mult ltiprofessional health center b sum

Mult ltiprofessional health center Bsum PD Dr. K. Gtz & M. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Mult ltiprofessional health center Bsum PD Dr. K. Gtz & M. Jnemann, MD, MBA Porto 26.09.2017 Workshop PORT health centers: shaping the future of primary and long- term care in Germany Where is Bsum? North of Germany on the

  1. Mult ltiprofessional health center Büsum PD Dr. K. Götz & M. Jünemann, MD, MBA Porto 26.09.2017 Workshop „PORT health centers: shaping the future of primary and long- term care in Germany“

  2. Where is Büsum? • North of Germany on the north-sea coast • Inhabitants 4,904 (2016) and tourists over 160,000 per year • Distance to Hamburg  123 km

  3. Aim of our project • Long-term assurance and strengthening of the healthcare location Büsum • Supporting healthcare staff for pleasant working condition • Investigation in community-based care

  4. Project content • Implementation of case management supported by telemedicine applications • Development of multiprofessional care paths • Use of volunteers for comprehensive patient care n-endpoints/desktop-collaboration-experience- dx600-series/index.html

  5. Health center in local sponsorship advantage: municipal institutions

  6. Preparation for the project • Evaluation of structure and process of care organization • Evaluation of patient perspective of care • Evaluation of mobility and accessibility of the practice • Team development within the pracitce (workshop activities) • Regular exchange of the steering group

  7. Work packages 1) Implementation of case management for chronic conditions 2) Use of telemedicine applications 3) Implementation of a training system 4) Support through volunteers 5) Extension of clinical pathways and of a inter-professional quality management system

  8. Chronic Care-Model nach Wagner et. al, 2001; German adaption by Gensichen, Knieps, Schlette 2006 Organization of health care Community CM: self-management support Delivery system design Training concepts: Inter-professional treatment Clinical information system Decision support strengthening of pathways: task sharing within the self-responsibility practice team TM: Patient register, recall Cooperation, clinical pathways, („Empowerment“) CM: regular monitoring service, individualized treatment quality management: plan, electronic patient record Evidence based guidelines for Volunteers physicians from different diciplines and patients Prepared, proactive Productive Interactions Informed, activated patient practice team Health care for the future

  9. Case Manager Hospital Nurse Physicians Practice assistant PATIENT Pharmacy Exercise offering Physical therapist Training program Volunteers Nutrition counseling

  10. Realization of CCM

  11. Our team for project realization


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