multifamily performance program

Multifamily Performance Program Existing Buildings Component New - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NYSERDAs Multifamily Performance Program Existing Buildings Component New Construction Component CNYC's 30th Annual Housing Conference November 14 th , 2010 Michael Colgrove NYSERDA 1 NYSERDA New York State Energy Research &

  1. NYSERDA’s Multifamily Performance Program Existing Buildings Component New Construction Component CNYC's 30th Annual Housing Conference November 14 th , 2010 Michael Colgrove NYSERDA 1

  2. NYSERDA • New York State Energy Research & Development Authority • Established in 1975 • Administering energy efficiency & clean energy programs since the 90’s • Commercial, Industrial, and Residential programs • Programs funded primarily through rate payer funds 2

  3. W HY SHOULD REDUCING ENERGY USAGE IN YOUR BUILDING BE IMPORTANT TO YOU ? • Reduced energy costs • Reduced operations & maintenance costs • Preserving the affordability of housing for residents • Resident comfort • Compliance with NYC’s Greener Greater Buildings legislation 3

  4. M ULTIFAMILY P ERFORMANCE P ROGRAM • Launched May 2007, MPP V4 September 2010 • One-Stop Program for all 5+ unit buildings • 15% Source Energy Use Reduction Target • Fixed Knowable Incentives • Participant works with approved energy consultant or “Partner” • Thermodynamic model to predict savings • Buildings on a firm gas utility rate 4

  5. MPP P ROCESS PLAN • Select and hire a Multifamily Performance Partner • Submit application and signed Terms and Agreement • Attend a Scoping Session with NYSERDA Project Manager • Review and approve Energy Reduction Plan prepared by Partner INSTALL • 50% Completion Inspection • Substantial Completion Inspection MEASURE • Post construction benchmarking 5

  6. MPP I NCENTIVE L EVELS : E XISTING B UILDINGS Incentive Schedule AFFORDABLE HOUSING MARKET-RATE HOUSING Plan PAYMENT #1 Base Incentive $5,000 / project $2,500 / project (projects up to 30 units) Base Incentive $10,000 / project $5,000 / project (projects from 31-500 units Incremental Incentive $20 / unit (over 100 units) $10 / unit (over 100 units Incentive payable upon of the Energy Reduction Plan and associated documents, which must include documentation that the building has been benchmarked using the NYSERDA Benchmarking Tool. The list of required documents and additional information is located in Program Guidelines Section 3. PAYMENT #2 $300 / unit Install Incentive payable at 50% construction complete, based upon a successful Program inspection. The list of required documents and additional information is located in Program Guidelines Section 4. PAYMENT #3 $300 / unit Incentive payable at substantial completion of construction, based upon a successful Program inspection, performance testing (as applicable), and verification of active utility accounts. The list of required documents and additional information is located in Program Measure Guidelines Section 4. 6

  7. A FFORDABLE H OUSING C RITERIA At least 25% of units must qualify as affordable to households 80% or less of Area Median Income (AMI) or State Median Income (SMI). 7

  8. 8

  9. M ULTIFAMILY P ROGRAM O PTIONS 75 + Units NYSERDA < 76 Units Note that NYSERDA or buildings Con Edison CANNOT get incentives from both NYSERDA and their utility. 9

  10. M ULTIFAMILY P ROGRAM O PTIONS 4 + Stories MPP < 4 Stories Home Performance with ENERGY STAR 10

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  12. 12

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  14. 14

  15. S COPING S ESSION • Onsite meeting with NYSERDA Project Manager, owner, and Partner to discuss the Program, the building, and to answer any questions. • Tour the building, identify opportunities and confirm the application. • Document results of visit to assist in ERP review. • Successful scoping session will result in the pre- encumbrance of the project’s incentives 15

  16. P ROGRAM M ATERIALS Performance Indicator • Buildings that engage the Program will receive a display for their building indicating their participation and outlining their energy reduction target. • A project-specific brochure communicates what the building is doing to the residents. 16

  17. I MPORTANT D EADLINES Notice to ERP Two Months Proceed Submittal Conference Call to Discuss ERP Two Weeks Necessary ERP Resubmittal Changes ERP Construction One Year Approval Completion Projects must be in construction by November 2011 17

  18. P ROGRAM R ECOGNITION New York Energy $mart Label • Buildings that successfully achieve their target will be designated a “New York Energy $mart Building”. • Those buildings will receive a plaque and banner to promote their achievement. 18

  19. M OST R ECOMMENDED M EASURES : E XISTING B UILDINGS Refrigerators, install Energy Star Lighting, fluorescent, upgrade existing - CA Insulation, roof deck or attic Lighting, incandescent to fluorescent - apts Low-flow aerators, install Envelope penetrations, seal (with energy savings) Boiler, replace Low-flow showerheads, install Lighting, CFL's, install Windows, replace, apts Lighting, fluorescent, upgrade existing - apts Piping, DHW, insulate DHW, controls Boiler, new high efficiency, install DHW heater, high efficiency, install Exterior doors, weatherstrip or airseal Thermostatic radiator valves, install Lighting, exterior, upgrade or install Washing machines, install Energy Star Programmable thermostats, install 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 19

  20. A FFORDABILITY : E XISTING B UILDINGS 28% Affordable Market Rate 72% 20

  21. O WNERSHIP T YPE : E XISTING B UILDINGS 2% 20% 20% Condo Co-op For-Profit Rental Non-Profit Rental 58% 21


  23. MPP New Construction 23

  24. MPP Incentive Schedule: New Construction AFFORDABLE HOUSING MARKET-RATE HOUSING PAYMENT #1 Plan Performance Path $20,000 $15,000 Prescriptive Path N/A N/A Payable upon approval of the proposed Energy Reduction Plan and associated documents. The list of required documents and additional information is located in Program Guidelines Section 3. Payment #1 is available for performance path projects only. PAYMENT #2 $1.00/ghsf* Install Payment upon approval of the Open-Wall Site Inspection. The list of required documents and additional information is located in Program Guidelines Section 3. PAYMENT #3 $0.50/ghsf* minus 10% retainage Payable upon approval of the As-Built Energy Reduction Plan (Performance path projects only) and the As-Built Site Inspection. The list of required documents and additional information is located in Program Guidelines Section 3. PAYMENT #4 10% retainage held from Payment #3 Measure Payable upon receipt of the Fuel Release Forms as detailed in the Participation Agreement. The list of required documents and additional information is located in Program Guidelines Section 3. 24

  25. Important Deadlines Notice to ERP Two Months Proceed Submittal Conference Call to Discuss ERP Two Weeks Necessary ERP Resubmital Changes Project closing must occur prior to July 1, 2011 25

  26. P ROGRAM R ECOGNITION ENERGY STAR Label • Upon completion, buildings receive the ENERGY STAR label from the US EPA. • Those buildings will receive a plaque and banner to promote their achievement. 26

  27. M OST R ECOMMENDED M EASURES : N EW C ONSTRUCTION Insulation, roof deck or attic Refrigerators, install Energy Star Insulation, walls Windows, new high efficiency, install, apts Washing machines, install Energy Star Lighting, High Efficiency Flourescent, Apt install Boiler, new high efficiency, install Lighting, High Efficiency Flourescent, CA, install Lighting, occupancy sensors, install Air Conditioners, install Dishwasher, Install Energy Star Low-flow showerheads, install Low-flow aerators, install Exhaust fans, install Energy Star DHW indirect-fired heater, install Insulation, Below Grade Walls Lighting, exterior, upgrade or install Pumps, VFD Install Motors, Install NEMA premium efficiency Elevator, High Efficiency, install 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 27

  28. A FFORDABILITY : N EW C ONSTRUCTION 15% Affordable Market Rate 85% 28

  29. Q UESTIONS ? Call: 1-877-NYSERDA Visit: Email: 29


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