music portal for last fm and myspace ontology

Music Portal for and Myspace ontology (Sharanya Chinnusamy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Music Portal for and Myspace ontology (Sharanya Chinnusamy ) B636 Final Project - What is Ontology ? - Languages used DBTune Myspace ontology Classes: Agent, AudioFile, Country, Genre, MusicArtist, Page Properties: age,

  1. Music Portal for and Myspace ontology (Sharanya Chinnusamy ) B636 Final Project

  2. - What is Ontology ? - Languages used

  3. DBTune

  4. Myspace ontology  Classes: Agent, AudioFile, Country, Genre, MusicArtist, Page  Properties: age, bandMembers, cachedMP3, friend, genreTag, influences, myspaceID, plays, profileViews, recordLabel, recordLabelType, soundsLike, topFriend, totalPlays

  5. SPARQL Query PREFIX mysp:<> PREFIX foaf:<> PREFIX mo:<> SELECT ?image ?profile_views ?no_of_friends ?location ?country ?title ?link ?track_img ?noof_plays WHERE { ?artist a mo:MusicArtist ; foaf:name "dj cappel" . ?artist foaf:depiction ?image ; mysp:profileViews ?profile_views ; mysp:locality ?location ; mysp:country ?country ; mysp:totalFriends ?no_of_friends . ?artist foaf:made ?track . ?track dc:title ?title ; mo:available_as ?link ; foaf:depiction ?track_img ; mysp:plays ?noof_plays . }

  6.  Demo

  7. Thank you ! Questions???


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