musings of an ahrq program official

Musings of an AHRQ Program Official David Meyers, MD AHRQ Chief - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Musings of an AHRQ Program Official David Meyers, MD AHRQ Chief Physician June 3, 2019 AHRQs Role: The Why, What, and How Our Our Aim Our Goal Competencies Improve the lives To help healthcare Health Systems of patients systems

  1. Musings of an AHRQ Program Official David Meyers, MD AHRQ Chief Physician June 3, 2019

  2. AHRQ’s Role: The Why, What, and How Our Our Aim Our Goal Competencies • Improve the lives To help healthcare Health Systems of patients systems and Research • professionals Practice deliver care that is Improvement • Data & • High Quality Analytics • Safe • High Value (Why) (What) (How) 2

  3. The View of AHRQ’s Director • Cure and Care are two sides of the same coin. • While science and research to discover cures is needed, science, research, and implementation to improve care is imperative . 3

  4. FY 2019 Budget • $338 million in annual appropriations ► Second consecutive fiscal year with a budget increase ► AHRQ is the smallest operating division in HHS • ~ $110 million transfer from the PCOR Trust Fund ► To be invested in: − Researcher training, and − Disseminating and Implementing evidence into practice

  5. Topics heard while getting my morning coffee… • Patient safety ► Diagnostic error ► Healthcare Associated Infections / Healthcare-Acquired Conditions • Policy-relevant analysis and evaluation ► Secondary Data Analysis • Primary care • Using digital health to improve quality • Improving care for people living with multiple chronic conditions • Opioids/Pain Management; Drug Pricing (Secretarial Priorities) • Value • Innovative Investigator-Initiated Ideas 5

  6. Where to check if you aren’t in the AHRQ cafeteria… • AHRQ Special Emphasis Notices ► notices/index.html • AHRQ Research Priorities ► • Introduction to AHRQ HSR R01 (Part 2, Section 1) ► • AHRQ Views Blog ► 6

  7. When to think about AHRQ • Are you thinking about the healthcare system? • Are you thinking about improving quality, safety, or value? • Is there no obvious NIH institute with a focus on your question? • Are you interested in both implementing evidence and understanding how best to implement evidence? • Are you thinking about moving beyond translation into operationalization and sustainability? • Are you looking for career development support and answer yes to the questions above? 7

  8. When AHRQ may not be the best fit • Disease or condition focused treatment research (NIH) • Health research that does not engage the healthcare delivery system (CDC) • Clinical comparative effectiveness research (PCORI) ► AHRQ maintains an interest in HSR-focused CER • Developing a prototype of a new technology or algorithm (Venture capital) 8

  9. Major AHRQ Standing Research Announcements • Definitive Research: ► HSR R01: ► HSR R18: • Exploratory Research: ► HSR R03: ► Health IT R21: • Conference Grant: ► R13: 9

  10. Interesting Targeted Standing Announcements • Advancing Evidence into Practice through Shared, Interoperable Clinical Decision Support Resources (U18) • Making Health Care Safer in Ambulatory Care Settings and Long Term Care Facilities (R18) • Implementation and Evaluation of New Health Information Technology (IT) Strategies for Collecting and Using Patient- Reported Outcome (PRO) Measures (U18) • Large Research Projects for Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections (R01) • Developing Measures of Shared Decision Making (R01) 10

  11. AHRQ Career Development Opportunities Pre-Doctoral • AHRQ Health Services Research Dissertation Program (R36) Post-Doctoral • AHRQ Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship (F32) Career Development • AHRQ Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (K08) • AHRQ Mentored Research Scientist Research Career Development Award (K01) 11

  12. AHRQ and NIH are similar • One can find all AHRQ and NIH grant opportunities in NIH’s Guide for Grants: ► Individual NIH institutes and AHRQ also list their opportunities on their own websites: AHRQ -- • AHRQ and NIH use a common application template (SF424) • PIs and Institutions must register before submitting an application • AHRQ and NIH grant applications are submitted to the same Center for Scientific Review 12

  13. …but not identical • AHRQ does not accept modular budgets • AHRQ requires indirects to be bundled into total costs for grant budget, NIH only requires direct costs to be included • AHRQ standard maximum annual R01 level is $400K, NIH $500k 13

  14. Reminder:vWhen to think about AHRQ • Are you thinking about the healthcare system? • Are you thinking about improving quality, safety, or value? • Is there no obvious NIH institute with a focus on your question? • Are you interested in both implementing evidence and understanding how best to implement evidence? • Are you thinking about moving beyond translation into operationalization and sustainability? • Are you looking for career development support and answer yes to the questions above? 14

  15. Improving your chances of getting funded • Talk to program officers 15

  16. Improving your chances of getting funded • Talk to program officers • (I really could stop here) 16

  17. Improving your chances of getting funded • Talk to program officers • Read FOAs carefully ► Each NIH institute and AHRQ are different ► Within AHRQ, details vary between FOAs • Consider the review criteria • Listen to what the FOA is asking for • Join or build a team • Submit more than one application based on a portfolio of related ideas • Befriend a statistician • Don’t forget about AHRQ 17


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