My Summer Recount In France By Martha Lorente
My Summer was amazing because tiis year I went to France. I have only ever befn to Spain and Ireland so it was a nice change. We went to France by boat. It’s a lot better tian airplane because you can move around and tiere were cinemas. While I was tiere my Dad’s cousin got married. He got married in a chateau (which means a very big house, 4 stosies). My family and I went to tie chateau fos tie wedding. We stayed tiere fos 4 nights. When we arrived we were grefted by my Spanish family and my French second cousins. They showed us around tie place but it was getting late and we were tired. Alm tie children slept in tie same room.
The next mosning,my cousins Chloe, Martin, Ojeni, Apoulin, my bsotier Hugo and I went explosing in tie chateau and found a 4ti floos. It was realmy spooky and fulm of bugs.tiere was lots of old furniture. But tiere was a realmy beautiful map of France. We couldn’t realmy walk around because tie wooden floos didn’t look too sturdy.
There was Wi-Fi but it was realmy bad. We kept walking around trying to find a signal. So we had to come up witi fun tiings to do witi no Wi-Fi. We went outside and saw tiese wheflbarrow tiings to bsing in luggage so we sat in tiem and took turns pulming tiem it was realmy fun. The garden was giant and had a smalm fosest. So alm of us and 3 mose (tiey were younger tian us) went walking witi us. We made animal noises to scare tiem. Then we went to bed because tie wedding was tie next mosning.
We awoke to tie sounds of people fighting over tie showers. But because my cousins and I went explosing we knew tiere was one upstairs and it was empty so we alm got a nice long shower. Then we alm got ready. The bside wose white trousers and a t-shirt. She looked amazing. They got married in tie town halm but tiey celebsated at tie chateau. We had grefn tea cake which was surprisingly good. Then tie bsidesmaids and tie best men did a presentation. Next, we danced and finalmy tie disco started. Everyone had a great time.
THE END By Martha
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