We use G 1 n = ( G + 2 and G 2 n = − i ( G + n ) / n ) / 2 . We fix a unitary representation and write L n , G 1 n , G 2 n , J n for their images in the representation. They are closed unbounded operators. We then use the four operator-valued distributions n z − n − 3 / 2 ( j = 1 , 2 ) and n L n z − n − 2 , G j ( z ) = ∑ n G j L ( z ) = ∑ n J n z − n − 1 , where z ∈ C with | z | = 1 . J ( z ) = ∑ Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 12 / 17

  14. As before, using these four operator-valued distributions and test functions supported in I ⊂ S 1 , we obtain a family of von Neumann algebras { A ( I ) } parametrized by the intervals I . Their extensions are N = 2 superconformal nets. They are classified and listed completely. Typical methods to give an extension are the coset construction, which give the relative commutant of a subnet, and the mirror extension in the sense of Xu, which copies one extension to give another. Now these two are mixed together, and we have a crossed product extension with a finite cyclic group of an arbitrary order. This was not the case in the previous classification results for (super) conformal nets. Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 13 / 17

  15. We now construct a family of spectral triples parameterized by the intervals I . We need the Dirac operator, and have two candidates G 1 0 and G 2 0 in the Ramond representation, but they are unitarily equivalent, so we just choose G 1 0 , and put δ ( x ) = [ G 1 0 , x ] for a bounded linear operator x on the representation space. We put ∞ ∩ dom( δ n ) . A ( I ) = A ( I ) ∩ n =1 Each A ( I ) is nontrivial and satisfies δ ( A ( I )) ⊂ A ( I ) . That is, our spectral triple ( A ( I ) , H, G 1 0 ) gives a quantum algebra in the sense of Jaffe-Lesniewski-Osterwalder. Yasu Kawahigashi (Univ. Tokyo) N = 2 SCFT and OA Paris May 26, 2011 14 / 17


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